Kategorier: Alle - development - values - spirituality - community

af joseph coram 8 år siden



The text explores the tension between traditional evangelical perspectives and more developmental, inclusive approaches to spirituality and religion. It highlights the resistance within evangelical circles to developmental perspectives, labeling it as a form of bibliolatry and medieval conformism.



To do's

Get that book from Troy and read it
Check out BioLogos
Read up on emergent movement

What differentiates Tillich from KW

Academic preacher vs. non-academic recluse
Union-Harvard-Chicago versus I-I
Late modern vs. post-postmodern
Religious socialist vs. mostly quiet on politics
Static system with internal dynamism vs. wide-angle lens on evolving Kosmos
Myths are inexhaustible vs. myths are necessary for early development and detrimental or at least expendable later on
Mysticism is fundamentally flawed vs. mysticism an essential part of spirituality
Christian versus Tibetan Buddhist
Late Orange versus ultraviolet
"On the Boundary" versus "No Boundary"

What Tillich and KW have in common

Transcend subject/object dualism
Affinities with Teilhard
Comprehensive, if in different ways
Lost important women in their lives in formative periods (Tillich's mom and Wilber's wife)
Affirm sexuality
Gender ideas
Both gave me ideas i strove in vain to forget
Both had high estimations of "eros"
Both interested in art and culture
Both profoundly moved by eastern spirituality
Both very popular, both very controversial
Both saw myth and history as distinct ways of knowing
Both examined the premodern from an expansive and compassionate viewpoint
Both knew and respected Rollo May, and he saw them both as "passionate"
Both saw science as necessary and fully compatible, when healthy, with a healthy spirituality
Both had many dialogue partners, both spanned many disciplines
Both inclined to rethink major things over the course of their careers
Wilber has been through all sorts of phases; most recent is post-metaphysical phase
Tillich insisted on the uniqueness of the Christ event but those who knew him saw him heading toward something like Green before he died...Eliade said he was on the verge of a totally new way of thinking
God/Spirit as nondual Ground
Post-formal/reason in ecstasy
Ultimate concern

What Ken Wilber misses about religion

What college aged kids need spiritually

Someone to believe in them
Someone to authorize their thirst for answers
Someone to encourage them to follow the truth wherever it leads them
Ken Wilber says rave culture is healthier than state-denying amber religion
An ultimate concern
Direction, vocation, guidance
Some sort of mythology
That they can comfortably call mythology
Reconciliation with the world
Realizing that the church is a part of the world, accepting that, and doing something with it

Tree planted by the water


My story with Catholicism
Vatican II had an orange center of gravity
Development of doctrine
Rootedness and potentiality
As granting Catholicism license to grow
As an orange principle


People will fucking drop out and go orange hardcore
The Evangelical Glass Ceiling

I need to get to a place where I don't get angry every time I think about that phrase. But maybe that rage can be constructive.

My resentment

What only religion can do

Science can't because it is always state-of-the-art
Authorize the early stages of development



My story

Orange elements in my personality hugely drawn to orange spirituality but hugely threatened by it
The orangeness of "the reasons behind the rules"
Peeling away the veil of interpretation
Bill endorsed
As getting back to orange
Catholicism (see Catholicism/My story with Catholicism)
Eternal return, and blue stability
Event and HB
Ken Wilber
Tillich opening the door

Main topic

Developmental perspective

Evangelicals are insistently anti-developmental
Conformist social forms; a kind of medievalism
First century absolutism
Need to introduce developmental perspective and multiple intelligences, at least
Ultimate concern as a line of development
Spirituality as the fourth of the Big 3

"Orange pressure cooker"