af casey klotz 15 år siden
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topic sentence:We have all heard some wise sayings before.
1. Be careful what you wish for.
2. What does not kill you makes you stronger.
Gov idea:wise saying
Do not put all your eggs in one basket
1. Be careful.
2. Always have a second plan.
1. Marjor proof: Be carful
topic sentence: Be careful because things may not work out the way you want.
A. I had $80 in my wallet when I went on vacation. I lost my wallet on vacation.
1. Be responsible
2. Take better care of things.
B. When I went to Ca. I thought I would see my friend but I could not.
1. I should of talked to more friends
2. Make a plan
2. Major proof: Always have a second plan.
topic sentance:You should have a back up plan.
A. I barrowed money from a friend and payed him back.
1. Have support
2. Be smart
B. My friend did not pay me back.
1. Do not always believe what people say.
2.Be sure it is not important.