Kategorier: Alle - aranceles - comercio - exportaciones - tlc

af Maylee Huamán Carrillo 3 år siden



Los Tratados de Libre Comercio (TLC) firmados por Perú han demostrado ser beneficiosos en el largo plazo, especialmente en la comercialización internacional de bienes y servicios. El Acuerdo TPP, que incluye a 12 economías y está en proceso de incorporar otras de la APEC, ha unificado normas y mejorado las reglas de origen, facilitando el comercio entre economías abiertas y dinámicas.



Begin by typing in the name of your organisation.

Si funcionan, sus resultados deben ser medidos en un largo plazo

deben trabajarse más para ser aprovechados

Type in the name of an industry or sector in which your organisation competes.This mind map will help you to analyse your position in that industry.

Los TLC han logrado una aceptación generalizada, brindan mayores beneficios en la comercialización internacional de bienes y servicios, deben ser aprovechados al máximo por el estado peruano para generar mayores beneficios y ganancias
Acuerdo TPP

Unifica normas, mejora reglas de origen, estandarización de comercio entre economías abiertas y dinámicas

Do you make big enough purchases to be able to negotiate pricing with your suppliers in this market? Rate your purchasing power:

Our purchase volumes are not really important to our suppliersWe get the same discounts as everyone elseOur purchases are big enough to make suppliers deal with us personally

Formado por 12 economías, en camino a incluir economías APEC

Is it easy for you to switch between suppliers for the materials and services you purchase? Rate your mobility by choosing an option below:

We are locked into single suppliers and it would be expensive to change themWe could switch if we needed toIt is easy for us to use materials and services from multiple suppliers

Beneficioso en un mercado comercial internacional

How many choices do you have in terms of suppliers? Are there many suppliers for the materials you use? Assess your range of choice by choosing an option below:

We have trouble finding alternative sources of supply for the materials and services we needThere are a few suppliers for the materials and services we buyWe can purchase similar materials and services from multiple suppliers
El Perú frena el comercio

El trabajo de la exportación es tema del sector privado y público

Looking at the answers above, how do you rate your competitive position in the market?

Our competitive position is a negative force that makes us vulnerableOur competitive position is neither helping nor hinderingOur competitive position is a positive force for us

No suben ni bajan los aranceles, aún sabiendo que hay productos que debe bajar sus aranceles

Regresa al proteccionismo

Implementación de Oficinas Comerciales

Frenar las malas artes de contener el comercio internacional

Crear condiciones para mejorar las exportaciones

El extranjero debe saber que si le compra al Perú no paga aranceles

Brindar información sobre los tratados a personas de otros países

Tratados de Libre Comercio con EE.UU

Se tiene estándares más altos con visión de ganancia

Looking at the answers above, how do you rate your position against substitutes?

Customers can easily adopt substitutes and our product or service is not compellingSubstitutes are available, but customers usually prefer our type of product or serviceThere are few viable substitutes and our type of product or service is valued by customers

Aprovechar más los TLC para buscar nuevos mercados como Corea y Japón

Is your product or service attractive, when compared to the substitutes available to customers? Rate your position:

Our product or service requires more customer commitment and appreciation than many of the substitutesOur product or service is roughly equal to most of the substitutesOur product or service is a more compelling option than most of the substitutes

Mayores beneficios en la exportación y muebles de madera en base al acuerdo forestal

How essential is your product or service to customers? Are there many alternatives to buying from you? Assess the range of alternatives:

Our product or service is optional, and/or it is easy for customers to find substitutesCustomers prefer to buy, but can find substitutes if motivatedOur product or service is essential, and/or there are very few acceptable substitutes
Papel del Estado

Aprovechar los tratados tratando de exportar la mayor cantidad de productos posibles

Do customers make enough purchases to negotiate their pricing? Rate their purchasing power by choosing an option below:

Customers make significant purchases and demand discountsSome discounts are expected, but we can control themPricing is not usually negotiable and customers accept our pricing

Mejorar la falta de infraestructura

Is it easy for customers to switch between comparable products and services?

It is easy and inexpensive for a customer to switch from one vendor to anotherCustomers can switch if they are motivated toCustomers are generally locked into a product or service, and it is costly to switch

Mejorar el régimen tributario, laboral de manera que nos sean tan estrictas

Are there multiple sources of comparable products and services? Assess the customer's freedom of choice by choosing an option below:

There are many vendors with very similar products or servicesThere are only a few vendors of comparable products and servicesMost of the products and services have special features

Mejorar los problemas que tienen las empresas para exportar

Los Productos peruanos ingresan a nuevos mercados

Gracias al TLC los productos no tradicionales han crecido casi al 80%

Looking at the answers above, how do you rate the position of new entrants in the market?

It is both easy and attractive for new entrants to join this marketNew entrants could join if they perceive enough advantagesIt is both difficult and unattractive for new entrants to join

Prefieren comprarle al Perú porque no pagan aranceles

Rate the probability by clicking an icon below:

Probable: it is a profitable market and demand keeps prices highPossible: it is a growing market and could be profitable in the futureUnlikely: profits are low, and the market is already saturated, or even shrinking

Gracias a los TLC las barreras arancelarias se levantan

If a new organization wanted to join this industry, how big are the barriers to entry? Assess the barriers by choosing an option below:

Few barriers, making it easy for others to walk inAnother organization could join with some dedicationSerious investment is needed to join this industry
Acuerdos recientes (Unión Europea)

El sector agroexportador creció 7.26% debido a las preferencias arancelarias

Are there lots of similar players, or is the market dominated by a few players? Rate the distribution:

A few major names dominate the market, but we are a minor playerThe market is not really dominated by anyoneA few major names dominate the market, and we are one of them

A pesar de la crisis europea, la exportación peruana no disminuyó en gran volumen

Rate your competitiveness by choosing an option below:

We often lose to competitorsWe win sometimes and lose sometimesWe win most of the time

Los acuerdos recientes no van a dar resultados al instante

Assess the amount of competition by choosing one of the options below:

Lots of competitors, making it hard to get noticedA few competitorsAlmost no competitors and little choice