Kategorier: Alle - education - patient - community - research

af Meneses Meneses 3 år siden



The American Association of Clinical Endocrinology, established in 1991, is a global network comprising over 5,000 members focused on endocrinology. This inclusive community spans various professional backgrounds, aiming to elevate clinical endocrinology practices.



Fluxo de nutrição

Newsletter and sales CRM


Type in the name of your organization and press Enter.

Marketing and sales

The question that investors will ask is How will you turn your forecasts into reality?
Having identified your product or service, and the demand for it in the market, how will you reach that market?


Lead Generation

How will the operations of your organization need to change, to support this plan?
Investors will need to know that you will also have the capabilities to deliver it, sustain it and scale it up.

E-mail and social media campaigns
LP - Patients
Staff and skills

Add staff, knowledge or skills.

LP - Pharma

What new equipment and tools will you need? Will you replace old ones, or extend your capacity?
Add capital equipment.

LP - Doctors and students
Name, e-mail, area of specialization, social media

How will your facilities need to change to implement your plan?
Will you need new premises or changes to existing premises?
Add a facility.


If you win the investment or support that you need, where will you start?

E-mail Marketing

Add a risk.

Landing Page

Add the next step.

Facebook Business Manager

What are the key points in the implementation of your plan? How will you know that you are making real progress?
Think about:

Add a milestone.

Social Media

You will need credible forecasts of profitability and strategic benefits if you are proposing investment in your business.

Sales proposal or interaction

What is the impact on your strategy of this initiative? How will your strategy change to ensure that you can adapt to whatever this plan brings, whether it is good or not so good? Think about:

Add a strategic point.

Anúncio e impulsionamento

Even if your plan will eventually be profitable, cashflow limitations could prevent you from getting there. Your cash flow forecast should show that you are in control of this.

Add a key point from the cashflow forecast.


Your breakeven analysis should show the minimum level of achievement that is still survivable. If operations go below breakeven, then you will need to take evasive action. Make forecasts for:

Organic posts
Carrosel, feed, GIF

Your profit and loss (or income) forecasts should detail where, when and how profitability will be achieved.
Add a highlight from your Profit and Loss forecast.

Consider making forecasts for year 1, year 2 and year 3 of your plan.

Q&A, Surveys, posts

How will your balance sheet change as a result of this initiative?

Add a key point from the balance sheet forecast.

Reels, IGTV, video phormat

How will your costs base change as a result of your initiatives? Think about:

Add a key point from the costs forecast.

Budget montly

It must be clear to investors what you are asking for, when you need it and when & how it will be repaid - in short, what value they will get for their investment.

Returns and repayments
Return or repayment

Add highlights of the return or repayment plan for investors. Consider:

Mailchimp - R$

Add a sum-up of how this investment will be spent. Include:

Linkedin - R$
Facebook - R$

Add a summary of how much is required and when.

The market

Investors will ask: how well do you know your customers and your market? Your business plan should show that you are targeting your market by well-defined segments and are focused on creating value for customers.


Add an organization that can compete with you, either now or in the future. Think about all alternatives that the customer may have, including doing nothing or addressing their problem in a completely different way.



How will you compete effectively?
Add an element of your competitive strategy. Think about:



What do the competitors do that is less attractive than your product or service?
Do they have:



What do the competitors do that is more attractive than your product or service?
Do they have:


Sociedade Brasileira de Diabetes - https://www.diabetes.org.br/


Federação Latino Americana de Endocrinologia (FELAEN), 



Describe the competing product or service

Customer segment

Who are your customers? Add a target customer segment. Groupings might include:


What solutions are you offering for customers in this segment? What value do you create for them?
Add a solution.


What are the needs and interests of the customers in this segment? What do they value? How do they select their purchases?
Add a customer need.

Pain points

What problems and pain points do the customers in this segment face?
Add a pain point.


What is the characteristic of the customers in this segment?
How do you identify your potential customers?
Add a characteristic of the future customer.

Segment size


What is the estimated size and value of this segment?
What proportion of the segment is potential customer for you, taking into account competitors, market maturity and demand?

Market position
About your market position

What market position are you aiming at?

Think about:

The industry
About the industry

Add some key points about the industry you are working in.


Describe the vision and the opportunity that the plan is based on.
The investor's question you answer here is Where are you headed, and why?

Search Listening
Short term goal

Where do you want to be in 12 months? Where would you like to be in terms of:

Meta Descriptions
Describe your USP

Add a key point about your Unique Selling Point. Your USP is what will lead marketing, and help customers to choose you over alternatives. In comparison to the alternatives, why will your product or service...

Describe your strategy

Add a key point about your strategy.

How does this opportunity...

PT: tireoide

Add a key point about the opportunity that you are pursuing.


Provide your investors with a clear picture of your business: how it is structured, who owns it, who runs it, and how it is doing so far?


boiler - Established in 1991, The American Association of Clinical Endocrinology is a global, inclusive community of over 5,000 endocrine-focused clinical members, affiliates, and partners from every walk of professional life. As the vital hub of knowledge and experience in clinical endocrinology, AACE works to define the best paths of patient care and disease prevention, educate multi-disciplinary care teams and their patients, and set the factual record straight about endocrine diseases. Together, the AACE community is elevating the practice of clinical endocrinology to benefit each individual patient and the health of our society. Visit our website at www.aace.com. 


credentials, benefits, history, management team, avaliações

For the World:

• We are the hands-on, face-to-face ambassadors of the field of endocrinology to our patients, colleagues, and the public • We recognize the importance of each member of our community as individuals

• We are individuals who collectively make endocrinology understandable and personal

• We are an inclusive community that offers a feeling of belonging and does things with a “personal touch”

The Human Face of Endocrinology

For Stakeholders:

We are the authoritative source of clinical knowledge in endocrinology

• We are constantly updating and disseminating critical knowledge, information, practices and tools

• Implies: Highly regarded, up-to-date and comprehensive educational materials; implies educational leadership

• Desired takeaway: we are THE essential community for clinical professionals in the field of endocrinology

“The Vital Hub of Clinical Knowledge and Experience in Endocrinology”

Add some information about your successes and achievements. Think about:

Sales content
memberships, courses, certificates, fellowship, events

Add some information about important partnerships. Think about:

Key team member

Who are the key members of your management team, and what are their skills and experience?

Communication, prodecures, campaigns

Add some information about the current shareholding.
How much have the current owners invested in the business?

Relationship and networking
Interviews, quotes, Q&A, live, partners

Add some information about the regulatory environment that affects your company. Apart from company law, what other regulations apply to your sector? Consider:

Typs, profetional skills, deseases, researchs, trends, news, glossary



What is the legal status of your organization? Are you a sole trader, a limited company with shareholders, or a non-profit?


Although the executive summary appears first in the document, it is easier to complete it last, when you can summarise and prioritize the key points in your plan.

Health segment

List the benefits that will come from pursuing this opportunity. Include:



List the financial aid and other support that you are seeking, so that you can take advantage of this opportunity.

Patients and Community
Specially with deseases



Briefly summarise the opportunity that your plan describes, and why it is strategic for your company.


Add short descriptions of the key products and services which bring your mission to life and are making it happen.

Residents, students

Add the key points about the track record of your team and your capabilities.

Primary care

Summarise the value and the difference that your organization aims to create. Mission statements are more useful if they describe the difference that you want to make to your customer's lives, rather than what you want to achieve personally. Your mission statement should directly influence strategic decisions.


Your business plan is a commercially sensitive document and you may wish to add a confidentiality statement (or non-disclosure agreement) at the front of the document.
Type in or attach your statement of confidentiality

International Membership
FACE and MACE Program


Community Fee