Kategorier: Alle - global warming - government - co2 - action

af Aquiles Drumond Felipe 2 år siden



There are three potential outcomes for global warming: stopping it, facing extinction, or relocating to another planet. Individuals can contribute to mitigating global warming by reducing their carbon footprint, such as driving less to save CO2 emissions.



How did global warming start?

It is because of us. we wanted better equipment, nothing was good enough. we got wood and rock, then we evolved into metal, copper, bronze, we started to send out gigantic heaps of metal into space to get internet! and so, factories were built which releases tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. we humans, have messed up.

why might we have to change our habits to change global warming?

to reduce our carbon footprint. if we keep on messing up the planet, it will leave the earth messed up for generations. so, we try to stop now to have a slight hope that the next generation will be able to see the earth like we did.

what can the GOVERNMENT do to help end global warming?

WHEN WILL the government do something?

Some governments have already started to take action. in Canada for example, there is carbon tax already. some other governments have adapting policies, others give money to companies to get better at creating clean energy. some others have not taken much action yet. but, by research done by many people, it is going to be by 2050 that MOST governments will have taken action.

the government can easily help. for example, in canada there is carbon tax on factories. basically the more CO2 factories crate the more they have to pay the government.

when did global warming REALLY start to show big effects on the world?

on the early 1980's. it was then that forest fires rates started to go up, due to global warming

who can make the most difference to solve global warming?

anyone can make a difference everything from turning off the lights to participating in protests can make a difference

how can we FIX global warming?

although we probably can't anytime soon, it would be by stopping, or maybe even just slowing down human emission. instead of everyone having a car for themselves, maybe we should all take public transit and half the co2 emission done by cars! don't eat meat too often, power your home with carbon friendly methods, and in some time, maybe the next generation will be able to enjoy their future!

what can we do to help end global warming?

doing simple things, such as not driving often can be a lifesaver LITERALLY - for every mile you don't drive, it is estimated to save 1 pound of CO2!!!

how might we escape global warming?

we really mainly have 3 routes for this game's end: we could stop global warming (good ending!) we could all die (bad ending) and we could go into space and figure out a new planet to live in (neutral ending)

why is global warming harmful?

BOY OH BOY, do i have a paragraph for this one! we can die due to air pollution making it hard to breath, habitat destroying so we don't have resources, animal extinction, without their homes they will die. from just burning a pound of coal it can start a wildfire and we die by the fire, it can kill animals and we go hungry, kill our resources, kill our everything!

where might global warming affect the most?

in terms of a country, China. it is the country which produces the most CO2 in the world (as of 2020, at least) making almost double than USA. if we are talking about any place in the world, the arctic seems like a easy prey. it is warming at least 2x faster than the average global warming, and is made of mostly ice which is now melting at a alarming rate.