Kategorier: Alle - future - covid-19 - stakeholders - resilience

af Simona Ferlini 2 år siden


EU Health topics

The European Alliance for Value in Health convened a webinar to discuss how adopting a value-based, patient-centric approach could enhance the resilience of health systems, especially in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

EU Health topics



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EAVH European Alliance for #Value in Health

Discussion paper: Health systems after COVID-19 - Building #resilience through a value based approach #policymaking

Lessons learned from the crisis: how a value-based approach can make health systems more resilient

24 JUNE 2021

Making health systems more value-based and person-centered would not only make them better equipped to deal with health challenges in normal times, but also makes them more resilient and prepared for future crises. But what is needed to strengthen our systems and turn it into one that can consequently provide health for its population, no matter the circumstances? 

This was one of the points of discussion during the webinar “lessons learned from the crisis: how a value-based approach can make health systems more resilient” organized by the European Alliance for Value on Health on 17 June. The event was hosted to launch its position paper and discuss which conclusions we can draw from the COVID-19 pandemic. The Alliance invited various European stakeholders to provide their inputs on the paper.

Valentina Polylas (EUREGHA) and Thomas Allvin (EFPIA), co-chairs, first introduced the audience to the mission and principles of the European Alliance for Value in Health. In the panel debate, participants highlighted that a dynamic and patient-centric approach is vital to improve our health systems. In a patient-centric health system, patients are informed and equipped with their health data, and decisions are made based on their personal choices and values.

As health system resilience deals with the timely adaptation of innovative solutions, panelists agreed that cross-country comparisons support the uptake and implementation of evidence-based policies. Innovation should be identified and transferred to other countries. That is why international cooperation is key. In his closing statement, EUREGHA chair Giovanni Gorgoni underlined that “the European Alliance for Value in Health is fundamental for scouting, evaluating and implementing best practices in this field”.

We are looking forward to hearing your inputs and feedback on the new discussion paper. The recording of the event can be found here.


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