Kategorier: Alle - economics - scarcity - supply - finance

af Kun Zhan 7 år siden


Economic and Finance

The content delves into fundamental concepts and issues within the fields of economics and finance. It explores the basic principles of economics, such as scarcity and the factors of production, including labor, land, raw materials, and capital.

Economic and Finance

The review plan of Economic and Finance

Statistics (Topic 10 )

Corporate and Finance (Topic 7-Topic 9)


Economics (Topic 1 A to Topic 6)

Macroeconomics(Topic 4 to Topic 6)
Banking, Money and Interest Rates

Equilibrium in the Money Market

The Demand for Money

The Supply of Money

The Financial System

The Meaning and Functions of Money

means of establishing value of future claims and payments

means of storing wealth

means of evaluation

medium of exchange

Relationship between Unemployment and Inflation


The Phillips curve


Policies to tackle inflation

the total expenditure (MV) equals the nominal GDP (PY)

The quantity theory of money

The equation of exchange: MV = PY

real value of national income

price index

velocity of circulation

the average number of times annually that money is spent on goods and services

M money supply

structural (demand shift)

expectations and inflation

supply-side policies (affect AS)

increase productivity

reduce monopoly power

demand-side policies (affect AD)

Monetary policy

Interest rate decrease lead to borrowing cheaper lead to Arrogate demand increase

the central bank altering the supply of money in the economy or manipulating the rate of interest

Fiscal policy

expansionary:G rise lead to T decrease

contractionary:G increase lead to T rise

altering the level of government expenditure (G) and/or rate of tax (T)

Types of inflation

interaction of demand-pull and cost-push inflation

cost push

demand pull

Defining inflation


equilibrium unemployment

seasonal unemployment

structural unemployment

regional unemployment

technological unemployment (labour-saving technology)

changing pattern of demand

frictional (search) unemployment

takes time for workers to find jobs (imperfect information)

results from workers who are between jobs

disequilibrium unemployment

unemployment arising from a growth in the labour supply

demand-deficient (cyclical) unemployment

real-wage (classical) unemployment

The National Economy

Economic groth

Long-term gowth

Short-term gowth

the business cycle

slowdown or recession

peaking out



actual growth VS potential economic growth

Measuring National Income

Net national income (NNY)

Gross national income (GNY)

Gross Domestic product (GDP)

the expenditure method

the income method

the product method

The Circular Flow of Income

The circular flow and the four macroeconomic objectives

J>W -> a rise in aggregate demand -> economic growth; unemployment falls; inflation rises; import rises and export falls

Equilibrium in the circular flow

The relationship between injections and withdrawals

Injections (J)

export expenditure (X)

government expenditure (G)

investment (I)

Withdrawals (W)

import expenditure (M)

net taxes (T)

net saving (S)

The inner flow

Consumption of domestically produced goods and services (Cd)

Factor payments

The Scope of Macroeconomics

Macroeconomic policy objectives

A stable financial system

the exchange for Min fluctuation

Balance the payment

Low inflation

Low unemployment

High and stable economic growth

The major macroeconomic issues

balance of payments and exchange rates



economic growth

Microeconomics (Topic 1 B -Topic 3)
Market structure

Monopoly market

Downward sloping, more inelastic than oligopoly. Firm has considerable control over price

Produce the Unique products

Restricted or completely blocked to entry the market

Only one firm

Oligopoly market

Downward sloping, relatively inelastic for demand curve(shape depends on reactions of rivals)

Produce the differentiated products or Undifferentiated products

Restricted to entry the market

Few firms in this market

Monopolistic competition market

Downward sloping, but relatively elastic for demand curve

Produce the differentiated products

Several firms in the market

Perfect competition market

Horizontal:The firm is a price taker

produce the undifferentiated products

Unrestricted to entry

Many firms

Markets in Action (Elasticity)

Indirect Tax

Implications for tax policy

Elasticity and the incidence of taxation

The incidence of taxation

the consumers' share

the producers' share

Effects on supply curve

ad valorem tax(从价税)

specific tax


Cross-price elasticity of demand(需求交叉价格弹性)

Goods are Substitutes

CeD will be positive

Goods are compliments

CeD will be negative

Goods are related or unrelated

CeD = 0 (or close to 0) suggests no significant relationship

closeness as substitutes or complements

measurement: The percentage change in quantity demanded for Good a divided by the percentage change in price

Income elasticity of demand


A negative result denotes an inferior good

A positive result denotes a normal good

proportion of income spent on the good

degree of necessity

measurement:Percentage change in quantity demanded divided by percentage change in income

Price elasticity of supply


time period

the amount that costs rise as output rises

measurement:Percentage change in quantity supply divided by percentage change in price

Price elasticity of demand

Price elasticity of demand and consumer expenditure

effects of a price change on expenditure: inelastic demand

effects of a price change on expenditure: elastic demand

Total consumer expenditure (TE)=P*Q = Firm's total revenue

Determinants of price elasticity of demand


the proportion of income spent on the good

substitute goods

The value: Great or less than one (ignore the negative sign)

PeD infinity: perfectly elasticity,horizontal demand curve

PeD is = 0 , perfectly in-elasticity,Vertical demand curve

PeD is =- 1: Unit elasticity of demand,unitary elastic

PeD is < 1: inelastic; steeper demand curve

PeD is > 1: elastic; flatter demand curve

The sign :Negative

Measurement: Percentage change in quantity demanded divided by percentage change in price

Definition:The responsiveness of demand to change in price

Definition: the responsiveness of demand and suplly

Demand and Supply

Price control

Maximum price( price ceiling)

Minimum price(Price floor)

Price and output determination (D=S)

Non-price factors:Shift (Increase and decrease)

Price factors:Move along(expansion and contraction)

Demand curve and Supply curve

Supply curve

Demand curve


Shapes of the curve

Basic concepts of Economics (Topic 1 A)
Economic system

Mix market system

Free market system

Command system

The filed of economist study

Microeconomics field

The circular flow of income

microeconomic objectives

rational economic decision making

The concept of opportunity costs

production possibility curve


full efficiently


The study field of Macroeconomic

Macroeconomic policies

Demand-side policy

Supply-side policy

Macroeconomic issues

The cyclical fluctuation of national economic

Balance of trade (Import and export)

The inflation of national economic

The rate of unemployment of population

The recession of National economic

The growth of National economic

Economic problems

scarcity-the central economic problem

Supply and demand

actual and potential supply and demand

importance of recording supply and demand

Factors of production


land and raw materals


Definition of scarcity

Production and consumption