af Tao Jiaju 10 år siden
A comprehensive software tool offers robust capabilities for managing and analyzing data. It enables users to generate detailed reports and export them in various formats such as .XLSX and .
LogDigger Historical View Predict Future with
Trend Line and Regression Line View History Data by Different Timeline Filter and Timeline Customized Timeline View Filter by Fund, Event and etc. Interactive Dashboard Different Views for Different Users Hint and Hyperlink in Chart Chart Type Conversion:
Bar to Pie, Grid to Line and etc. Report Generator Export as .XLSX/.PDF Generate Reports Extraction and Analysis Analyze the Data in Different Ways Automate the Extraction Process
Safe and Efficient. Data Store & Backup Scheduled Auto Daily Backup Save in SQL Server DB Import .txt/.xlsx/.xlsm ELGEHZAUG09-2TO7.TXT MTMI FPT Logs_YYYYMMDD.xlsm