Kategorier: Alle - awareness - writing - analysis - group

af Jessika Mesa 5 år siden



The process of learning and applying rhetorical analysis is emphasized through various projects and readings. The tasks included writing assignments and group activities focused on understanding the three rhetorical appeals:


Learning and composition

Personal Goal: Understand how to use fillers correctly

Hearing feedback from someone else allowed me to know when I did not need certain information
The peer reviews helped with this beyond belief because they were able to tell when I was using information to make the word count


The structure of the paper is broken down into 3 claims and their reasoning
The structure of a paper is explained and given how to go about them
This journal includes analyzing genres and conventions of academic writing including language, word choice, structure and reference
Project 3 reflection
Every aspect of the project 3 was broken down into this reflection and allowed us to realize what exactly conventions are and how they were used
This reflection allowed me to realize the conventions that were used within this project
Project 3: multi-medial presentation
This presentation consisted of a one page poster that allowed us to breakdown our entire project 3 in a short amount of time
Project 2: multi-medial presentation
This presentation was also timed, so we had to fit everything from this project within the time limit
Project 1: multi-medial presentation
This presentation was timed so we had to use conventions to make the presentation fit within the time limit

Critical Thinking and Composing

SLO activity
While putting the SLO's in our own words, we were able to reflect on them as we broke them down
We had to break down all of our student learning objectives and put them into our own words
Project 3
We had to find ways to have the audience connect to the issue
Placing all of the information together and flowing seamlessly included critical thinking
We had to compose project 3 from our sources in project 2
I had to find supporting reasonings within my own mind
I had to critically think as to why this issue is a big deal to me
This was a journal about my personal connection to climate change
Interview Report
Putting together the interview report into a document had to be set up a certain way that made me think about the reasoning of the entire process
We had to create questions that we think would benefit our learning
Credible resources had to be found to support the given claims
Counterarguments are included within this reading and journal where it is explained how to handle them
Using a thesis statement effectively is mentioned
Project 2: annotated bibliography
We had to find sources that were credible and fit the professors requirements
Critical thinking was used by understanding the main ideas of the texts to see if they were fit to support our claims
We had to make sure the sources connected enough with our topics
Project 1: rhetorical analysis
We had to critical think about how we feel about our topic and what it means to us
We had to support our topic by gathering information from other sources and composing information from that
Draft of Project 1
Analyze content/response journals and how they contribute to the writing process
Understand the missing pieces and how to make the flow within
Understand how to rhetorically analyze a paper
We had to breakdown an controversial image which took a lot of thinking and deep thinking of what is being targeted
Journal 1: Visualize the Rhetorical Situation
Visualizing the rhetorical situation takes a lot of thinking and composing both inside your mind and on paper
Chapter 8 reading: Reading and Writing in the Natural Resources
Scientific method into the scientific writing process
Scientific writing process
Scientific method

Personal Goal: Identify the genre and how it affects other aspects of the text

Our class had assigned readings that had to deal with genres and how the differ from one another
We had numerous class discussions on genre and what the differences mean

Personal Goal: Understand how to cite MLA properly

We had to learn how to cite the proper format within our essays
We had numerous discussions in class about the differences in the work cited page
For project 3 we had to convert our APA citations from project to MLA

Reflection and Revision

Project 3: multimedial presentation
I was able to reflect and share my findings with the rest of the class
This one page poster made me reflect on what the important aspects of my learning were
Journal 7
This journal is a reflection on why climate change is an important issue to me
Project 2: Multimedial Powerpoint Presentation
I was able to reflect on the sources they used and why I chose to use these specific sources
Project 3: Personal Narrative
This narrative was a place for me to explain why and how climate change has changed my view on the world and activities going on in it
Exit journals
Reflecting on why our daily objectives were important made us think as to why went over those objectives
Chapter 4 reading: Academic Research
Revisions depending on what genre is being written; what can and cannot be included
This reading assured me that academic writing is never fully complete - it can always be improved some more
Reflecting on research is important because the author should have a personal connection to make the piece feel more credible
There will always be revisions to be made when publishing academically
Scholar Interview
Interview a scholar that has published before; understand the process
Understanding what publishing within our major/field is like

Rhetorical Awareness

Journal 6
Claims and counterclaims are given and broken down into supporting bullet points
Journal 5
Explains the three rhetorical appeals: pathos, logos, and ethos
Reading and response on how to persuade an audience on a topic
Journal 3
This journal includes how to understand the discipline of researching and the writing that comes along with it that includes rhetorical writing
Group narrative
The group had to support what we found the four elements to be
We worked together to be assured that the four elements we found were accurate
We worked in groups to breakdown the four elements of rhetorical analysis
Journal 1: Visualize the rhetorical situation
The reasoning as to why the audience is the audience and how the topic is being tackled are explained as well
This reading and journal are composed of how to breakdown the given rhetorical situation into the components of rhetorical writing
Project 2: Annotated Bibliography
Each source had to fit the requirements for rhetorical awareness
For this project we had to breakdown every source by the four elements of rhetorical analysis
Project 1: Rhetorical analysis
SLC & DOCS were used multiple times throughout the project
Understand the appeals: logos, pathos, ethos
Chapter 5 reading: Reading and Writing in Academic Disciplines
Understanding the differences between different types of genres and how they are tackled are key
It is important to identify the reasonings behind reading and writing academically
Chapter 2 reading: Reading and Writing Rhetorically
Learned that it is extremely important to be able to identify the four aspects of rhetorical writing and how they are accomplished
Understanding genres
Understanding rhetorical context
Controversial Picture and Topic
The image visualized rhetorical writing
We saw how other others were writing about the topic and how they used rhetorical writing to their advantage
We had to write a paragraph using the rhetorical writing process
Reading: Scientific Writing in the Natural Sciences
Being able to easily identify the four aspects of rhetorical analysis is key when writing research papers
The four parts of rhetorical analysis are broken down and how they are tackled