The narrative revolves around a group of b-boys, each with unique backgrounds and personal challenges. Rooster, who had an abusive father, channels his aggression through his b-boying.
Grew up in the suburbs of Seattle and is also a graffiti artist.
Do Knock
LA Strangler Crew. Rooster's is his nemesis. Had a rough childhood because his father was abusive. He thinks about him a lot which is aggression he channels into his b-boying.
"Rebel" Casper
Not sure if they're from a crew but him and Kid David are the dynamic duo.
"KID" Kid David
From Philly
"Mayhem" Milky
"Rooster" Chris Brown
From France but living in LA from the Hollywood Jet Funk Crew which is where Rooster is also from.
Lil Adonis (Richie)
Our gay b-boy from Chicago's Mad Skillz Crew. Is tight with the spirit of his deceased mother.