Kategorier: Alle - anatomy - circulation - reading - resources

af Caitlin Gates 6 år siden


curriculum map

Students are introduced to the basics of the human heart and its anatomy through various engaging activities. They start by examining a picture of Vivien Thomas, an influential figure in cardiovascular surgery, and discuss his life and achievements.

curriculum map

The Heart


Interior Vena Cava
Right Ventricle
Left Ventricle
Tricuspid Valve
Aortic Valve
Mitral Valve
Pulmonary Valve
Left Atrium
Right Atrium
Pulmonary Vein
Pulmonary Artery
Superior Vena Cava


How to Make a Model Heart With Materials From Your Home
How to Make a Human Heart with Play Doh
A Surgical Assistant with Hands Blessed by God: Vivien Thomas Biography
Sheep Heart Dissection Video
The Science of the Heart and Circulation: Examining the Heart
Watch movie trailer about renowned heart surgeon Vivien Thomas


Choice Reading Activity

ELL students can participate in a choice activity where they can read Cardiology FOR KIDS and Adults Too!

Circulatory System Rap

The Teacher will assign this Circulatory System Rap song to help their ELL students remember the heart anatomy terms as well as their functions.

Anticipatory Set
Heart Dissection
Heart Model Activity

Grade 8 Standards

ELPS: Listening/Speaking

Standard 1: The student will listen actively to the ideas of others in order to acquire new knowledge. Comprehension of Oral Communication

The student will demonstrate understanding of oral communications by: 




Low Intermediate

High Intermediate

ELPS: Writing

Standard 1: The student will express his or her thinking and ideas in a variety of writing genres: Expository

The student will express his or her thinking and ideas by using a variety of writing genres, as demonstrated by:




Low Intermediate

High Intermediate

ELPS: Reading

Standard 4: The student will analyze text for expression, enjoyment, and response to other related content areas: Comprehending Text

The student will demonstrate knowledge of reading comprehension by: 




Low Intermediate

High Intermediate


Concept 1: Structure and Function in Living Systems


Concept 1: History of Science as a Human Endeavor

-Identify individual, cultural, and technological contributions to scientific knowledge