Kategorier: Alle - education - accommodations - disability - students

af Abby Fisher 5 år siden


chapter 5

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is a civil rights law designed to prevent discrimination against individuals with disabilities in programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance.

chapter 5


Protects persons with disabilites from discrimination in programs or services that reviece federal financial assitance

Requireas reasonable accommodations to ensure nondiscrimination

Section 504 of Rehabilitation Acy

Major Principles

PART 3: Protects person who may only have minor disabilites or none at all because of sterotyplical beliefs
PART 2: protects students from having a disability they use to have or past disabilty or incorrectly classified
PART ONE: Just because a student has a disability under section 504 does not mean that the student qualites for protection under the law
Doble coverage is when any student with a disability who is eligible for speical education services under IDEA will be covered under section 504.

Students can be covered by 504 but not IDEA as lond as the disability substantially limits a major life activity


There was much confusion when the law was first made. Many thought it correct problems in the rehaviliation of individuals with disabilites or it was an extention of the civil rights act


Provide educational oppurtunites equivalant to those with out disabilites
Protects students and parents with disabilites in respects to schools and law. It covers
Any shcools that recieve federal assitance
Technical colleges
School districts
Pubic schools
Civil rights law that prohibits discrimination gainst those with disabilites in programs and activites that recieve federal assistance