af Alberto Ignacio Medina ceras 3 år siden
Mere som dette
"LA ROTONDA" construcción de hormigón. la cúpula mas grande del mundo, diámetro de 43.44m, un óculo de 8.9m en la cúspide, dando iluminación natural
anfiteatro publico, para 50000 personas. asientos escalonados y pasillos, aun sirve de modelo para estadios
uso del hormigón para mayor estabilidad en muros y arcos
de bloque de granito sin mortero, levantados a 28 m sobre el nivel de la calle
para recordar la victoria de guerra
baños publicos
para representaciones teatrales
puentes, acueductos, templos y panteones
foros, teatros y circos
construyo templos cristianos
arquitectura paleocristiana
fundador de la ciudad de Bizancio/Constantinopla
actual Estambul en Turquia
construcción de teatros y reconstrucción de la ciudad a su gusto
caminos de comercio y mensajeria
mes de Agosto en su honor
arco de construcción, bóveda, cúpula
unión de etruscos del norte y del sur
establecida en la Toscana
templo dedicado a la diosa Atenea, 48 columnas de mármol de 10m de altura de orden dórico.
estructura distribuida en armonia espacial y visual
columnas que sostenían vigas
poste y dintel a gran escala
estetica y armonia visual
dorico, jonico y corintio
piedra caliza y mármol
conquista de Persia, Siria, Gaza Egipto y Mesopotamia
división ciudad, estado o polis
con terrazas sostenidas por columnas, esculpido sobre piedra
300,000 hombes, 20 años, bloques de 2.5 ton., 146m de altura y finas juntas de piedra y granito
pirámide de Saqqara y de Giza
primer arquitecto de la historia
se enterraba a los faraones con sus riquezas
decoración con piedras preciosas y jardines
construcción del templos: Abu Simbel, Amon y Rmesseum
How does it taste?
What is its flavor? Type in the adjectives that best describe this drink.
Examples: 'The coconut cooler is the perfect way to start a hot summer day. Sweet coconut juice, nutritious almonds and energizing lime juice.'
What does it consist of?
su tumba contenia una enorme riqueza
What cold drink will you serve?
construcción de la ciudad de Menfis
diques y canales
How does it taste?
What is its flavor? Type in the adjectives that best describe this drink.
Example: 'Although sugar-free, this cider will warm your body and senses with its sweetish ginger and honey taste. It's a refreshing winter version of your beloved lemonade.'
What does it consist of?
sistema de velas
What hot drink will you serve?
para la construcción
What does it consist of
puerta de la muralla que rodeaba a la ciudad. revestida con ladrillos esmaltados de azul
Dessert is the final course that is meant to satisfy people's cravings for sweetness after they have eaten other savorous foods. Type in the answer.
construcción monumental funeraria con rampas y plataformas
puerta de Ishtar
How does it taste?
Each dish description should sound as if you were explaining a friend the taste and flavors for which that dish is your favorite. Type in the adjectives that best describe this course. Example: ' The taste of the citrus sauce is so syrupy and flavored, the exact amount of sweetness the duck needs. Also, the duck is tender and succulent in the inside and crispy on the outside.'
What does it consist of?
ladrillos y adobe
The main course, also called the entree, is the largest portion of the meal and in many cases contains some type of protein. Type in the answer.
canales, diques, estanques y aljibes
construcción de Zigurat de Etemenaki y Borsippa
How does it taste?
What are its flavors?
Type in the adjectives that best describe this course.
Example: 'The tangy taste of paprika combines with the earthy aromas of fresh vegetables, all with an underlying taste of juicy beef.'
What does it consist of?
codigo Hammurabi- ley de tailon
A soup can be anything from a light broth to a rich pure. Very often, the type of soup being served is determined by the following dish.
Type in the answer.
Construccion de Zigurats de Ur, Uruk y Nippur
Templos y construcciones de piedra y adobe
What are its flavor?
Each dish description should sound as if you were explaining a friend the taste and flavors for which that dish is your favorite.
Type in the adjectives that best describe this course.
Example: ' The crunchy tortillas are melting in your mouth like savoury-salty biscuits. The sweet-and-sour tomato sauce is perfectly seasoned while the jalapeno pepper makes it spicy. '
What does it consist of?
The appetizer, also called a starter, is a small portion or a bite-size delicacy which will prepare you for the remainder of the meal. Type in the answer.