af Stella Mosley 5 måneder siden
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personally Ive never taken failure as a good thing persay. But i feel as tho it would be worse for me if i gave up completly on somthing becuse i experienced failure. for example at the end of my junior year my grade point avergage had dropped witch was crushing becuse i thought i was working hard. my senior year i worked supper hard to get my grade point average up and i was on honor roll both semesters witch i had never been before.
personally i think that my self esstem can very from high to low depending on the setting im in. for example with my close friends or doing somthing i feel confident in my self estem is way higher then it would be when im around new people that i feel i might not click with or when im doing somthing for the first time.
People with growth mindsets enjoy learning and being challenged. They really want to learn and understand the information they are being taught. An example of this is how, in a growth mindset, people study to learn the information by gathering the big ideas of the information they are learning. Instead of studying just to earn a good grade, they want to fully learn from the information.
people with fixed mindsets can see failure as a learning opportunity.
people with a growth mindset could see a fight with a partner as an opportunity to grow, compromise, and better understand the person they are with. they could see it as something to work on and problem solve around. unlike people with fixed mindsets that may think a fight is a be all end all of a relationship.
people with a growth mindset could look at a failed relanship as a learning experience. endstead of being down on themselves.
growth mindset peoples self esteem is growing.
they are opened to learning new things and growing and getting better at things
For example, people with growth mindsets choose a partner that is going to enhance who they are and grow them as a person.
When you have a fixed mindset, it's likely that you do not want to put in effort if you think something will be difficult or test your ability. People with fixed mindsets might not want to exert as much effort in their work.
this can also apply to how they are in different aspects of there lifes specifically relationships. for example people with fixed mindset dont want a partner that is gonna make them learn more about themselves or learn what it takes to grow and threagthen a relationship all they want is someone who will sit back and not voice there problems and put them on a petastool.
people with fixed mindset will fear failure and usually shut down if they experience it.
Those with a fixed mindset could see a singular fight with their partner as a failed relationship. This feeling of failure may cause the person with a fixed mindset to think that a fight with their partner means there relationship is over, and there's a need for a breakup instead of working things out with that person and hearing there partner out so they can both make changes to support one another.
someone with a fixed mindsets self esteem is more then likely not high
people with a fixed mindset usually don't want negative feedback because they see that as failure or could be hurt by negative feedback because it will hurt there self esteem
People with a fixed mindset could take their partner bringing up something that they need to work on as critisum or an attack on their character witch shows that they have low confidence and are insacure
For example, people with a fixed mindset could struggle with improving their abilities and give up when a problem is too hard.
for example People with a Fixed mindset describe their perfect parter as someone who will put them on a pedestal where they can do no wrong.