af Zoe McLean 3 år siden
How a Teacher Librarian can
support school-wide literacy
Teacher librarians play a crucial role in fostering school-wide literacy by implementing various strategies and programs. They encourage reading through extracurricular programs, such as Forest of Reading, and introduce students to different genres via engaging read-aloud sessions.
How a Teacher Librarian can
support school-wide literacy Supports Needed:
-Control of library
-Access to resources
(supplies, local authors, etc.) Encourage Reading Extracurricular Reading
Programs (e.g., Forest of
Reading) Introduce different genres
through read-alouds Positive environment
in the library Uninterrupted
Access to Resources -enough time to browse and read -well signed, easy to find books -flexible schedules Remove barriers to accessing materials: Student Voice Review Centre: students review and recommend books Collection represents student interest Suggestion Box for book requests Wide Selection
of Books -ensure interesting content for
struggling readers -label books with reading levels Age appropriate materials
for all levels of readers Reference:
Lifearian, Teacher Librarians Supporting Literacy.
Retrieved from: Special Events Fun events for holiday
(dramatized mystery scene for Halloween) Highlight social justice awareness weeks Author visits Facilitate Silent
Reading Time Build in time for students
to read for pleasure Support Classroom Libraries Ensure teachers have access to books
of interest for students to read for
pleasure Support Students with
Special Needs Collaborates with homeroom
teacher and SERT TL recognizes student needs Resource Facilitator Help teachers and students find
resources that are:
-At the appropriate level (reading