Kategorier: Alle - nutrition - fitness - disability - exercise

af Jenelle Clift 12 år siden


Graphic Organizer- Jenelle Clift

Integrating technology into physical and health education provides structured plans and goals, offering motivation and tracking progress. Various tools such as fitness planning websites, mobile apps, and computer nutrition portfolios facilitate daily physical activities, making workouts engaging and accessible.

Graphic Organizer- Jenelle Clift

Major health resources

Without the type of technology today, many lives would either be lost of changed. The advancement in our health technology has changed the way our hospitals work today.

Nutrition Analysis Programs

Blood Pressure Devices

Heart Rate monitors

Technology in Physical Education and Health Education

Online Fitness Coarses


Disability- a student has problems communicating with others, hearing, movement, manipulating objects and so on.

Impairment- abnomality or loss of function in a physical, anatomical, or psychological struture

With these problems, online coarses could help the kids that can no learn physically like other kids. It can help educate them at their level while getting to learn the importance of health like other students.

Convienent for any schedule
Information in highly visual forma

Sport Technology

Personal Heart rate moniters
Calorie Counters

Fitness Planning

Computer Nutrition Portfolios

In these wedsite, you can have a structured site that gives you plans and goals in order to accomplish what you are trying to. It brings motivation and encouragement and keeps you knowing where you are.


Remediation- helps an idividual learn or improve performance, often the focus of education, training, and thearpy.

Calofire counting wedsites
Mobile/ Ipod Apps

This could help students be working on their physical activities at home and on a daily basis. This makes working out more fun for students that like to be on their phones. Using an app makes it easy to access as well as making it fun.

Physical Fitness

Excercise equipement

In these machines, there are built in heart rate moniters, calorie counters, and resistance strengthening. This technology allows people at home to work out in their convenience at any time of the time at their own home. It can benefit people of any age.

Built -in help
Exercise videos
Healthy cardio excercises
Easy to access workouts
Motivation and excitement