Mere som dette
af Tania Espinoza
af Graciela Gomez
af marian sofia
Type in the name of your workshop
Add a preparation action for your workshop.
Think about:
Workshop venue
Enter the planned venue for the 'Estado de Flujo de Efectivo.' workshop
Add a follow-up action for your workshop.
Think about:
Who is responsible for 'Definición'?
Enter the name of the responsible person
Type in the name of a session or module.
Think about:
Es el rédito que se cobra por el préstamo de dinero con relación a 100 unidades y por la unidad de tiempo o periodo.
Who should take part in 'Definición'?
Who are the best people to participate in this session?
Who will lead it, and who will capture and process the results?
Es un (%) es el número de unidades monetarias que deben pagarse por cada 100 tomados en préstamo y unidad de tiempo.
What outputs will come from 'Definición'?
What is the output from this session? How will it be captured, collated, sorted and communicated?
Es el intervalo que transcurre desde el inicio hasta la fiscalización de una operación financiera.
What inputs and resources are needed 'Definición'?
Think about:
Es la suma de dinero tomado en préstamo.
What is the purpose of 'Definición'?
What should this session achieve? What is the measure of success?
Add a supporting participant's name and their role in this workshop.
Think about:
Add a goal for your workshop.
Goals can be based on: