Kategorier: Alle - intercambio - marketing - dimensiones - información

af JV Mona 4 år siden


Evolucion del Marketing

Evolucion del Marketing

Evolucion del Marketing

What problem do you want to solve?

Type in the box.


I can't save moneyI can't lose weightMy neighbor is very loudI can't quit smokingI don't exercise enough

Marketing e Internet

Create a plan of how to solve the problem.

Forma de dirigirse al mercado
Practica del comercio en dominio al mercado

Ultimo Conceptos

Now it's time to execute your plan.

You can also:

Thanks for Mind Mapping!

Marketing responsabilidad social
Marketing Relacional
Marketing integrado
Marketing Interno
Implementación de programas,procesos y actividades
Necesidad de un nuevo paradigma
Nuevos conceptos
Satisfación de objetivos
Cracion de Intercambio
Grupo de Intereses

Why does this problem happening? What is its cause?

Press Enter if you have more answers.

Importancia del AMA

Orientacion al Mercado

This branch will guide you to think about the possible solutions available to your problem.

Comprende el concepto y ponerlo en practica
Generacion informacion del mercado

Marketing de Relación

To solve your problem 'Evolucion del Marketing' you need to establish clear goals of what you want to achieve.

Write down your goals, each goal on a new branch connected to this topic.

Beneficio del Desarrollo

What are your goals by solving this problem?

Desarrollo de Tecnologia
Aumento de Competencia
Existencia de mas Oferta

What would the ideal situation if this problem would go away?

Concepto formal

To understand your problem this branch will guide you to:

Describe your problem in detail

Press the next below to continue.

Vertical social del marketing

Describe the ideal situation if this problem didn't exist.

Horizontal despliegue del marketing
Termino intercambio

What do others, who are not involved think about this problem?

Ampliacion del Marketing
extension ambito social

What is the cause of this problem?

extension marketing
Avance del Marketing

Describe the current situation of the problem.

What is happening now?

Type your answer in the box.

aportada por el Ama