af Bob Ell 18 år siden
Motivating People
Creating a motivating work environment involves multiple factors including the physical setting, competitive compensation, and opportunities for innovation. The workspace should be ergonomically designed and have elements like appropriate lighting and colors to enhance productivity.
Motivating People Environment Ergonomics Music? Light Color Interesting Recognition Profit sharing Bonus on company profits Deferred
Stock options
Promotions Performance reviews Set measurable goals Gifts Appropriate Not a bribe Variety Discreet Innovation Mind map Brainstorm Ideas Acknowledge Implement Develop Solicit Challenges Goals Expected success Short term Measurable Achievable Challenging Teamwork Need Leadership Feedback Conflict resolution Involvement Communication Trust Establish common goals More Than Work Try something new Family weekend Parties Socialization Training & Tools Training Skills Interpersonal
External Trainers
Computer based
On the job Seminars
Good equipment Work Flexibility Subtopic Telecommuting Job sharing Flextime The Basics: What Motivates Bonuses Unexpected Expected Competitive package Benefits Salary Compensation equity