Kategorier: Alle - reflective - visual - groups - verbal

af Sourabh Cheedella 13 år siden


Journal 1

The writer describes their dual capability of being highly visual and verbal, which enables them to learn effectively regardless of the medium. They employ visualization techniques when reading or listening to lectures to assimilate information.

Journal 1

What types of learning activities would you like to experience in the VASTS online course?

How does what you discovered about yourself as a learner impact how you perceive distance learning courses?

How do those relate to the type of learner you are?

Can you anticipate areas where you will need to work harder or differently to be successful?

Compare the descriptions of the characteristics of each learning style to what you wrote about yourself prior to taking the test. Were the descriptions "spot on", not like you at all, somewhere in between? Explain your answers.

Journal 1

Visual 5

Thus, because I can learn either visually or verbally, I believe that my adaptability to the medium of learning is a special asset of mine. Hence, the medium in which the matter is presented will not present any issues to my ability to learn.
If I am reading a textbook, I visualize concepts as I go in order to assimilate the matter. However, the same process occurs when a professor starts lecturing.
Whenever I hear someone talking or am reading something, I tend to visualize images in order to comprehend the matter. Even though I tend to store instances visually, I also remember key phrases or key words that have a certain quirkiness.
Of all characteristics, I feel this is the one quality that is not directly polarized. In other words, I consider myself both highly visual and verbal.

Intuitive 9

Because my preference for intuity is stronger than that of sensing, I find myself boggled down on the minute details or intricate facts. Thus, while learning subject matter, I try to learn the core concepts as quickly as I can and then move onto recognizing the particulars of the subject.
As a intuitive learner, I learn best from solving problems I have not been taught specifically how to resolve. This type of approach builds my intuitive sense and teaches me how to deal with issues and problems I (in the future) will not know, beforehand, how to approach.

Global 9

Due to the fact that most courses teach in a sequential matter, I often find myself a bit disoriented because my mind is used to making relationships and connections rather than just learning discrete facts. As a result, I devote more time out of class to focus and elaborate on course material in order to visualize the whole picture.
Of all my skills, I regard my global sense as my greatest ability. More often than not, the answers I form in response to math and science problems originate from some innate conscious response telling me "this ought to be the answer". Utilizing relationships and connections to conjure ideas is one of my particular talents. Considering I scored a 9 in this test, I feel this score is well justified.

Reflective 7

In the uncommon circumstances I do form groups, I have noticed that they were highly productive and conducive to learning. Hence, as forming groups in the VASTS program is of no issue to me, I highly look forward to working in groups during this course as a way of extending and fortifying the information we learn.
The most widespread reason I tend work solely rather than cooperatively is that I rarely witness another student with the same focus and determination as I. However, in an environment such as the VASTS program, I feel this factor is not an issue. In a program with so many dedicated people, I will not refrain from engaging in group activities.
I consider this quality to be the most misrepresented characteristic of all four; as the website puts it "everybody is active sometimes and reflective sometimes". Yes, most of the time, I am a reflective character, working individually and precariously, but only so when I believe that working alone is more beneficial than working with another person. Hence, in other situations when another person is overall conducive to the project, I team up with him/her.