af Jhon Bravo 5 år siden
The evolution of computer generations showcases significant advancements in technology and functionality over time. The first generation, spanning from 1940 to 1955, utilized vacuum tubes and featured large machines.
Computer Generation 4°Generation personal computers. The "chip" was developed. microprocessors electronic component integration 1972- 1982 5°Generation greater storage capacity artificial intelligence software and systems development The laptop is created 1983- 2019 3°Generation Lower power consumption Multiprogramming The size of the machines was reduced Processing capacity is increased Integrated circuits begin to be used 1965- 1971 2°Generation 5 megabyte storage high level programming languages They could perform 5000 sums per second. They were built with transistors 1956- 1964 1°Generation very large machines They were built with vacuum tubes 1940- 1955