Kategorier: Alle - goal - patterns - beliefs - struggle

af Kateryna Smirnova 3 år siden



Beliefs can significantly influence one's ability to achieve goals. Identifying and understanding these beliefs is crucial for personal development. To start, it's important to clearly define what you want and what you'


Floating topic

Цепочка. Запустить другую цепочку. Робеерт Новички только подписались

Сообщение. Now think: who do you need to reach your goals? I'm talking about people right now. Teacher, mentor, sponsor, investor, partner or just an assistant, friend, and someone who listens to you. Who are they? Think about it carefully and write your answers in a workbook. What do you want from these people?

Сообщение. The second question is, “Where do I find them?” Let's recall the rules for networking: 1. Decide on the request (we’ve already done it) 2. Take an inventory of old acquaintances, i.e. classmates, groupmates, and friends. Check their social media profiles, learn what they are doing now. 3. Subscribe to groups and pages on social media that cover the topic of your interest. You will easily find fellow thinkers. 4. Attend subject-matter conferences, forums, specialized exhibitions, festivals, camps, and go on joint tours. That way you can have live interactions and make the most out of them. By the way, if you are interested in tours with entrepreneurs, make sure to follow Cartel Travel and keep an eye on upcoming trips.

Hi! It's been 3 days but we are standing still... Why? Let's move on!

I get it

Сообщение. 5. Don't talk about work straight away. A lot of people don’t like it when you start a conversation with a business-related question. However, common interests and simple pleasant interaction will take the relationship to a new level immediately. 6. Systematize your interaction. Make a list of important business contacts and keep up with important events in their lives. Reach out to them to congratulate on their birthday, project completion or a new career achievement, or simply comment on their social media post. 7. Give more than you take, choose quality over quantity. It is much more efficient to find a few people with whom you can build meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships than make dozens of merely passing acquaintances.

Let's move on

Сообщение. Now draw conclusions and write an action plan for a networking in the workbook. And keep in mind that time spent interacting with people is always a solid investment in both business and life. More often than not, you can achieve a positive result even where you do not expect it.

Сообщение. Thank you! 😍 I am very proud of you ❤ Not everybody finishes what they started but you did it! And now I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback! Did you find it difficult? Did the training help you along? What else would you add? Thanks again!

Сообщение. Hi there! It's been 3 days and there's only one step left to make. Go for it!

I'm going!

Сообщение. Hi! We have been stuck... We cannot expect to gain any results unless we continue what we started! You're almost there!

Cartel Travel

Действие. Задать теги: роберт

Сообщение. Hi there! Let me remind you that it's been 3 days and we are still idling. Have you written down whom you need to achieve your goals? Shall we continue?

Роберт 10 Нетворкинг

Сообщение. How to find yourself and start managing scenarios of your life? Start by identifying key social roles. This is what reflects your position in society and helps get your priorities straight. Simple examples of roles include “manager", "mother", "doctor", "expert", etc. The workbook has a special table which you need to fill out.

Цепочка. Запустить другую цепочку. Роберт 10 Нетворкинг
Сообщение. Hi there! We've been stuck here for 3 days now. It's time to get going :)

Сообщение. To change something dramatically with the least effort and money spent, you need mentors as they have both the necessary experience and the knowledge to encourage those changes. Here’s a tip! Think again about what you wish to change fundamentally. Write down what you need to achieve this. Just don't write things like, "I need a lot of money", this won’t help. Search for relevant information online, look for a mentor, a company engaged in matters of your concern and contact them, find out the prices, and deadlines.

Сообщение. In any case, in order to move forward, you will need to identify your social roles.

Сообщение. Hi there, it’s been 3 days now, we have been stuck… Let’s move on, shall we? Please press the button :)

Сообщение. Hi there! We have been standing still for 3 days... Do you have a hard time deciding what you really want? Perhaps everything is not so bad in this case and you just need to evolve where you are now? Maybe you should just make a better version of yourself, how about that?

Сообщение. And it's been 3 days again. Seems like this step has been extra hard for you. Shall we return to planning?

Yes, I'd like to get back to it

No, I'll continue

I guess so

No! I wish to change everything!

Роберт 8Б Кардинальные перемены

Роберт 9 Социальные роли

Сообщение. Excellent! Then let’s explore your strengths and weaknesses. You have already written all your "I Can" in the workbook, let's go back there. You see achieving your goal in many ways depends on how determined you are, whether you can make it happen. And your knowledge, experience, and skills are your greatest strength. Do you understand? In other words, you need to figure out what knowledge and skills you need to acquire to achieve your goal faster. Write down all your thoughts in a workbook. It will come in handy later.

Сообщение. Now let’s move on to practice. Google everything you need. See where you can learn what you need. Check out all the free stuff. Try to put into practice everything you learned right away. Watch YouTube videos, find relevant bloggers on Instagram that cover your topic and read their entire feed. This practice can take from a week to a month, depending on your ability to learn and your determination. Don't say you don't have the time because you do. Perhaps you are lacking motivation and will. Do not rush to press “Done” because skipping this step will set you back or you will simply stay where you are now.

Сообщение. Excellent! If you had done everything right, you now know what to do next. Congratulations! You can now identify your social roles in order to understand how to act further down the line.

Social roles

Цепочка. Запустить другую цепочку. Роберт 9 Социальные роли

Сообщение. Hi there! It's been 3 days now and we continue standing still. Time to move to the next level.

Сообщение. Hi there! It's been 5 days. Have you looked into the matter? Maybe it's time to move forward, what do you think?

Сообщение. We've been stuck here for 3 days 😰 It's time to get going!

Роберт 8А Развитие на месте

Сообщение. So, where do we begin? For starters, you need to figure out whether you will evolve where you are now or you need to change everything completely. What does it imply? It means changing profession, moving to a new place, starting a family, etc. Choose what your next step will be 😉

Сообщение. Hi there! It's been 3 days and you still haven't decided anything :) Shall we change things or stay where we are at?

We will continue

I'll change everything

I'll evolve here

Цепочка. Запустить другую цепочку Роберт 8А Развитие на месте

I wish to change everything

Цепочка. Запустить другую цепочку Роберт 8Б Кардинальные перемены

Роберт 8 С чего начать

Let's sum up what we have accomplished with you so far. ✅We have figured out what you are doing now and established your point A. ✅We have identified and outlined your point B. Now you understand what to do next and where you are going (if not, then make sure to go back and repeat everything you did). ✅We have analyzed our habits, know exactly what stops us, what needs to be improved and implemented. ✅ We have visualized everything and put it up on the wall, so now we have a constant reminder in front of us. If this is true, we can proceed! If you haven't completed all of the tasks yet, you should obviously do it!

Сообщение. By the way, if you wish to build a business in the future, feel free to ask Ivan about his Business Roadmap Course. This course along with support offered by the seasoned businessman are a great pillar for newbies.

Hi there. You have probably gone to Instagram and forgot to return. It's been 3 days now. Shall we continue?

Visit Ivan's Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kroshnyi_ivan/
Continue here

Цепочка. Продолжить цепочку Роберт 8 С чего начать

Remind later

Сообщение. Alright, if you say so. 😔I’ll remind you in a week.
Пауза. Задержка 7 дней. Продолжить цепочку: При неактивности

Сообщение. Hi. It’s been a week. Time to move on!

Сообщение. Hi there! It's been 3 days, yet you haven’t decided to move further, after all. It's time to get going!

Let's do it!

Роберт 7 Итоги

Сообщение. Now let’s move on to visualization. There is an excellent technique that helps achieve goals. It’s called a vision board. The process of creating a collage with images that visualize your goals reminds a lot of people of something magical. That being said, neuroscience can easily explain how visualization works. Our brain has an incredible ability: it can distinguish real from imaginary. This is done by neurotransmitters—serotonin, glutamic acid, dopamine, norepinephrine, and acetylcholine. With the help from these agents, the brain is in charge of the body and its functions. Neuroscientists believe that the vision boards do work. But it’s important to know how to visualize correctly. You should imagine not only the moment when you get what you want but also the actual process of working towards a goal. You must also believe in the efficiency of the vision board for the placebo effect to work. Make sure to place it somewhere in the open so that you can see it as often as possible. That way your goals will seem more reachable and you will no longer be afraid of the unknown. And most importantly, you must take action!

Сообщение. Excellent! You did great! Now you have a map of your own world. And it doesn’t matter whether you use images, letters or figures for it. What’s important is to understand it. This is your ultimate light beacon!
Let's go!

Цепочка. Запустить другую цепочку Роберт 7 Итоги

Сообщение. Hi there. We’ve been stuck here for 3 days. It’s time to move on! What do you say?

Сообщение. Hi there! You went off to make a vision board and disappeared, didn’t you? :) Shall we continue?

Роберт 6 Карта желаний

Сообщение. Our next step is to examine your habits. The key habits are those that affect your state of health. That’s because achieving goals is not exactly your highest priority when you are sick. You rather work on getting your health back on track as this is one big task and major goal. Everything else takes a backseat. So, let's think what you can do to prevent this from happening.


Сообщение. For starters, let’s talk solely about health. Write all your habits in two columns. The first column should include all habits that are detrimental to your health. Then write all healthy habits into the second column. These prolong life, while harmful ones make it shorter.

Сообщение. Now, let's take a closer look at your environment. What does it give you? Rate your environment on a 10-point scale. If your level of satisfaction with it is less than 10, it’s time to change something. Analyze and list all of the people you are surrounded by. Who do you talk to for at least 15 minutes a day? Take a piece of paper and divide it into two columns. List everyone you enjoy spending time with, who inspires you, and fills you with energy on the left. On the right, write down those who drain your energy, drive you up the wall, upset you, etc. Once you’ve done that, think about how you can get rid of people from the right column. If you cannot, you need to change your attitude to it and stop channeling your energy into it.

Сообщение. Now let’s talk about habits in general. What habits do you need to build so that your life could transform? And which ones would you like to abandon? Make a list of habits for the day, week and month, e.g. keep track of income and expenses every day and go to sleep before midnight, plan your workouts and meals for the week ahead, plan things for the month ahead and compare them with your goals. Learn to pace yourself correctly. Use helpful techniques such as the art of small steps, eating an elephant one bite at a time, etc. Keep in mind that you don’t not need to fight with yourself. Just improve your strengths gradually! “But how?” you may wonder. Here’s an example: you don't have to torture yourself in the gym for two hours straight! Start small. Do it for 15 minutes and just pick up steam every day. BUT make sure you actually enjoy doing it. So what is your task? First and foremost, you should like it! If these are some sports activities, they must be suitable for you. If we are talking about eating healthy, you must enjoy it. Same logic applies to everything. Take your time and don’t rush!

Цепочка. Запустить другу цепочку. Роберт 6 Карта желаний

Сообщение. Hi there. Did you have a hard time figuring out the habits or did you decide to quit and stay where you are right now? Let’s keep moving! Are you ready?

Сообщение. Hi, we’ve been stuck again. It's been 3 days. What are we waiting for? I think it's time to move on!

Сообщение. Hi there! I think we have been stuck at this simple step for too long. Let’s get going!

Сообщение. Hi there! Is procrastination one of your habits? Did I guess it right? 🤔 It's been 3 days, and we're standing still… That’s where my conclusion came from. But you didn't buy me to idle indefinitely, did you? Shall we go further? I think it's time to put an end to bad habits!

Роберт 5 Привычки

Сообщение. How do beliefs change? Belief realization: ✅First doubts: this is a shining example of contradictions between an old worldview and a new one ✅ Active distraction: a huge amount of new examples as well as abandoning secondary benefits and fulfilling own needs in a new way ✅ Feeling of emptiness, disorientation, and search for a new effective belief ✅ First insight: the first example of a new belief at work ✅ Retention: multiple repetition and confirmation of a new worldview ✅ New truth If you have realized a certain belief of yours, you will have to identify it and see that the opposite side was true.

Сообщение. The main belief that stops you from becoming rich is about money itself (“money is dirty”, “money is evil”, “all rich people are scammers”, etc.) Then there is your self-image: - I’m going to fail because... I’m not an entrepreneur, I’m a loser, I can’t do it, etc. - I’m not worthy of big money because… I’m not smart, I’m unlucky, I’m unhappy, I don’t come from a rich family, etc. To identify secondary benefits, you need to carefully examine your beliefs and ask yourself the following questions: 🤔How does this belief benefit me? 🤔What does it create? 🤔What will I lose if I get rid of this belief? 🤔What important contexts or relationships with people does it encourage? 🤔What values of mine does it support? Here’s a great example to understand it better: “Money attracts a lot of unnecessary attention, that’s why I don’t need it.” Secondary benefit: “I’m safe, no unknown people want anything from me, I don’t have to go out of my way to do something, I’m in comfort.” Or here’s another one. “I don’t deserve money because I’m no better than others.” The secondary benefit is a feeling that you belong to a bigger pack, a bigger crowd. “I’m accepted because I’m like everybody else.” This is the hard work that’s waiting for you. But I’m sure that you can do it! Take your time and write everything done!
Цепочка. Запустить другую цепочку. Роберт 5 Привычки
Пауза. Задержка 5 дней. Продолжить цепочку: При неактивности

Сообщение. Hi there! It’s been 5 days and I’m certain that you have tackled this task. Let’s move on to the next one! We still have many exciting things ahead

Сообщение. Hi there! We've been idling for 3 days now. It's time for us to get going!

Сообщение. Now open the workbook and write down the answers to the questions below to identify your limiting beliefs. ✅ What do I want? What am I striving for? Define your goal ⛔️ What am I struggling with? Identify an obstacle ⛔️ Why can I not overcome it? Identify a belief The answer to “Why” question will represent the belief that is limiting you and not letting you achieve your goal. Don’t rush! Think carefully and give honest answers! Below are additional questions that can help you identify a certain belief: ✔️ What did I do to achieve that? What has worked out and what hasn’t? ✔️ What decisions did I make when drawing conclusions? ✔️ When did I realize it? ✔️ Was there a person I consider important to me who gave me some advice regarding this matter? What did he or she say?

Сообщение. The next task is aimed at identifying negative beliefs: 🗣🗣🗣 Say 5 beliefs you have written down out loud and rate them on a scale from 0 to 5. E.g. This is a goal I desire and it is worth achieving. If your rate is less than 5, perhaps it’s not your goal. When deciding on a rating, make sure to rely on how you feel about it and not your mind. Do it with every single belief you wrote down and feel it.

Сообщение. Belief is an idea and causalities linked to it. Let’s check what you have written down. Here are some of the regular belief patterns: I need to… because… I cannot… because… If …, then… Everyone…should… Pay attention to these patterns with respect to your situations or in relation to something. Most likely, these will be your limiting beliefs.

Сообщение. Hi there! Have you identified your beliefs? Time to move to the next step!

Let's continue

Сообщение. Hi! We are stuck... I think it's time to get going!

Yes, let's continue!

Сообщение. Hi! We've been standing still for 3 days nowвет! It's time to get going!

Работа над убеждениями

Сообщение. “A map is not the territory.” Alfred Korzybski 🤔Let’s analyze your beliefs and worldview. But be honest with yourself! Wikipedia explains the expression “worldview” as the “fundamental cognitive orientation of an individual or society encompassing the whole of the individual's or society's knowledge and point of view. A worldview can include natural philosophy; fundamental, existential, and normative postulates; or themes, values, emotions, and ethics." But don’t get scared. We are talking about the fact that our present life is the result of our existing worldview. The worldview is not the real world around us but rather ideas we learned about it. In other words, it’s how we perceive reality. Hit the button and let’s continue]⬇️

Got it

Сообщение. We build our worldview when interacting with people. We also inherit it from our parents who have their own beliefs, like “don’t do this”, “don’t get into the water”, “stop prying”, “don’t walk barefoot”, “don’t jump or else you may fall”, etc. “Don’t try to stand out all the time”, “you can do that when you grow up”, “know your place”, “you are still a kid”, or “don’t be so childish, you are a grown up now”, “stop crying like a baby”, and so on and so forth. Sound familiar?

Сообщение. Later on, our worldview is shaped by our own beliefs which sometimes may not even benefit us. For example, we make one or several attempts and fail. Then we decide that it was impossible in the first place when it’s actually not. More often than not, it happens in those instances when we simply need to try and try again. Next comes the experience of our friends and close ones, everything we learn from the movies and books, influencers and mentors. Do you agree?

Сообщение. How do beliefs work? We automatically accept decisions that are based on our beliefs and do not realize that they rule our lives. Without giving them much thought or questioning them, we tend to make quick decisions whenever we found ourselves in familiar situations. The result is a sum total of micro decisions we make every day. Decision automation is a crucial process. We cannot re-discover how to hold a spoon every day, or how to react whenever someone is being rude to us as we stand in line, or how to buy a train ticket. If we didn’t have “primary settings”, this is what it would be like. We have already learned and know all the necessary contexts and simply use a set of predefined internal scenarios. For instance, someone tells us that they don’t want to talk to us. We obviously get upset with this person, and cut them out of our lives.... This is our way of interacting with the world. The result of our day is a sum total of such micro decisions. Do you understand?

Сообщение. Why am I telling you all of this? I’m trying to make you understand that beliefs can be both beneficial and harmful! Beliefs can hold you back on your path to self-improvement. Beliefs can either encourage you or limit you. And our goal is to turn those limiting beliefs into empowering ones. It’s not particularly fun to deal with them but sometimes you have to. Beliefs always emerge against the backdrop of particular goal. If there’s no goal, all of your beliefs are empowering ones. Typically, when we are content with everything we have and do, our worldview works well. However, more often than not, we are trying to achieve a certain goal but fail. Did that ever happen to you?


Сообщение. The very difference between “I want” and “I have” means that something is stopping you from achieving it. So, are you ready to work on your beliefs?

Цепочка. Запустить другую цепочку Работа над убеждениями

Сообщение. Hi there! We've been standing still for 3 days now. It's time to move forward!

Yes, let's continue

Сообщение. Hi there! We’ve been stuck for 3 days… Perhaps it’s time to move forward? Press the button and let’s go!

Hi there! What are we waiting for? It's been 3 days and we are standing still. Let's get going!

Сообщение. Hi! We've been idling for 3 days now. Time to get going!

Сообщение. Hi there! Let me remind you that you've been stuck. We've been standing still for 3 days. Shall we continue?

Сообщение. Hi! You're stuck. We've been idling for 3 days... It's time to get going.

Что такое убеждения

To stay the course, I highly recommend “The Obstacle Is The Way. The Ancient Art of Turning Adversity to Advantage”, the book by Ryan Holiday. You can easily find it online. Also, make sure to listen to this audio. МР3 file

Сообщение. Here’s your task for today: Describe a situation when you emerged victorious despite the challenges and obstacles that seemed impossible to overcome. Sit with your feelings and take it all in. Feel the emotions you experienced when you won and try to memorize them so that you can get back to them and channel your inner winner at any time.💪 Some people find it easier to recall certain feelings using certain smells, music, and tactile sensations. You can also use the same approach to evoke a specific feeling faster and easier.


Сообщение. Excellent! I’m sure you are staying determined and there’s nothing that can make you give in now! Ready to proceed?

Цепочка. Запустить другую цепочку. Что такое убеждения

Сообщение. Hi there. I assume you weren’t ready to keep going 3 days ago. How about now? You cannot give up like this when you’ve just started this journey… Shall we continue?

Сообщение. Hi! Are we stuck or is it also not in the cards for you, after all? ;) Let's find the strength to overcome an obstacle!

Сообщение. Hi there. 3 days have gone by but we are standing still. Shall we continue?

Сообщение. Hi there. Are you deep in your thoughts after listening to the audio? 🤔 Is that the reason why you stopped? Whatever it is, there’s no time for taking breaks! You should keep going! Shall we?

Роберт 4 Препятствие

Сообщение. Now let’s get things straight here. What are you dreaming about? But hey, try to be realistic about it. Just lying on the couch and dreaming of having a billion dollars in your pocket isn’t going to make it happen, is it? What have you actually done to make a million?

Сообщение. Hi there! We have been standing still for 3 days now! It’s time to get going! What do you say?

Umm... Did I have to?

Сообщение. You have: 1. acquired an excellent higher education with loads of good prospects and learned a lot. 2. Saved money and said “no” to many things you wanted. 3. Juggles several jobs simultaneously to provide a living for yourself. 4. Read more than 300 books. 5. Completed training courses with coaches and mentors. 6. Tried starting a business but something went seriously wrong. 7. You have your own business but strive for more. Does any of the above apply to you? But wait! Don’t write it here. Do that using your workbook. Because you are doing it solely for you!

Сообщение. Hi there! We are stuck but we need to get going. Shall we?

None of those :(

Сообщение. Now how are you planning to achieve this? (That's a rhetoric question) Shall we try to tackle it?

Сообщение. Hmm… You seem to be idling again… Do you really want to change your life? Maybe you don’t want it at all and that’s why you aren’t moving in this direction, is that so? Perhaps you should take a step back and rethink your dreams and desires and leave my mentorship for later.

No, I'd like to continue

Yes, let's put it on hold

Сообщение. Alright, I’ll make a reappearance in a month. Just keep in mind that nothing is going to change in your life unless you decide to change it yourself.

Сообщение. Hey there! Long time no see! How are you doing? Are you ready to resume and sort things out in both your life and mindset?

Several points

Сообщение. Now let’s take a quick look at your competencies. What can you already do so well that you don’t need any outside help? What can you easily teach others or what are you particularly good at? Write all of it in a separate I-Can section. And then in the I-Want-To section next to it, list everything you would like to learn to do but don’t know how, or what, in your opinion, would bring you joy. Don’t rush! Keep in mind that your life depends on how carefully you approach this matter! Hit the button when you are ready and we shall continue.

Сообщение. Hi there. It’s been three days and we are standing still. Have you already written down what you can do? Let’s keep going or else everything will remain as it is.

Сообщение. Who or what stops you from fulfilling your desires from the I-Want-To section, in your opinion? Give it a good thought and write down everything that holds your back. Press the button and let’s continue.

Сообщение. Hey! Why aren’t we moving forward? The task wasn’t really that complicated. You just had to write down what held you back. I assume you have tackled it already. Shall we continue?

Сообщение. And now write down what or who would help you fulfill all of your desires from the I-Want-To section. Got it?

Сообщение. Hi there. We’ve been stuck… It has been three days. Have you already written down what helps you move along? Let’s continue. It’s time.

Сообщение. 🔥🔥🔥 And here are some insights on how you can monetize your skills from the I-Can section. In turn, I’m giving you a PDF with monetization ideas as a gift.

I want it

Сообщение. Grab it!

Сообщение. Hi there! Don’t need a file with insights? Maybe we should continue then?

Сообщение. No let’s get back to the page with the time-study of your life and think what tasks could be optimized so that something from your I-Want-To section could become a part of those days. Maybe something could have been done if you had gotten up a half an hour earlier or while you were on the go (stuck in a traffic jam, commuting somewhere, etc.). Perhaps you could have spent your evenings differently? You should be as honest with yourself as possible because only we are in charge of our lives. And in order to leave happily, we need to understand how to make room in our lives for that happiness. Give it time. Don’t rush to move forward! Whenever you’re ready, press the button and we will continue.


Let's get started

Сообщение. Before you proceed to detailed planning, make sure to decide what your main focus will be for the entire year. Select 3 key goals for the year that you wish to accomplish.

Сообщение. Сообщение. Hi there! Did you fail to choose 3 key goals for the upcoming year? Think carefully, pick 3 most important ones and let’s continue!

Сообщение. Now you can start planning. Plan what you are going to do tomorrow. Write down a list of all tasks for tomorrow, everything that comes to your mind. By the way, there is an excellent app for it called Todoist. Ok, have you done it? Did your list turn out to be long? Now let’s group your tasks into categories. How do we do it? Let me remind you that you have several task categories: - Personal tasks - Work-related tasks - Family matters (tasks related to your loved ones, house chores and errands) - Other (these are the tasks that do not belong to any of the above categories. You may also not even understand why it must be done in the first place but you still have to do it), as well as urgent and non-urgent tasks. You can use four highlighter pens to mark each category with a specific color. Have you done it? What does it look like? Now write down how many tasks you have and what categories they belong too in your workbook. Got it? МР4 (file)

Сообщение. Hello there! Let me remind you that you are on your path to becoming the best version of yourself! It’s been 3 days yet we are standing still… That way we are never going to reach the goal. It’s time to move forward!

Сообщение. For starters, you should figure out what your life is filled with. How do you manage your time? It’s important to understand that you and your body are a resource. And this resource is limited. So just like there are 168 hours in a week, your body has a certain amount of stamina it is capable of. If you take up too many responsibilities, and tasks, you won’t be able to deal with all of it no matter how hard you try. Right?

Сообщение. So what do you do about it? I suggest that you look back and analyze the last 3 days… What did you do yesterday? Recall all of the events that happened. Write down all the important stuff. What important tasks did you complete? What other things did you finish? Also, make sure to write what you did for yourself, your family and workwise. What about yesterday? Two days back? Find ten differences in your activities during those days… Could you identify them? Or perhaps all of your days look similar? If you no longer wish to run like a hamster in a wheel, it’s about time you escape it and start living a more mindful life! Are you ready?

Сообщение. Let’s break down all of your activities into categories. Categories: Mandatory routine which includes house errands, kids-related stuff, commute. These are basically things you do repeatedly every day. Things you do for yourself like reading, personal growth, self care, sport, recreation, etc. Work and everything it entails. Now your task is to write everything down based on these three categories. Once you are ready, press “Done” and we shall move on to the next one.

Сообщение. Perfect! Let’s sum up our second analysis. You’ve just finished doing a time-study of your activities and compartmentalizing it all. Well done! Now we shall do some planning.


Цепочка. Запустить другую цепочку. Роберт 3 Планирование

Сообщение. Hi there! It’s time to move on to the next task. You still want to become the best version of yourself, don’t you? There’s a fine saying: “Chop some wood and a tree will fall.” Be patient and work hard! Soon enough you’ll be amazed to see that your life has changed dramatically. So, should we continue?

Сообщение. Hi there! It's been 3 days, there was enough time to write everything down but we got stuck. Do you need more time?

Сообщение. Alright. You've got 3 more days. But please make sure to complete the task right away. Don't leave it for later.

Сообщение. Hi again! 3 days have gone by. Let me remind you that it's time to move forward!

Сообщение. Hi! Did you put it off till another time? That's a shame! You cannot put your life on hold! You are at the very beginning of your journey and need to keep going! Do you agree?

Сообщение. Hi there! We are stuck and have been standing still for 3 days now... It's time to get going! Shall we?

Роберт 2 Хронометраж

Сообщение. {{first_name}} For starters, you need to understand what you have right now at the place where you are. In other words, you should analyze everything (and everyone) that surrounds you. What do you need to do for this? 💪 To do this type of analysis, you will need a notepad and a pen, or your favorite gadget. Another option is to use my workbook. ✍️ What’s important is to write down everything that we will be working on. You can even do it right here on Telegram ✍️ Simply write it down in your Saved Messages and then go over it again. It’s vital to make relevant notes!📖

{{first_name}} You must answer the following questions ✅ Who am I? (Gender, age, place of residence, status, position, income), and ✅ who am I surrounded by? (Relatives, friends, colleagues). Do you share the same views with them, do you have their support? Think when was the last time you spend quality time with them and enjoyed it. Did you write it down? If so, press “Done” and we shall move on to the next one.

Сообщение. Hi! I think we got stuck… Let me remind you that you need to press the button to continue your journey to changes👇
Сообщение. Now you need to figure out whether this is the place and life you dreamt of when you were a kid and a teenager. Select the relevant button and let’s continue. ⬇️

Сообщение. Hi again! Let me remind you that you haven’t chosen the answer and we got stuck. ❓ Is this the life you dreamt about?


No, that's not it!

Сообщение. 🤷♀️🤷Now, what went wrong? Can you explain it? You need to recall what life you were planning to build, what you wanted to achieve, and where you made the wrong turn. Write it all down in your workbook or elsewhere. Once you’ve done it, press “Done” and we shall proceed.

If you didn’t have any specific plans, we simply move on to the next step.


Сообщение. It’s apparent that if something went wrong, it was either an initially faulty plan or you made a wrong turn somewhere and were unable to get back on track. 🎯 Recall what it was, write it down, identify your mistakes, write them down, too, and let’s continue! So, let’s create a real winning plan 👍 and achieve the set goals. Are you ready?

Let's begin

Сообщение. Hi there! That's been one long pause. It's time to get going! 👣

Сообщение. Hi! If you stand still, nothing is going to change! Shall we continue? 👣

Yes! That's it!

Сообщение. 🔥 Excellent {{first_name}} ! But if you ended up here, it means that you wish you had more consistency in order to improve your results. I’m convinced that if you were able to stick to the plan before, the life ahead will be even better!

Сообщение. Hey there! We've been idling for 3 days now... Shall we continue? ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Цепочка. Запустить другую цепочку. Роберт 2 Хронометраж

Роберт 1 Разбор реалий

Сообщение. Hi there! It's been 3 days and you still haven't started training... Did you forget about it or is it no longer relevant to you?

Сообщение. To have everything you need in one place, I suggest that you download and print out my handy workbook.

Пауза. Задержка 10 мин. Продолжить цепочку: При неактивности
Сообщение. You haven't downloaded the file. Did you get distracted? This will be your workbook where you will complete the tasks, You need to download and print it out. That way, you'll get things in order easier and faster.

The file will be here. Hit the button

Сообщение. Grab it.

Сообщение. If you are ready to continue, hit "Done" and let's keep going.

Сообщение. Hi there! 3 days have gone by, Did you have enough time to print out the workbook? It's high time to start completing it, isn't it? Hit the button and let's continue!


Цепочка. Запустить другую цепочку. Роберт 1 Разбор реалий

Роберт Рабочая тетрадь Robert Workbook

Attention! You can use your card to make a payment there, too. Legal information⬇️⬇️⬇️

Сообщение. The cost of my services is $17. Too expensive? No problem! You can unsubscribe and forget about changes in your life, things are already looking good! One-time payment for the unlimited use of the bot. The payment is done here inside the bot. 🔐 Payment security: neither the Telegram app nor the creator of this bot or anybody else will have access to your payment details. All of this information is processed by the payment system only. As soon as you make the payment, you will gain access to all of the Robert’s features and workbook. ↓

WMZ wallet
Действие. WMZ кошелек

Действие. Открыть чат

Сообщение. Сейчас я вас свяжу с менеджером и она поможет вам оплатить.

Написать менеджеру https://t.me/neggega

Pay $17 via Stripe
Pay $17 via PayPal
Действие. Задать теги: оплата Роберта

Сообщение. ❤️ Perfect! Thank you for the payment. To get started, press the "Launch Robert" button, ↓

Пауза. Задержка 2 дня. Продолжить цепочку: При неактивности

Сообщение. Hi! Have you forgotten that you purchased my services? Press "Run" and we shall start our journey.


Launch Robert

Задать действие. Купил Роберта

Цепочка. Запустить другую цепочку. Роберт рабочая тетрадь

Сообщение. Have you changed your mind? Perhaps that's because you are doing alright at the moment and don't need any changes for the better?

Сообщение. If you have decided to continue, after all, you can make a payment here and embark on a journey to becoming the best version of yourself right away!

Pay via Stripe

Действие. Задать теги. Увидел дожим

Pay $17

I do need them but it's expensive

Действие. Задать теги7 Роберт дорого

Сообщение. Do you think that a mentor can be free? 🙄 In old days, in order to learn something new, people would become apprentices of the grand master and work for free for a long time to acquire experience, knowledge, and skills. Today, we have to pay a lot of money for the same thing. So, you have to admit that $17 is just a giveaway price. Only think how much you splurge on things every month? Simply write down your expenses and see for yourself. If it still isn’t clear to you, it’s too soon for you to have a mentor.

I don't need any changes

Действие. Задать теги. Не надо перемен

Сообщение. Excellent! I’m really happy for you! Then perhaps you can afford a lot and so I invite you to our networking travel club for successful entrepreneurs whose earnings are on the rise.

Cartel Travel https://t.me/carteltravel

Payment security in Telegram https://telegram.org/privacy#7-third-party-payment-services

About payment security https://www.paypal.com/ru/webapps/mpp/paypal-safety-and-security

Сообщение. I’ll be giving you tasks according to the elaborate sequence. They will be easy, small, and not complex at all. However, they will bring you great results and happy and successful life. Don’t worry, this won’t be one crazy marathon 😅. You can choose the pace yourself. Each subsequent task will appear after you press “Done!” But in between, I’ll be reminding you that you need to keep going so that you don’t drop things halfway! 😉 ↓

Сообщение. Hi there! Have you changed your mind or did you get bored?

Сообщение. Forgot again?

I'm bored

Сообщение. Hmm. You seem to have lost interest in changes too quickly :) Ok then. Then please confirm your decision to give up on your chance to change everything and I'll remove you from the database.

Yes, remove me

Действие. Отписать от бота

No, I'm not interested

I'll start later

Сообщение. Hmm. Maybe you are used to putting things on the back burner? Why? To reach your goal, you need to do things right away without leaving them for later!

Yes, that's right

Yikes, I got preoccupied!

Sounds great! What then?

Сообщение. By following instructions and completing simple tasks every day, you will: 🎈 get rid of the mess in your head 🎈 feel freer 🎈 start rebooting not only the environment around you but many life processes! Sounds pretty cool, doesn’t it? Time to get started! ↓

Пауза. Задержка 1 день. Продолжить цепочку: При неактивности

Сообщение. Did you forget to press the button or is it not what you need?

It isn't

Сообщение. What are you looking for? I can help you figure out what you are looking for, define your goals and reach them. Isn't it the most important thing? Are you ready to start?

I'm in!

Let's keep going

That's just what the doctor ordered! Let's begin!

Роберт. Новички только подписались

Сообщение. Greetings! My name is Robert and I am your personal virtual assistant to help you sort out your life.

Сообщение. I have a clear and simple step-by-step plan for you. I know how to get rid of the chaos both in your head and in life once and for all. Hit the button below and let’s get the ball rolling. I cannot wait! :) ↓

Пауза. Задержка 3 дня. Продолжить: при неактивности

Сообщение. Hi there! 🤔 It seems to me that you have forgotten to press the button and proceed. Is that so?


Me too! I'd like to know more.

Роберт 3 Планироваание

Сообщение. Well done! Now it’s important to figure out whether you will have enough resources to do all of it. Are you sure that you will have enough energy and physical strength to tackle it?

I doubt it

Сообщение. Hmm. This means that you are acting on a whim… and you rarely have time to do everything. You are fed up with it. I’m not going to explain what this means and why this is happening because you know it perfectly well yourself. Let’s try to turn things around. After all, this is why you are here now.

Сообщение. Привет! Прошло 3 дня, а мы стоим на месте. Пора двигаться дальше!


Let's do it

Сообщение. Have you heard about the art of small steps? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5t7h5J-Yn-M

Thing is, you push yourself too hard and take on too many responsibilities at once and so it’s really hard to tackle so many tasks.

What do I do?

Сообщение. Given the fact that a person can only focus on several goals at once, you need to choose 3 (major) goals for the year and then 3 goals for a month with the highest priority first. Let me show you how this can be done in practical terms. Let’s plan things for the year ahead. Do it starting from today and for the entire year. Decide on three crucial goals for the year. This can be whatever you want. Make sure to write them down! Got it?

Сообщение. Hi there! It’s time to get going but it has been 3 days and we are standing still. Shall we proceed?

Сообщение. With the art of small steps in mind, let’s think about what you should do to achieve those goals, and plan what the result should look like after 6 months. In other words, set three more goals for the next six months while focusing on those three major goals for the year. Is it clear?

Not really :(

Сообщение. In truth, everything is pretty simple. All we need to do is break down big goals (tasks) into smaller ones. To put things into perspective, we can compare it to vacation planning. Here’s an example. Goal: You wish to get to XYZ city at a particular time. What are we thinking about when we start planning a trip? What information do we need and what should we do to get there? For starters, we make a list: 1. You need to plan out vacation dates for yourself, and your family; fix the dates with other people traveling with you, if any. 2. Budget. For this, you will need to know the cost of all related expenses (tickets, food, accommodations, clothes, etc.) 3. Things you need to buy additionally... 4. City or country entry requirements (visas, vaccinations, certificates, etc.) There can be many other items on this list that need to be factored in during the planning stage, right? This list can be further broken down into smaller tasks. For instance, you can put a certain amount of money aside every month. I suppose now things should be less confusing to you. Shall we proceed?

Сообщение. Hi! We've been stuck at this stage longer than anticipated. Shall we continue?


Сообщение. Awesome! This means that you know how to reckon your abilities and I don't have to explain to you how to do it. So, hit the button and let's continue.

Сообщение. Hi there! We've been idling for 3 days now... What are we waiting for? Let's get going, shall we?


Сообщение. Perfect! You are doing great! Now you can do the same thing when planning the next quarter, i.e. the next three months. You now have three more goals. But stay focused on three major goals. Let’s continue.

Сообщение. Now do the same thing for the month and then for the week. Is this algorithm clear? This way, you will have: - Three big goals for the year - Three goals for six months - Three goals for the quarter - Three goals for the month - Three goals for the week (You can call them tasks here) If you calculate all of it in terms of tasks, you will be able to complete 156 tasks in a course of the year (provided that you multiply 52 weeks a year by three tasks) and achieve your THREE major goals! Got it? Great, let’s continue then! If it wasn't enough, here’s a planner (template) for 3 months. A winter plan as an example - Winter Plan Table file

Сообщение. Hi there. It’s been 3 days but we have been standing still. I think you should move ahead or else we won’t get anywhere.

Let's go

Сообщение. A quick cheat sheet for you :) It explains how to plan out your day to fit everything and not regret what you haven’t done. Everything is as easy as ABC! 1. Write down all your tasks for tomorrow 2. Think carefully about the most important ones (keep three main tasks for the week in mind) 3. Arrange the tasks so that you can complete the most complex ones during the time when you are the most active 4. Take another hard look at these tasks and think if they are actually as important as you thought. Perhaps it won’t hurt anybody if you don’t do them, after all Let’s wrap up our planning here. You did great! It’s time to give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back and give yourself a treat! Shall we proceed to the next stage?


Пауза. Задержка 3 дня. Продолжить цепочку: При неактивности

Сообщение. Hi there! Have you decided to give up on trying to become the best version of yourself? Maybe it’s time to get back on track and continue moving forward?

Yes, let's go!


Цепочка. Запустить другую цепочку: Роберт 4 Препятствие

Сообщение. Hi there! I haven't disturbed you for 3 days but it's time to get going!

Okay, let's go

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