Kategorier: Alle - business - vacation - family - jealousy

af Jerah Quitchon 12 år siden


Jerah Quitchon - Purge

Jerah is currently navigating a series of personal and relational challenges. She dreams of a vacation to Hong Kong's Disneyland to meet Ariel, reflecting her childhood fascination with mermaids.

Jerah Quitchon - Purge

Jerah Quitchon - Welcome to My Life

What are all of your stressors, concerns and problems in your life right now?


Planning to give my younger brother his own small business because I want to help him to have income too.
Having trouble how to pay my credit card that I used when my father was jobless, in order to provide my family's needs esp food every week. Fiance has no idea about this. :(
No information from my father, we didn't heard about him since April 2012
Badly need to buy second hand pc for my sister so she could work also in Odesk
My elder sis and I are the one helping the family for the finances
I need to continue supporting my two little sisters for their school expenses but can't do it for now since the situation of my fiance and I.
Mother is taking care of my grandparents so they could also help my mom for the expenses
Parents separated last year

Jerah Quiton


Has other job in odesk but no time to work on it since fiance is asking for my time for him.
Need to look for another job on odesk like day shift.
Rejecting friends offers to work on companies like banks, insurances and hotel.
Don't like to work on other companies like physical jobs because its more stressful and lots of deductions every payday :p
Odesk work online is only my way of living (Supost)


Jerah wants Fiance to convert to Jerah's religion

Fiance is refusing to go to church on Saturday with Jerah. He doesn't want to church the full day; too long for hiim.

What if Jerah wants to go to church on Saturday. But, fiance doesn't want to go. It gets complicated.

Jerah is wondering if she needs to marry only a person of same religiion.

Jerah is thinking of making appointment for fiance with the priest for "why we believe in the 2nd coming."

Jerah sees fiance crying. He doesn't want Jerah to leave him or breaking up with him.

Fiance does not believe in the 2nd coming; He doesn't want to go to Jerah's church because of this reason. Fiance believes in God and Jesus, but not the 2nd coming. "This is always giving us conflicts."

Fiance is raised as a Catholic. But, he's looking for a religion that goes to church each Saturday.

Jerah is Seventh Day Adventist

Fiance having trouble withdraw his money from odesk. His mom helping by withdrawing money for him. Maybe going to send money to him to help with expenses.
Fiance is jealous that Jerah is laughing on gotomeeting. Greg makes Jerah laugh. Fiance is jealous of Jerah get happy or laugh. Jerah finds Greg funny. He thinks Jerah is the only one laughing in the team meeting (but Maida was also laughing).
Fiance is getting jealous of sir greg. Jerah and Greg spending a lot of time together online. Jealous of Greg, Rose and Jerah joking around.
Jerah is thankful fiance not yelling at her. About financial issues.


Persuade Fiance to send PayPal funds to Jerah?
Jerah is financially supporting the fiance.
Fiance is falsely claiming to his parents that they have enough money in the Philippines, but they don't.
Fiance not disclose financial problem to the parents.
Ego issue of the Fiance
This may be a "pride" issue.
Parents of fiance sending some money
Fiance is limiting the amount of money the parents are sending. Why? Not a good sign.
Paying sister's travel bill from Iliolio to her current house.
Jerah paying for house, electircity, food. Big headache.


Dream/Plan to have a vacation in Hongkong (Disneyland) to meet Ariel the little Mermaid. I'm a frustrated mermaid eversince when I was child. :P
Want to continue my business but fiance don't want to :(
Its been 2yrs I didn't buy something for myself like new clothes,bag or sandals :( I have to prioritize the needs of my family first.
Never have time for workout, spa and trip out of town :P


Wedding type?
official wedding?
Civil wedding
Jerah doesn't actually want to leave Philippines.
Not want to leave her family?
Jerah hasn't visited all 1000 islands in the Phillipines yet
Will Texas be cold?
What type of Visa?
Spouse visa?

Spouce visa takes longer than fiance visa?

Fiance visa?

Wedding will take place first in texas if choose fiance visa; wedding in Philippines later (2 week trip only back in Philippines).

How long will approval for visa take?
2 months? 2 years? 5 years?


You-know-who is "sensitive"
On hold because of the visa
What date will the wedding be?
Married first in Texas; only after is Philippines wedding.

for fiance visa

Do you have a budget for the wedding?

New Place to stay

Need to move out of her current house at end of October
Family wants Jerah to stay there in Iliolio before she goes to Texas permanently
Iloilo-I don't like living there because of high cost of electricity and prone to flood
Rent a house-more expensive
Own Place- I want to get my own place but I am not sure about it since
Rent a Room-less expensive but I am worried of the security.
Parent's house-I can save much but my fiance don't like living there. :(
Cheaper living in house with parents - not need to pay rent, electricity; but fiance not want to live with them.
I can save my money if I will stay with my parent's house
