af Leidy Andrea 4 år siden
Mere som dette
Getting Things Done, appropriately called the art of stress-free productivity, conceptualized by David Allen, contains the methodology to control the flow of your life’s work.
If the answer is YES, then your follow up question should be
Can you do it in less than 2 minutes?
Sort out your tasks, separate the ones you delegate from the ones that you defer.
Codificación axial
Entre categorías y subcagetgorías
Método de comparación Constante
What element on the list, if completed, would affect the most things of importance in my life?
Contrastación Permanente
Fuentes Teórica
Teoría Fundamentada (Valles, 2007)
Organize your to-dos by context, so it will be easier to oversee all the things you need to do in a certain area.
Descubre nuevas propiedades
This is still an action, but you will not be the one who needs to do it. Split this task into two parts.
Make a follow-up task for yourself so you won't forget to check up on these requests.
Identificar Consensos y disensos, conflictos, diferencias y acuerdos
Add all the requests you made to other persons to your 'waiting for' list.
Construcción de los subjetivo e intersubjetivo
If so, add here all the things you can do now (in the next 2 minutes) and do them!
Indaga en contextos de vulnerabilidad social
Luego de formularla se relaciona con perspectivas teóricas
A weekly review is essential to keep everything running smoothly.
During this review, you can make adjustments or modifications.
Keep track of how many tasks you have completed so far.
Maintain your focus by always knowing which are the tasks you currently have in progress.
Como metodología para abordar la realidad social
Usually not all the tasks are actionable at all.
Some of them can be deleted and there are a few ideas which you can keep for later revision, or you can create an action list for these to come back and review in 6 months or so.
Use the marks below to sort out the non-actionable items.
“Your mind is for having ideas, and not for holding ideas”.
Capturing is done 24/7 from emails, calls, ideas that come from talking to others or ideas that come from your imagination and creativity.
Put all the things you have to do in this inbox.
Sujeto real
Información sobre sus propias experiencias, opiniones, valores