af Omar Velez 2 år siden
Flutter Mobile
The text highlights essential knowledge and skills required for developing mobile applications using Flutter. It emphasizes understanding Dart programming, object-oriented concepts, and both basic and functional programming paradigms.
Flutter Mobile Architecture MVVM MVC MVP Native Features and Plugins image/file picker Google Maps Camera Access path provider Backend FrameWork Core Django Laravel Node JS and Express Firebase Authentication Streams Push Notifications Fire Store Adaptive and responsivess Responsive Widges MediaQuery/Layout builder Advance UI Use third party packages Advance UI components like Gesture slivers, splash screens Create mock up data using opp concepts Use advance widgets list, view, grid view, etc Ui/Ux Mockups, wireframes, and prototype using tools like figma, Adobe XD Sound knowledge of style guides, typography, color theory Deployment Apple Store Google play Store Testing CI/CD github actions Code/magic Unit Testing Widget Testing Integration Testing DataBase NoSQL MongoDB SQL Ms SQL Server MySQL State Management Redux Riverpod Get_x Provider Local Persistent storage Shared, Preferences Hive, SqlLite Animations Animated widgets Tools like rive and flare Flutter Basics Navigation and Routing Know About material design and flat design (cupertino widgets) Inherited Widget Stateless / Statefull widgets Basic Styling widgets(i,e Text, Container etc) Know about how to use ASSETS like image, audio, video, svg, etc Dart Programmin Object Oriented Object Functional Programming Basic