af Usama Amin 12 år siden
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Bot Network a network of hijacked computers that are controlled remotely- typically to launch spam or spyware. Also called software rebots. Bot Networks are lined to a range of malicious activity.
an infected computer that is controlled remotely via the internet by an unauthrized user, such as a spammer, fraduster, or hacker
AN attack carried out using a trick, disguise , deceit or by falsifying data
Backup: a duplicate copu of data or programs kept in a secured location
the ability of an IS to continue to poerate when a failure occurs, but usually for a limited time or at a reduced level.
IDS: A defense tool used to monitor network traffic(packets) and provide alerts when there is suspicious traffic, or to quarntine suspicious traffic
Router: Device that transfers(routers)packets between two or more networks
PKI: a system to identify and authenticate the sender or receiver of an Internet message or transaction.
IP address: an address that uniquely identifies a specfific computer or other device on a network
Packet is a unit of data for transmission over a network with a header containing the source and destination of the packet
a method (hardware and software) of guarding a private network from a public network (internet) by analyzing data packets eneting or exiting it.
Security measuers to protect the end points, such as desktops and laptops, in the enterprise by analyzing data packets enetring or exiting it
security measures to ensure that onlu authorized users gain acess to the network
Methods to identify a person based on a biological feature, such as a fingerprint.
Malicious software, such as a virus, worm, or Trojan horse
Method( Usually based on Username and password) by which an IS validates or verifies that a user is really who he or she claims to be.
ciphertext is encrypted text
Plaintext or clear-text; readable text
Transforing data into scrambled code to protect it from being understood by unauthorized users
The process of generating, recording, and reviewing a chronological record of systems events to ascertain their accuracy.
Countermeasure: safeguard implemented to mitigate (lessen) risk.
Vulnerability: weakness that threatens the confdentiality, integrity, or availability of an asset
Access Control: Security feature designed to restric who has access to a network, IS, or data. Access to resources on a computer is restricted using a logical or physical control desinged to protect against unauthorized entry or use.
Exploit: A tool or technique that takes advantage of a vulnerability
Exposure: The estimated cost, loss, or damage that can result if a threat exploits a vulnerablitity
Risk Management: Process of identifying,assessing, and redusing risks to an acceptable level.
The three main principles of IT Security
Risk: probability of a threat exploiting a vulnerability
Threat: someone or something that may result in harm to an asset.