Kategorier: Alle - animales - hongos - eucariótas - pluricelulares

af Miguel Sarmiento Valdes 3 år siden



El texto trata sobre los cinco reinos de seres vivos, detallando características y ejemplos de cada uno. El reino de los hongos incluye mohos y levaduras, ambos heterótrofos y eucariotas, que pueden ser unicelulares o pluricelulares y carecen de tejidos.



Identify how rainforest animals have adapted to live in this unique environment.

Rainforests in Central America, Amazon, Asia, Africa, and Australia cover about 6% of our earth's surface, but they are the home ground for more than half of the species of animals in the world.

Reino moneras

Cianobacterias del genero Nostoc
Bacteria tipo espirilo
su nitrición es autótrofa y heterótrofa, son unicelulares, procariotas y no tienen tejidos

Reino Protoctistas


The Rainbow Lorikeet

is the most strikingly colored bird of the over 300 parrot species found in SW Pacific.

Alga unicelular

The Koala

is a marsupial often mistaken for a bear due to its large and furry stout body.

su nutrición puede ser autótrofa o heterótrofa,también pueden ser unicelulares o pluricelulares y no tienen tejidos
Alga pluicelular

Reino Hongos

Setas del genero Amanita

The Black Colobus Monkey

is among the most endangered primate species in Africa.

Colonias de moho
son heterótrofos, pueden ser unicelulares o pluricelulares, son eucariótas y no tienen tejidos

The Madagascar Hissing Cockroach

has become famous because of its bizarre way of producing sounds. This cockroach makes a hissing sound by pushing air through tiny holes in its body.

Topic principal

Reino Animales


The Sloth

is an extremely slow-moving mammal found in the rainforests of Central and South America.

Lagarto ocelado

The Toucan

is one of the most important species in the rainforest because it spreads the seeds of the fruits and plants that it eats, therefore contributing to plant biodiversity.

su nutrición es heterótrofa, son pluricelulares, con eucariótas tienen tejidos