af Lake Water 1 år siden
Coven 32's Horrible No Good Day
A day filled with unexpected and troubling events unfolds for the members of Coven 32. Lilliana and Jean's day begins with confusion and unexplained occurrences, including Jean's mysterious disappearance and the discovery of a cryptic note from Isadore.
Coven 32's Horrible No Good Day CELESTE"S COFFEE Meets friend, gets coffee Pushed Lillie out of the way in morning Celeste Passed Out Night before LILLIANA'S PANIC Headmistress's Office First Class Cancelled (SUS) Jean DOESN"T EXIST?? Gets Group sent to nurse Jean's Room only inhabited by Laura NURSES OFFICE Laura and Illuse have breakfast together! Group Notes Celeste and Lilliana intend to interrogate Isadore Only Celeste and Lillie Go Celeste Meets MATTHEW on the way (MY favourite NPC now) Something happening with council?? LILLIANA AND JEAN Isadore's Note Open on the Floor Jean, Missing Lilliana Passes Out Bright Light? Bedroom, Wrecked LAURA AND THE WOODS Laura Passes Out Rainy Day Will-o-Wisp, Followed Creature in the woods Possibly Fey? Laura has a destiny??