Kategorier: Alle - immigration - multiculturalism - equality - bilingualism

af Mohsin Khan - Rick Hansen SS (2542) 6 år siden



Canada's identity has been significantly influenced by various people, ideas, and events throughout its history. Efforts to address the linguistic divide between French and English Canadians led to policies that established both languages as national languages.


How have people, ideas, and events shaped our view of what it means to be Canadian?


LGBTQ Community
Quebec added sexual orientation to its Human Rights Code making it the first province to pass a gay civil rights law.
Canada removes gay from the list of inadmissible classes in the new Immigration Act and as Trudeau gets into office we start to see more rules and regulations being added for homosexuals which now makes it the most accepting country in the world.
Pierre started to give amendments to ease up on the laws of LGBT people, which were finally passed in 1969.
Today Canada is one of the most multicultural country in the world due to its open immigration to everyone. During the 80s new multicultural policies were introduced because Canada was starting to recognize new immigrants. Multiculturism is one of the biggest reason Canada is known through the world.
All rules that favoured the immigration of Europeans was removed giving other countries a chance. For example, more people from Asia started to immigrate more to Canada.


French/English People
This led to many different policy and made French and English the 2 national languages of Canada.
One of Pierre's biggest goal was to solve the crisis between the French and English people of Canada. Quebec wanted to become independent or treated equally.
The White Paper was a policy that took away all advantages given to aboriginals to make them equal to their non-aboriginal counterpart. Aboriginals were infuriated as they saw this as a way for the government to make them more "English" and came up with their own act called the Red paper.
In 1950 Aboriginals did not have the right to vote, which then changed in 1960 when in 1955 a legislation removed religion as a reason for someone not to vote.


Rising in Canada
French/English relationships started to improve as they added many different laws to help include the French into the community.
Multiple English symbols in the country were getting replaced. This showed a new dawn of Canadians. A more independent kind who believed they can stand on their own 2 feet and were not to be called Englands shadow.
International Relationships
Pearson was the reason for the solution of the Suez Canal Crisis in 1956. This led to peace keeping force of the UN and showed that Canada is all about keeping peace, giving us a title of a peaceful and welcoming country.
Diefenbaker tried his best to make people recognize Canada. His many different ways to do this included, to improve trade with Britain and to make Canada identity known in the Commowealth.