af Jon Jaque 3 år siden
Bio Fuel Plant Joint Venture Template
A multifaceted project is in development, focusing on renewable energy and community empowerment. It involves upgrading an electricity generator using Di-Methyl Ether (DME) and establishing a biofuel plant through a joint venture.
Logo Federal Government Government Grants/Loan Guarantees Wholesale Market 1.05+ per litre Remote Community Clean Fuel Pilot Project Grants Clean Fuel Loggin truck grant Program First Nations Development Corp Technology Process IP Canadian Patent Technology providers, 3 proven technology Islands Technology Specialty Insurance wrap Trucking Barging Hauling Contract 20+ million dollar, 10 year Biomass Supply Agreement Plant Production 2025 Di-Methyl Ether, DME DME Transport Contract Clean & Inexpensive Community DME Fuel Provectus Renewable Carbon Gasoline Rail Transport Distribution Partners 10 year Off Take Agreement Insurance Wrap Engineering Procurement Fabrication Construction (EPFC) First Nation Partner provincial or territorial government Influencer Community DME powered eletricity generator (upgrade) 60 Jobs Wood Chipping Contract Logging Contract Green Bond Finance 300 Million Dollar CAPEX Garaunteed Maximum Price (GMAX) Municipality Mayor access to services/ People Municipal tax breaks Forest Tenure for Residual Fibre First Nation Forest Tenure Ownership Insurance Wrap Bio Fuel Plant Joint Venture Provectus Biofuels Inc. Exclusive Development Licence 3 Million Dollar Feasibility Study Freont End Engineering & design FEED Study