af H K 7 år siden
Mere som dette
HF decreased survival rates
phosphodiesterase inhibitor which suppress platelet aggregation and vasodilates
requires activation by CYP2C19 to activate drug
To pt: prevents your platelets from sticking together to form a clot
blocks P2Y12 component of ADP receptors on platelets preventing activation of GPIIb/IIIa receptor complex reducing platelet aggregation
moderatlely reduces cardiovascular events if taken over 10 years
NOT metabolized by liver
recent data showed improved outcomes w/simvastatin for 2ndary prevention (IMPROVE-IT Trial)
reduces triglycerides (5-10%)
Increases HDL (1-4%) modest
Reduces LDL (19%)
works at cells in the brush border of the small intestine to inhibit dietary cholesterol absorption also inhibits resorption of cholesterol secreted into bile
Dosing is important: 1-3 grams
titrate slowly
avoid hot shower immediately after dose
take 30 min after aspirin 325mg w/snack
before bed
LA - hepatotoxicity
Immediate release: flushing
Long-acting Slo-niacin
Extended Release Niaspan
Immediate Release Niacor
Increase HDL (modest)
Reduces Trigs (28-35%)
Reduces LDL (14-17%)
unknown works in liver and adipose tissue to inhibit synthesis of triglycerides reducing VLDL and subsequently LDL
With food Antara, lofibra
30 min prior to meals Gemfibrozil
nausea, diarrhea, Gi upset
Fenofibrate (tricor, antara, lofibra, triglide, lipidil)
Genfibrozil (lopid)
Slightly elevate HDL
Slightly reduce LDL
Reduce triglycerides (40-50%)
binds PPAR alpha receptors in liver accelerating clearance of triglycerides
Elevate HDL 5-17% (modest elevation)
Lower triglycerides 10-40% Atorvastatin and rosuvastatin
drug interactions
Prevent Rhabdo educate pts to hold statin for a few days if recieving interacting short term drug therapy
SEVERE INTERACTIONS: clarithroycin, fluconazole, gemfibrozil, grapefruit, protease inhibitors, strong CYP 3A4 inhibs
may occur due to drug interactions or high dose statins
swelling of muscles, dark urine, fatigue, decreased urine output
breakdown of muscle tissue leading to accumulation of muscle fibers in blood
Diabetes (increase in A1C/BG)
cognitive dysfunction
Plan: (if not rhabdomyolysis) try 6 week statin free Atorvastatin 10mg or Rosuvastatin 5mg dose every other day Coenzyme Q10?
Check: Vitamin D, TSH, CK
Assess: Is it severe? limiting everyday activity? in a large muscle?
persistent elevation of LFTs
acute liver disease
pregnancy X
Reduce C reactice protein
Pleiotroic effects
anticoagulant effects
inhibit platelet aggregation
improve endothelial function
reduce inflammation or coronary plaque
explained to pt: causes body to produce less cholesterol
inhibit HMG-CoA reductase, a rate limiting enzyme in cholesterol synthesis
repeat fasting lipid panel
repeat ALT
fasting lipid panel
CK (if indicated)
Fasting Lipid panel
use of beta blockers, ACEi, and ARBs reasonable in HTN
diuretics should be used for fluid overload
control BP based on current practice
Toxicity blue/green auras, NVD, confusion, palpitation
electrolyte abnormalities may cause toxicity
super narrow therapeutic index
MOA: increases myocardial contractility
Hydralazine and isosorbide dinitrate
can be used for pts with current or past sx who cannot tolerate ACE or ARB
rec'd for Black pts III-IV
Aldosterone receptor antagonists
rec'd to reduce morbidity and mortality followind acute MI
LVEF <40% or less or hx of DM
rec'd for LVEF <35%
potassium <5
creatinine <2.5 men, <2 women
Challenges: fatigue, edema, bradycardia, hypotension
Use of 1 of the 3 beta blockers proven to reduce mortality
Metorpolol succinate, carvedilol, bisoprolol
Candesartan, Losartan, Valsartan preferred
can add ARB to ACE only if persistent sx and aldosterone antagonist indicated, but not tolerated
recommended for those w/ sx who could not tolerate ACEi
use caution in renal impairment and low BP
Recheck BMP in 1-2 weeks
recommended w/ current or prior sx to reduce morbidity and mortality
start low and increase
all equal in reducing death and hospitalizations
Adjust based on pt's weight
may add metolazone to loop in renal impairment
supplement K+ if needed
eventually may need bumatanide d/t tolerance
1st line: furosemide
Acei AND beta blocker in anyone with reduced EF to prevent sx HF (even w/o hx of MI)
Statin if hx of ACS or MI and reduced EF
Beta blocker if hx of ACS or MI
ACEi if hx ACS or MI and reduced EF
Control other contributors to HF
cardiotoxic meds
Control HTN and lipids
Activation of RAAS and SNS
Compensation Tachycardia, LV remodeling, vasoconstriction
Myocradial injury reduced contractility
Atherosclerotic disease (*MI*)
Metabolic Syndrome
Spinal or epidural hematomas
observe for neuro impairment
Risk of paralysis
Renal dose adjustments
Risk for HIT
Antidote: Protamine
longer duration of action in renal impairment
Freq dose adjustment based on aPTT
Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT)
D/C heparin and do NOT rechallenge
Development of antibodies against heparin-plated protein
higher thrombosis risk
immune mediated disorder reduction in platelets
Disseminated intravascular coag
surgical prophylaxis
Evolving stroke
do NOT use heparin for lock flush for parenteral anticoag
VTE and to flush lines
Large polysaccharide structure - unable to cross membranes IV or SubQ Does not cross placenta or into breast milk
rapidly acting anticoag, helps antithrombin inactivate clotting factors (Xa and thrombin)
rapid onset of action
consider use w/PPI
Take with food
directly inhibits free thrombin and thrombin bound to clots
DVT/PR prophylaxis
Nonvalvular atrial fib
ApiXAban (Eliquis)
RivaroXAban (Xarelto)
selectively inhibits factor Xa inhibiting the production of thrombin
long term use: risk of osteoporosis, alopecia
Bleed risk
Skin necrosis
usually within first several days check for black skin on toes
Pregnancy Xd
INR less than goal
assess for clots
increase dose by 5-20%
INR greater than goal
assess for bleeding
reduce by 5-20%
>4 consider holding a dose
start 5mg/day 2.5 for elderly, Asian, hepatic impairment, poor nutrition
Many herbals increase bleed risk ginseng, ginger, garlic
Avoid NSAIDs, increase bleeding
metabolized by CYP450 2C9
more freq INR checks with dose changes
MANY INTERACTIONS statins, fluconazole, FQs, SSRIs, levothyroxine
smoking may reduce INR/ increase clot risk
alcohol may increase bleeding risk
kale, spinach, broccoli, collard greens, brussel sprouts, fried food
assess diet each visit
Testing frequency depends on stability of INR
low INR = clot risk
elevated INR = bleeding risk
Goal varies
could be increased if pt had clot while on wafarin/APLS
mechanical mitral valve 2.5-3.5
General 2-3
INR about 1 for pts not on warfarin
reduction in LDL cholesterol levels play a signiificant role in decreasing the formation of athersclerotic plaque
aspirin decreases platelet aggregation to prevent cycle of vasoconstriction and platelet buildup
ACEis reduce the secretion of aldosterone
reducing extracellular fluid volume and preload
decreased sodium and water retention
decreased peripheral vascular resistance decreased afterload
act on RAAS system
CCBs may cause coronary vasodilation
atherosclerotic vessels do not dilate
cause arterial smooth muscle relaxation leads to peripheral vasodilation and decreased preload
decrease force of myocardial contractility and decrease HR and conduction velocity
1st line
ADRs: HA, Bradycardia, orthostatic, hypotension
Pregnancy C
Transdermal patches, allergy to adhesives may limit use
Contraindicated: hypersens
Nitrate prep - prophylaxis
Isosorbide dinitrate (Isordil)
to maintain nitrate free period
TID: 8am 1pm, 6pm
BID: 8am, 1pm
sustained release 1-2 times daily
immediate release dosed 2-3 times daily
Isosorbide mononitrate (Imdur)
extended release dosed once daily
immediate release dosed twice daily 7 hours apart
NTG patch
apply in AM and leave on for 12-24 hours
apply once daily to hairless area, rotate
NTG ointment
cover with plastic
best to rotate sites
Apply to skin of chest, back , abdomen, or thigh
Nitrate preparations - acute
Take at first signs of chest pain, may repeat after 5 minutes for a total of 3 doses If CP not relieved 5 min after 1st dose, call 911
Translingual spray
spray onto oral mucosa
0.4mg sublingual tablets
educate pts: SL only! do not swallow
store in original bottle
used for immediate relief or prophylaxis
Nitrate free period to prevent tolerance
Some dilation of coronary arteries ATHEROSCLEROTIC VESSELS DO NOT DILATE
Higher doses dilate arterial vessels DECREASED VASCULAR RESISTANCE (afterload)
low doses of NTG dilate veins decreasing venous return to heart DECREASES PRELOAD
coronary vasodilators
transient coronary thombi or emboli
platelet aggregation
reduce risk of MI and death
reduce intensity and frequency of attacks
increases blood pressure to perfuse the heart and brain
Alpha1 is majority of action in cardiac arrest
Agonizes alpha and beta receptors leading to vasoconstriction, increasing inotropy and increased chronotropy
bronchial dilation
increased heart rate/contractility
Gastric Distress
No emesis
No gastric distress
No digestion
No urination
No lacrimation
No Salivation
lead to Sodium& water retention, vasoconstrictor
18yo+ with CKD Regardless of race or diabetes status
ACEi or ARBs to improve kidney outcomes
Black +those w/diabetes
thiazide or calcium channel blocker
NonBlacks <60 including diabetes
initial tx: thiazide diuretic, calcium channel blocker, ACEi or ARBs
18yo+ with DIABETES treat & target <140/90
Any age with ALBUMINURIA (>30mg albumin) at any GFR
18-70 with GFR <60
18yo+ with CKD, target <140/90
<60yo, initiate pharm to lower SBP >140 mmHg goal SBP <140
18-29yo: expert opinion
30-59yo: strong evidence
<60yo initiate drug tx to target DBP of <90
If a lower BP is achieved without adverse effects, no modification necessary
>60yo initiate pharm to treat and target <150/90
DO NOT USE ACEi and ARB together
If goal is not reached w/2 agents, titrate a 3rd med
Continue to assess BP and adjust tx until goal BP is achieved
If goal BP not reach w/n 1 mo, consider increasing dose or adding 2nd agent
(ACEi or ARB) + beta blocker + diuretic +spironolactone
Beta blocker + ACEi or ARB
ARB or ACE (acceptable to start with CCB/thiazide in Black pts)
Non Black >60: CCB or thiazide
Non Black <60: ACEi or ARB
Black: CCB or Thiazide diuretic
2-4 mmHg
4-9 mmHg
5-20 mmHg SBP
use w/ beta blocker
use w/ beta blocker
preferred agent in pregnancy
tartrate (Lopressor)
dosed twice daily
succinate (Toprol XL)
dosed once daily
CAUTION: if concomitant use with Beta-blocker and in HF w/reduced ejection fracture
Benefit in atrial fibrillation and stable angina
Sick sinus syndrome
Heart block
MOA: potent vasodilator of coronary vessels increasing blood flow and reducing heart rate by reducing AV node conduction
diltiazem (Cardizem)
verapamil (Calan)
Good first line option for HTN
benefit in Black pts
Side effects
peripheral edema
MOA: relax smooth muslce vasodilating arterial walls which lowers total peripheral resistance and increases blood flow to the heart muscle
nifedipine (Procardia)
felodipine (Plendil)
amlodipine (Norvasc)
Reduces peripheral resistance
50% stop ACE inhibitor
> 30% reduce dose
becomes new baseline
likely d/t bradykinin accumulation
Not a great choice for women of childbearing age
causes increase in plasma renin activity and reduced aldosterone secretion
CAUTION using w/ACE-I and ARBs
use in combo w/another diuretic (commonly thiazide)
WARNING: gynecomastia
STOP if any sign of
aldosterone receptor blocker
Does not have sulfa group
EFFECTIVE even if eGFR <30ml/miin
ineffective if eGFR <30ml/min
reduces vascular resistance