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Online marketplaces provide various services and policies to enhance customer experience. Notifications about orders and updates can be received via SMS or email. The refund and return process includes several steps like selecting the reason for return, printing labels, and choosing drop-off or pick-up locations.
Marketplace PRICE COMPARISON Seller/Merchant/Business Store/Page. Seller/Merchant/Business contact details. Contact Seller/Merchant/Business. Product Details. Have one to sell ? - Sell on Marketplace. Customer Ratings/Feedback. About this item. Alternatives/Considerations. Refund or Replacement Policy. Eligibility for Return. Ships From/Sold From. Type/Quality/Condition. Other sellers of same item. Notifications. Via SMS Via Email HELP/PROBLEM/ISSUE/CHAT Help/Support Page Discuss with marketplace. Discuss with buyer. Discuss with seller. Buyer is able to attach images when requested by marketplace. Buyer is able to attach images when requested by the seller. SHIPPING/DELIVERY/PICK UP Merchant/Business logo/avatar. Merchant/Business profile. Country/State/City. (Where From/To). In Stock/Out of Stock/Availability. Check delivery eligibility. User is able to change store for pick up. Merchant/Business Promotions. Item/Product Description. Promo Code. (Where Applicable). Taxes. Subscribe and Save. Other services from the Merchant/Buisness i.e. Warranty etc. Quantity. Fees. (Where applicable). RedCard. (ad). Buyer Information. Payment Options/Method. Merchant/Business information. Scheduled Delivery. Also shipping, click and collect i.e. pick up or same day delivery. Option to be selected by buyer at checkout. Refunds and Returns RETURNS - Reason for return. - Choose item to return. - Label to print. - Refund amount. - Pick up location. - Drop off location. - Options i.e. Buyer must be given suitable amount of time to inspect items/goods Warranty, Guarantee and Refund policy is decided by the Store i.e. Merchant/Business. Buyer must return via prepaid or paid label, drop off or keep as instructed by the Store i.e. Merchant/Business. Marketplace only gets involved if an issue arises or there is a dispute between the Buyer and the Merchant/Business. To be approved and processed by Merchant/Business. Payments and Processing BUY NOW PAY LATER Stripe or other appropriate or suitable service. visa, mastercard, american express, discover, paypal etc. correct taxes per merchant location. correct taxes per buyer location. Your Account Your profile Your payments Customer service Your lists Your orders LANDING PAGE/HOME SCREEN Filters. Sort by. Nearby stores. Remove from basket/cart. Add to basket/cart. Save your item/products for later. Choose your store. Referral offer (for existing user and newly registered user). Search bar. Zipcode required. Promotion for the first order. Delivery address. (User is able to change/amend). - Local store address. (User is able to change/amend). Suggestions/Recommendations. Product/Item list/Categories. How to order. Call to Action. - How to get started. Service Country. (User is able to select). Definition of Marketplace. List of available stores within vicinity i.e. Zipcode