af COHEN WEBB 9 år siden
Esperanza Rising Character Map
The narrative revolves around a young girl named Esperanza, who transitions from a life of wealth to facing poverty following her father's death. The story highlights her relationships with various characters, each contributing uniquely to her journey.
Esperanza Rising Character Map Main topic Marisol Rodriguez Esperanza's next door naybor in mexico Esperanza's best friend Juan generous Father Josefina Generous good hearted close friend Miguel servant in begining and normal poor person later Abuelita likes to crochet old grandmother Alfonso smart servant Marta Mean Rude Bratty Isabelle curious notices details Tío Marco also looks like an underfed billy goat not as smart as Tio luis governor of Aguascalientes Senoir Rodriguez nice to Esperanza secretive father Hortensia Alfonso's wife poor Esperanza her dad died she was rich but then became poor Mama clever comforting sad once Papa died Papa Esperanzas dad dead at one with earth Tio Luis Bad Guy bank president looks like an under fed billy goat Carmen puts others above herself giving nice