Kategorier: Alle - art - beauty - aesthetics

af Teegan Moore 3 år siden


A Matter of Taste: The Aesthetic Experience By: Teegan Moore

The concept of beauty can be found in both everyday objects and human features by examining their unique characteristics and embracing imperfections. According to Edmund Burke's theory, beauty is often associated with delicate, small, and smooth objects that produce pleasurable feelings.

A Matter of Taste: 
The Aesthetic Experience
By: Teegan Moore

A Matter of Taste: The Aesthetic Experience By: Teegan Moore

Natural Beauty - A sky feature, such as clouds or stars.

I consider this an example of beauty because of the joy and pleasure it brings me when I look up at the sky. According to Frances Hutcheson and the Subjective and Personal Nature of Aesthetic Judgment, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. this would make the stars or the night sky beautiful, since I perceive it to be beautiful. Hutcheson also state that the pleasure we experience when we look at something is the idea of beauty. I feel that I, like a lot of other people, experience the pleasure Hutcheson is referring to when I look at the stars in the sky. This is the same pleasure we receive from looking at certain pieces of art or listening to certain songs. Hutcheson. Rowan. (20th April 2021) Retrieved from https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/hutcheson/

Fine Arts - A work of visual art, such as a painting or a sculpture

I consider this as an example of beauty because I, as well as a lot of others, perceive it to be beautiful. According to Immanuel Kant, there is pleasure in the beauty. This pleasure does not include any desire and is different from the pleasure we receive everyday from things such as drinking or eating. I feel pleasure when looking at the Vincent Van Gogh Starry Night painting. Kant also stated that "if [someone] pronounces that something is beautiful, then he expects the very same satisfaction of others: he judges merely for himself, but for everyone, and speaks of beauty as if it were a property of things." (Kant 1790, 5: 212-213 [2000:98]; see also 2000: 164-166-139) This would ,Ean that the Starry Night painting is beautiful, because there are millions of other people who also view the artwork as beautiful. Zagwill, N. Aesthetic Judgment. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (28th February 2003) Retrieved from https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/aesthetic-judgment/

Human Beauty - A person you don't know, such as an actor, a musician, or a politician

I consider this as an example of beauty because of her unique features and how much they stand out and are different. Kintsukuro means golden joinery. This is the act of repairing broken objects, typically pottery, with gold. This uses imperfections to make a morebeautifu; piece of art, embracing the flaws. Winnie Harlow is a model with vitiligo. She embraces her so called "flaw", making her even more beautiful to the public eye. This is very similar to Kintskuro. She is beautiful because she is embracing her her flaws instead of covering the, much like using gold paint to highlight the broken pottery. Ayuda, T. How the Japanese art of Kintsugi can help you deal with stressful situations. NBC News. (25th April 2018) Retrieved from https://www.nbcnews.com/better/health/how-japanese-art-technique-kintsugi-can-help-you-be-more-ncna866471

Everyday Objects - A cheaply made mass-manufactured knickknack, like a troll doll, a fidget spinner, a Pez dispenser

Why is it Beautiful?
I consider this an example of beauty because of their delicate nature and attractive colours and patterns. According to Edmund Burke and his theory on the Sublime, beautiful objects are typically delicate, smalls, smooth and attractive. this description perfectly fits what a marble looks like. Bburke also states that beautiful things produce pleasurable feelings, which is what marbles of for me. Since Burke states that Sublime objects are vast gloomy, dark and threatening, and this does not fit the description of marble;es, they must be define as beautiful. Popover, M. The Difference Between the Beautiful and the Sublime, Animated. Brain Pickings. (n.d.) Retrieved from https://www.themarginalian.org/2014/11/20/edmund-burke-sublime-beautiful/