Kategorier: Alle - consciousness - morality - existence - abstract

af steph nadeau 4 år siden


Big Metaphysical Questions

The contemplation of existence raises profound questions such as why there is something rather than nothing. These inquiries often involve abstract concepts measurable through mathematics and physics, yet proving the existence of nothing remains elusive due to our sensory experiences.

Big Metaphysical Questions

Big Metaphysical Questions

Does any of this actually matter?

Nihilism, Existentialism.
A person that believes that what they do matters may be more careful in their actions, making sure that what they do will not negatively effect other experiences for them. Someone who does not believe that anything matters may be careless, as what they do now will not effect anything later.
Depending of which side of this question a person lies, they may live a moral or an immoral life. If one's actions do not have consequences, they can behave as they please and vice versa.

Why is there something, rather than nothing?

experientialism fallibilism
Things such as distance and speed are measurable and physical concepts. These things definitely exist. Humans have functions brains the exist, How could it be proven that there is nothing, when we can see and feel something?
mathematics and Physics can be used to measure what there is.

What is the meaning of life?

Emily Smith gave an example about how belonging can give someone meaning in her TEDTalk. Smith explained that her friend jonathan and a local newspaper stand owner had a sense of belonging in their relationship.
Every individual may have a different meaning in their life. meaning can be found in belonging, purpose, transcendence and storytelling.

Does God exist?

Monotheism, Polytheism, Atheism,agnosticism
research has been put into trying to find an answer to the question, a battle is yet to be found. It is smart to be skeptical of religions, but many people find comfort in believing in a supreme being.
the question of if there is any higher power, is one without an answer, but often considered. Religion is a massive part of society, even though the idea of a God that many of them are based around is unconfirmed.

What is Consciousness?

The ability to make use of all five senses and be in tune with ones surroundings. knowing that a daydream (or similar) is not being conscious
Consciousness is the ability to be aware and in the moment. when we are conscious we can differentiate between what is real or fake. when in a dream, we visualize things, however we are not conscious.