Les aménagements raisonnables: "Je veux bien mais comment ?"
Begin by typing in the name of your existing product or service
This is your starting point for new ideas. You will need to know it well enough to think about ways that it could be changed or used differently.
Protocole d'accompagnement du SEGEC
Personnes ressources
Problématique - Discussion
Types d’aménagements
Mise en place pratique
Les outils d'accompagnement
Les 7 profils d'apprentissage
Add some ideas based on eliminating 'Les aménagements raisonnables: 'Je veux bien mais comment ?''.
- What would people do if 'Les aménagements raisonnables: 'Je veux bien mais comment ?'' did not exist?
- What would be the effect on existing users or customers if it disappeared?
- What would happen if you took out its best parts? Could the remainder achieve anything?
- Could you remove a part of its purpose or reason?
Les intelligences multiples (profils de motivation)
Add some ideas based on using 'Les aménagements raisonnables: 'Je veux bien mais comment ?'' for a completely different purpose.
- Where could 'Les aménagements raisonnables: 'Je veux bien mais comment ?'' be misused? Could you change it so it works there?
- What would it be least suited for? What changes would be needed to make it work there?
- Could it be mistaken for something else? What would happen then?
Add some ideas based on using 'Les aménagements raisonnables: 'Je veux bien mais comment ?'' for a completely different purpose.
- Where could 'Les aménagements raisonnables: 'Je veux bien mais comment ?'' be misused? Could you change it so it works there?
- What would it be least suited for? What changes would be needed to make it work there?
- Could it be mistaken for something else? What would happen?
Les canaux d'apprentissage
Add some ideas based on modifying 'Les aménagements raisonnables: 'Je veux bien mais comment ?''.
- How could you change the appearance of 'Les aménagements raisonnables: 'Je veux bien mais comment ?''?
- How could you make it less effective? What happens if you do the opposite?
- What would happen if you made it ten times bigger, smaller, longer, shorter, cheaper or more expensive?
- What would happen if you changed its weakest or strongest parts?
Impact du support visuel
Tests de première ligne
Détection des troubles
Signes d'appel
Les aménagements visuels
Lien avec les troubles d'apprentissage
Troubles de l'attention
Dyscalculie visuo-spatiale
Dyspraxie visuo-spatiale
Les troubles oculomoteurs
Coordination des yeux
Les mécanismes de la vision
Add some ideas based on adapting 'Les aménagements raisonnables: 'Je veux bien mais comment ?'' for other purposes.
- What other purposes could you adapt 'Les aménagements raisonnables: 'Je veux bien mais comment ?'' for?
- What is it similar to? Could it be adapted to solve the same problems that similar products and services do?
- What related problems or applications doesn't it address? Could it be adapted to include them?
Présentation des participants
Présentation ensemble
Add some ideas based on combining 'Les aménagements raisonnables: 'Je veux bien mais comment ?'' with other things.
- Could you combine 'Les aménagements raisonnables: 'Je veux bien mais comment ?'' with another product or service?
- Could you combine its elements?
- Could you combine its purposes or effects with something else?
Introduction de la formation
Plan de la formation
Add some ideas based on substituting parts of 'Les aménagements raisonnables: 'Je veux bien mais comment ?'' or even all of it.
- What materials or parts could be replaced with something else?
- What could be used instead of 'Les aménagements raisonnables: 'Je veux bien mais comment ?''?
- What people, places or times could be substituted for different ones?
- What assumptions could be replaced with different ones?