Kategorier: Alle - innovation - norms - hierarchy - collectivism

af Freshta sattar 1 år siden


Hofstede's Dimensions

In examining cultural dimensions, Pakistan shows a strong tendency to avoid uncertainty, reflected in its high score of 70. This means that societal norms are essential, time efficiency is prioritized, and there is a strong need for security and stability.

Hofstede's Dimensions

Hofstede's Dimensions

Uncertainty Avoidance
Pakistan has a dimension score of 70 and a strong propensity for avoiding uncertainty. High-uncertainty countries avoid and retain flexible behaviour and beliefs. There is an emotional need for norms in these cultures, time is money, individuals have an inner need to be busy and work hard, precision and punctuality are the standard, innovation may be rejected, and security is a key factor in individual motivation.


Power Distance
Pakistan dimension addresses the fact that not all individuals in society are equal. It expresses the culture's attitude towards these inequities among us. Power distance is defined as the extent to which less powerful members of a country's institutions and organisations expect and accept unequal power distribution. With an intermediate score of 55, determining a preference for Pakistan in this dimension is impossible.

Country Comparison


Iran has an intermediate score of 58 on this dimension, indicating that it is a hierarchical society. This means that people accept a hierarchical structure in which everyone has a position and no more reason is required. In a company, hierarchy is perceived as reflecting fundamental inequities, centralisation is popular, subordinates expect to be told what to do, and the ideal boss is a benign dictator.


Iraq has a high score on this dimension 97 indicating that people accept a hierarchical structure in which everyone has a place and no further reason is required.


Indulgence: 14 With a very low score of 23, Iraq is considered a restraint society, in which they do not put emphasis on leisure and instead control the gratification of their desires. They tend to restraint leisure with their social norms as it "feels wrong" to lean into indulgence,

Pakistan Pakistan has an extremely low score of 0%, making it an extremely restraint society, in which they heavily rely on social norms.

Iran Iran has a higher score of indulgence compared to Iraq and Pakistan with 40%. With this score, they are considered to mainly consist of restraint societies, however they have a similar percentage of indulgent societies.

Personal Opinion In terms of the Long Term Orientation, I agree with the fact that Iraqi societies prefer to maintain traditions and norms throughout generations, and that they observe societal changes and advancement with caution. On the other hand, in terms of indulgence, I also agree that Iraq is a restraint society in many aspects, as they tend to fear that excessive leisure might negatively impact their ideas as a person in the long run. Humour, however, is considered Iraq's most important form of leisure and a coping mechanism with challenges that arise in society.
Long Term Orientation: 12 Iraq has a low score of 12 for Long-term orientation, making it a normative society, in which Iraqi societies prefer to maintain time-honoured traditions and norms while viewing societal change with suspicion, as a way to deal with challenges in the present and future. Exhibition of great respect for traditions is prevalent in Iraqi societies.
Country Comparison

Pakistan Pakistan has a score of 50, indicating that Pakistani societies consist of both normative societies and pragmatic oriented societies. In which they can adapt their traditions based on societal changes.

Iran Iran has a low score of 14, indicating that similar to Iraq, it consists of normative societies. There isn't much to compare since they share similar normative thinking.


masculinity vs Femininity
Iran has a score of 43 which shows that iran is more of a feminine driven country. This country strives to be a equal country and have both females and males to be treated equally and paid equally.


Pakistans score is 50 which is right in the middle which shows that either gender is more supperior compared so the other and both are equal to each other

Iraq has a masculitnity score of 53 which shows that it has almost equal amounts of both and isnt more driven by one over the other. So in Iraq the masculity side has countrol over certain ideas and in some cases the feminine side has more control over certain areas.

Individualism vs. Collectivism
Iran score is a 41 which shows that iran is more of a collectivism country and that they are like a group and work toghether. DUe to this the Iranian people have a strong and close relationship with eachother and stick together.



Pakistan has the lowest score out of all three countries at 14 and shows that this country is also a collectivism country. They are their for their family and friends and are commitented to keeping a good relationship within their circle of people. THey keep a gpood relationship with all the people around them such as family, friends and coworkers so that they have a good connection with all the people they are around


Iraq has a even lower score of 31 and shows that they are also a collectivism country and are dependent on one and another. They want to keep a long and commitent relationship to the ones around them such as family, friends etc. They also like to take responsibilty for one and another.