Kategorier: Alle - education - progressive - curriculum - expectations

af mei Hoyt 12 år siden


Curriculum History

Over different historical periods, the American educational system has undergone significant transformations in response to perceived national crises, ranging from military to economic concerns.

Curriculum History

the return to the traditionalist's focal point

Curriculum History


the twenty first century
the twentieth century
the Sputnik - the "call" for single curriculum

discovery learning

Bruner - all learn the same way, get the "structure" (key factors of the topic)

1957, subject centered

"teacherproof" curricula to boost rigor

the federal support/financial incentives

priority of science, math and technology

the Eight-Year Study
1927 NSSE Yearbook
Child-centered curriculum

no standard rules


centered around the child

Franklin Bobbit and Activity Analysis

to replicate

"immediately and tangibly useful"

The Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education

the changes

Progressive Era & Progrseeive Education

Dewey and Progressive Education, p. 43

The nineteenth century
NEA's Reports - 1876; 1893; 1895

Hegalian and Herbartians - Philosophy and its importance in curricula decision making

The Common School Movement, land grant universities
practical and social
The transitional period
The colonial period
The Harvard Curriculum and Franklin's Academy
focal point of this era
Where and what did people learn? purpose?


unresachable goal

can not fix everything through test

cure of national crisis
schools, teachers, students to be accountable
allign curriculum

A Nation at Risk (of what?)

a military crisis to an economic crisis - perceived

"mediocrity" - measured by what?

low expectations, lack spiritual strength, less school time
education remiss - mediocrity
Major argument

The three focal points