Kategorier: Alle - marketing - security - integration - employee

af Justin Meyers 12 år siden



The discussion focuses on the implications of selling Access or Access Plus without the EBG benefits administration platform on the employee engagement process. It highlights two main options for providing information via the web:


Question: How is the Employee Engagement process impacted by Middleware option of selling Access or Access Plus without EBG ben admin platform?

Discussion with Denise, Christy & Michelle


When would Employee Engagement start?
After Marketing / Brand have prepared personalized materials
After any required back office setup for EBG
After vendors recieve required information (census, plan info, etc.)
What will Employee Facing Vendor Services need in order to provide support / service?
Access Plus

Bridgehealth Medical, needs plan info, medical enrollees, claims data

Change Healthcare, needs claims data

Simplee needs medical enrolless


Care Advocates needs plan info and medical enrollees



Simplee needs medical enrollees

Campaign Management

Other considerations?
Need to manage expectations as each Middleware client will be treated as a project for Marketing & Brand teams
Require definition of what is in scope and what is not; somethings we may not be able to achieve scale with
Ongoing Management
Reporting impact?
Content management of Vanity sites, how to keep fresh
Service Campaigns
New Hires for client
Who will distribute campaign materials?
Not Mutual of Omaha

Employer -- Can provide content and materials, just not certain what happens after that point

Broker -- Not ideal as it representes least amount of control for either option

Preferred: Mutual of Omaha

Question about hard dollar expense for printed or inventoried items, who pays?

Not limited to Middleware, rather an approach where we can confirm communication sent, received, click-through, etc.

How will we communicate to employees about the mpower360 services?

Printed materials
Personalization of materials

How do we get lists for overprint info, which normally would be sourced from ben admin?

Employee info -- First name

Client Url

With more time, recommend rebranding destination to something that adequately represents what it is. This would equate to redesign of all material. Work effort only makes sense if Middleware is sold frequently.
Currently reference is made to"benefits toolbox", which may not be the most accurate for Middleware clients considering they have their own ben admin system

Table tents




Digital Materials
GAP: Not much content today for features of Care Advocates, RxSS, Change Healthcare & Bridgehealth Medical


Would need to rework because of reference to ben admin

Email Templates

Banner Ads

Two Options to provide information via web: 1) Mutual of Omaha sourced solution, so we would create microsite similiar to yourbenefitstoolbox.com that is personalized for each group. OR 2) Client houses content on their Intranet site. We'd give then information, graphics, links to position with current employee experience for benefits. This would require working closely with Marketing / HR / Web Designer at employer. Out of Scope: Any type of integration into current benenefit adminstration system.
How can we secure content? Prefer it not be in public domain, some level of security is desired Option can not add steps for EGB

At employee level: full user level security with personalize experience, what EGB provides

Personalize Url for each group

Provide Url to client to link to destination, provide icon graphic

OUT OF SCOPE: Client Ben Admin

Print material, need 'tiny" or "friendly" Url


Client Intranet

Means each Middleware request is treated like project to Marketing & Brand teams

Cobranding support possible with company name; logo need to discuss

Better for tracking with google analytics

None, so no security, anyone could get to it -- ybt.com is this way now

Service Provider Experience

No impact to Tenurgy, ClaimReturn, Truven, PRAM as Employer Services

Change Healthcare

Content would be advertising of service until claims data recieved and proceesed

link to CHC login page

What happens when CHC is ready?

Bridgehealth Medical


phone number



Ongoing communication

Care Advocates - promote phone number

Mediguide - promte Care Advocates phone number

How do we handle Simplee?

Ongoing communication, would lose 30 visits through ben admin which equates to lost impressions to visitors for other services

First time (What about SSO?)

Yourbenefitstoolbox.com Repurpose content and biuld out as this will be one place for information about services providers Question about reference to benefits toolbox, as this will not be entirely true for Middleware clients. It is not the employees "only" benefits toolbox.

Content Biuld Out

How to activate


Sign in

Sign up

When they would use a particular service

Communicate what is available

Why employee would want to use sevice