Kategorier: Alle - features - discoveries - fossils - timeline

af ashley schultz 10 år siden


Hominin Fossil Timeline Template

Homo sapiens, Homo erectus, Paranthropus boisei, and Homo habilis are notable species in human evolution. Homo sapiens, originating around 200,000 years ago, are present globally and have a complex evolutionary history linked to apes.

Hominin Fossil Timeline Template


Not found
200,000 years ago
Eat food

Homo neanderthalensis

Homo sapiens
not listed.
Males: average 5 ft 5 in ; Females: average 5 ft 1 in Males: average 143 lbs ; Females: average 119 lbs
Tall, lean bodies
oval shaped skull with a low, receding forehead and distinct browridges, the thick, strong bones
first human like fossils
William King
Europe and southwestern to central Asia
200,000 - 40,000 years ago

Homo erectus

Height: from 4 ft 9 in - 6 ft 1 in; Weight: from 88 - 150 lbs
Longer legs, shorter arms compared to torso
Famous Fossils
Eugène Dubois, a Dutch surgeon
Not listed
Northern, Eastern, and Southern Africa; Western Asia, and East Asia (China and Indonesia)
Between about 1.89 million and 143,000 million years ago.

Homo habilis

Ashley Schultz
Eventually humans
Height: (average) 3 ft. 5 in. Weight: (average) 70 lbs.
Slightly larger braincase and smaller face and teeth
Long arms and a moderately-prognathic face
At Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania
A team lead by Louis and Mary Leakey
Eastern and Southern Africa
2.4 million to 1.4 million years ago

Paranthropus boisei

Carlie Robbins
Evolutionary Tree Info
H. erectus specimen
eventually humans
Descendant of
Males: average 4 ft 6 in; Females: average 4 ft 1 in. Males: average 108 lbs; Females: average 75 lbs
big teeth and strong chewing muscles, which attached to the large crest on the skull
early human fossils
Mary Leakey
not listed
Eastern Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi)
2.3 million to 1.2 million years ago

Australopithecus africanus

Katie Vering
Descendent of the genus homo.
Co-existance? Australopithecus afarensis
Ancestor to Paranthropus boisei
Males: average 4 ft 6 in // average 90 lbs ; Females: average 3 ft 9 in // average 66 lb
It can walk bipedally, has a larger cranium along with a larger brain and smaller teeth.
It has long arms, strongly sloping face, pronounced jaw, which are all ape-like features.
Early fossil humans
the first in Africa
Prof. Raymond Dart
Southern Africa
3.3 to 2.1 million years ago

Ardipithecus Ramidus

Kate Wright
Evolutionary tree info
Descendent of: Ardipithecus
Female: Height- 3 ft 11 in Weight- 110 lbs Male: They said that they are not much bigger then the female
smaller diamond-shaped canines and some evidence of upright walking
Middle Awash area between Ethiopia
They were found by a team lead by an american paleoanthropologist, Tim White.
In eastern africa
4.4 million years ago