af Nik Pais 15 år siden
CRM order processing For DBU Order
The process involves detailed steps to manage and update orders, particularly for existing clients using the RWS Platform. Initially, the order's accuracy is confirmed, and its status is updated to reflect its progression.
Order Processing Existing client Complete Asset bill date & bill release SIP AKR, uers, correct bill date & bill released Change (billing) Status - pending bill release Release to billing OLI - perm status = complete Review -Dashboard For TFA Permissioning / Install TFA - tech TOM SPM Submit Perm Activity User ID is created Order Number / transfer to compass Add any applicable OLI's (admin) last minute any attachment Update Notes for - Permissioning team / technical team Perm system Permssion Date Update bill date User Name AKR Device type PLI which is specific to infrastructure (RWS_DBU) SPM Permissioning PLI (MK3IDNKU / PD) RDU Software PLI (DV-RDUSVR) DBU Server PLI for ILA creation (DV-DBUSVR) Update Status SLA start confirmed that the order is correct and sales will understand order is in progression Assigned to accepted Drill into order and check the information Reason Codes Perm Date Notes - special instructions Signed Order Form ($$$$) vs OLI) Approvals Spec Pricing - term bill date Sub # PLI Review Dashboard DBU Order for RWS Platform