af laia ferre 2 år siden
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Is an invisible force between two magnetic objects or between two magnetic objects or between a magnetic object and an object made of magnetic materials such as iron.
Other substances
Other magnets
The lines are the position of the filings.
We can see the magnetic field of a bar magnet using iron filings.
Negatively charge
Positively charge
Electricity can be found in nature. Electricity is transported to our homes through wires and cables. High voltage electricity is very dangerous.
Electricity is very useful but it can be dangerous.
Electricity can produce heat, light, magnetism, sound and movement.
Electric eels can discharge up to 600 volts.
In a storm cloud, small bits of ice bump into each other as they move move around. This causes and electrostatic charge to build up in the clouds. When the charge is too big, giant sparks called lighting bolts are produced.
Negative charge
Positive charge