Kategorier: Alle - plagiarism - safety - citizenship - policies

af Jacqueline Covell 4 år siden



Effective classroom management in online learning environments involves addressing key issues such as academic integrity and internet safety. Teachers can support students in ethical use of online materials by discussing the reasons behind plagiarism and clearly communicating the consequences and the student code of conduct.



DISCIPLINE- How do teachers apply appropriate disciplinary actions in online learning environments?

Clearly communicate concerns to parents as well as school supports (Admin, SERT, Student Success teacher, Social Worker, School Chaplain etc.)
Don't shy away from difficult conversations
Maintain a progressive approach to discipline
Document and record incidents or concerns
Clearly communicate Student Code of Conduct and behavioural expectations
School and School Board specific but could include school administration, social worker, parents/guardians, student success teacher.
Managing Difficult Behaviours in Online Learning- https://www.uvic.ca/til/assets/docs/for_instructors/managing_students/Managing-Difficult-Behaviours.pdf
Difficult Online Students- https://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/gradhacker/difficult-online-students

ATTENDANCE- In the absence of physically seeing students, how can teachers ensure students are attending their classes and engaging in content?

Connect with other teachers to see if this is an isolated incident or across subjects
Involve School Administration
Communicate home via phone call and then email
Include synchronous learning in teaching and learning plan
Communicate online office hours
Develop healthy student relationships
Develop engaging and student relevant learning opportunities
Establish and communicate key expectations for attendance
Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Google Meets attendance data
LMS Analytics Tools
Google Forms
Ways to Handle Student Absences in Online Learning- https://blogs.edweek.org/teachers/classroom_qa_with_larry_ferlazzo/2020/04/ways_to_handle_student_absences_in_remote_teaching_when_were_back_in_school.html

FLAMING/CYBERBULLING- With the use of electronic communications in online learning (IM, discussion boards, email social media etc.), how do teachers protect students from cyberbullying?

Response would be highly situational depending on how the student is being bullied, regardless involve school supports and parents in the solution
Involve parents and peers in recognizing and monitoring for instances of cyberbullying
Develop a social contract at the beginning of the course
Clearly identify and reference school board policies in regard to cyberbullying
Cyberbullying Prevention Course for Ontario Youth- https://cyberbullying.safeatschool.ca
Kids Help Phone: https://kidshelpphone.ca
Cyberbullying Warning Signs: https://cyberbullying.org/cyberbullying-warning-signs

SAFETY ON THE INTERNET- How can teachers promote awareness effective and safe online engagement?

Response would be highly situational depending on how the student has been exposed, regardless involve school supports and parents in the solution
Educate and encourage students to protect their online safety (e.g. not sharing personal information, signs of online bullying, use of public wifi etc.)
Involve parents and peers in recognizing, monitoring and communicating safety concerns
Incorporate digital citizenship programming into orientation course incl. how to identify reliable and non-reliable sources
Protect Kids Online: https://protectkidsonline.ca/app/en/additional_information
Learn Safe Software: https://learnsafe.com/internet-safety-for-distance-learning/
A Starting Place for Online Privacy- https://www.edutopia.org/blog/starting-point-ensuring-student-online-privacy-anne-obrien
Digital Citizenship Activities for Educators- https://cyberbullying.org/digital-citizenship-activities-for-educators

GROUP WORK- How do teachers promote the development of collaboration and social skills through group work in online environments?

Encourage peer and self evaluation opportunities
Facilitate group breakout discussions using video conferencing tools
If teacher is establishing groups, ensuring strategic grouping that consider learning styles
Facilitate opportunities for collaboration and group work within the digital learning environment
Video Conferencing tools like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meets
Use of collaboration tools such as google docs/slides/sheets, Padlet, Makerspaces etc.
Effective Use of Group Projects in Online Learning- https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1106897.pdf
Preparing Students for Effective Group Work- https://uwaterloo.ca/centre-for-teaching-excellence/teaching-resources/teaching-tips/alternatives-lecturing/group-work/implementing-group-work-classroom

COMPLETION OF ASSIGNMENTS- How do teachers support students in the completion of assignments in online learning environments?

Late or missed assignment contracts
Providing some flexibility during online learning depending on contextual factors
Developing engaging and relevant assignments that incorporate Backward Design Strategies
Offer office hours for assignment completion support and Q+ A
Clear communication of assignment details including a rubric and exemplar. Details should include learning goals and objectives
Student check-ins and student conferencing
Clearly communicate assignment due dates, Place dude dates in LWS Calendar tools (as applicable)
Use of digital tools for organization such as google calendar, remind etc.
Use of digital tools that are compatible with chosen LMS
Why Millions of Teens Can't Finish their Homework- https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2018/10/lacking-internet-millions-teens-cant-do-homework/574402/

PLAGARISM/COPYRIGHT- How can teachers support students in developing and demonstrating honest and ethical use of online materials and submissions?

Refer to school and/or school board policies for plagiarism and consequences of- act accordingly
Identify and discuss with students the reasons why students plagarize-- having an open discussion to address and mitigate motivations
Clearly communicate consequences of plagiarism
Clearly communicate Student Code of Conduct inclusive of Plagiarism Policies to all students
Grammarly: https://www.grammarly.com
Turnitin: https://www.turnitin.com
The Imposter Syndrome (video)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=eqhUHyVpAwE&feature=emb_logo
Why Students Plagarize- https://www.edutopia.org/article/why-students-plagiarize

NETIQUETTE- How can teachers guide students in the development of effective online communication?

Address concerns with netiquette in a timely fashion
Involving school administration and other school/community supports as required
Student counselling and guidance at individual or group level as required
Develop a class social contract at the beginning of the course
Model proper netiquette during online interactions with all students, Incorporate netiquette learning opportunities into orientation course
Student Digital Netiquette Interactives and Quizzes- https://mediasmarts.ca/digital-media-literacy/educational-games
Sample Netiquette lesson- https://www.commonsense.org/education/lesson-plans/online-etiquette
Rules of Online Netiquette (video)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80uRE972uQ0

MANAGEMENT OF DOCUMENTS, HANDOUTS AND STUDENT FILES- How can teachers help students to organize their course materials and resources?

Limit or group handouts into single files
1on1 support for students through screen share and/or video conferencing
Clearly label and identify all materials according to lesson topic/theme
Consistent use of chosen LMS
Post all documents, handouts and student files in consistent manner and location
Encourage use of LMS digital tools for management and organization of all files,
LMS tools and functions
If applicable, use of school student drive
G- Suite (specifically G drive)
The Era of Online Learning (Ted Talk)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=5JKgUoY9pTg&feature=emb_logo
Tools for Student Self-Management- https://www.edutopia.org/blog/tools-for-student-self-management-andrew-miller