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Gun Control In Canada

Canadian gun control regulations specify strict rules for storing and transporting firearms to ensure safety. Non-restricted firearms must be rendered inoperable with devices like trigger locks and securely stored in robust containers or safes, except in specific scenarios such as predator control areas or wilderness regions where they can remain unlocked but unloaded.

Gun Control In Canada

Gun Control In Canada

reasons for all of the rules

The reason we have so many rules is the same reason their are so many. The laws are set in place as to make sure it is safe for us to have the firearms and make sure people who are known for being dangerous cannot get them as easily

Are firearms really dangerous

In Canada in 2011 twenty five out of every one hundred citizens had guns of this only 2.5 out of every one hundred thousand people died due to gun related causes where as in chili ten out of every one hundred people owned a gun and the death rate due to gun related causes was the exact same per one hundred thousand people
Should changes be made?. No I do not believe that changes should be made they are safe and efficient as they are now.
I do not, have not and will not ever believe that a Canadian citizen owning a firearm is dangerous whether that firearm is a SPAS-12 shotgun, an AR15 or a pistol. Firearms by them selves are not dangerous in any way what is dangerous is the person using that firearm and it is for this reason we have so many rules and extensive background checks
If firearms were really as dangerous as some people such as liberal parties say they are we simply would not be allowed to have them by now.

Rules and Regulations

Must have a secure locking device on firearm such as a trigger on
Firearm must be unloaded however if firearm is a muzzle loading firearm it may be left loaded when traveling between hunting sites if firing cap is removed
While firearm is in a vehicle it must be locked in a trunk or another small compartment
Storing restricted firearms
If firearm is fully automatic bolt/bolt carrier but be removed if possible and kept in seperate room
Must be stored in a safe or secure room build for storing these types of items
Made inoperable with a secure locking device
Storing non-restricted firearms
firearm MUST be securely locked in a sturdy container, cabinet or room that will not be easily broken into and stolen from (I would recommend a safe).

Their are however a few exceptions to this ruling 1. in areas where it is legal to fire a gun, non-restricted firearms needed for predator control can temporarily be left unlocked and operable, but they are required to be both unloaded and all ammunition must be stored separately, and 2. in wilderness areas, non-restricted firearms can be left unlocked and/or operable, but must be left unloaded (ammunition may be kept nearby).

Bolts/Bolt carriers must be removed from firearm
Firearm must be inoperable with a secure locking device like a trigger lock

Requirements to obtaining firearm licence

You must be above eighteen years of age minimum to obtain a Possession and Acquisition License(PAL)(firearms license)
if under the age of eighteen and above the age of twelve you may obtain a junior firearms license this will give you the ability to borrow Non-Restricted firearms for Target practice, Organized shooting competitions and hunting
Firearm safety coarse
all applicants must successfully complete the Canadian Firearms Safety Course to obtain an unrestricted firearm license and must complete the Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course to obtain a restricted license
screening processes
The government also looks at everything you've done or said online and uses this information to help them decide whether you being a licensed gun owner is safe for the public
The government tracks down people you have had contact with in the past and asks them if they believe it would be safe for you to be a holder of a gun license and own a gun
In order to obtain a gun in Canada you must go through a 12 month screening process and be subjected to a background check