Kategorier: Alle - environment - efficiency - radiation - sterilization

af Arora Karan 9 år siden



Nuclear technology's application in pest control involves using ionizing radiation to sterilize insects, preventing them from reproducing and thus reducing pest populations. This method can significantly cut down on the use of chemical pesticides, mitigating their adverse environmental effects and potential health risks to humans and wildlife.


How can nuclear technology be used to sterilize insects? If used widely, what impact would such a pest-control technique have on society and the environment?

Question 1 Answer - By Doses of gamma radiation exposed to the insect.

"Nuclear Technology." Google Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2015.

The Gamma rays are produced by a process called gamma decay. A gamma decay usually occurs after a beta or alpha decay. At this moment the daughter nucleus is in a excited state. This results in the nucleus spewing out energy that is in the form of gamma rays. The gamma rays cause the photon , excited particle with no mass, to go into a calmer, more stable state.

Question 2 Answer- The pesticide control pollutes our waters. This eventually leads to sickness in not only humans, but the water life also.

Pesticides affect our environment as they contaminate our ground water. The ground water is a source of drinking water for many. The pesticides are leaked into the soil when it rains, and flow into the ground water. They eventually also flow into the lakes and rivers. This ends in contamination of lakes and rivers, which endanger the species that live in lakes and rivers.

Question Answer 2.1 - That pesticide control makes sure we have good crops that builds for a better economy that arguably builds a better society

Pesticides benefit society as they help build a better economy. The role of a pesticide is to kill any bugs preying on the plants whivh results in a greater harvest of crops. More crops makes more business which helps society.Moreover, the creation of such a pesticide would create more jobs in society as people will be needed in the the making and apply in of this pesticide.

Bullet Point 1- What energy transformations are taking place?

Electromagnetic radiation is a form of Gamma ray just to a lower degree. Electromagnetic radiation have higher frequency (Hz) but smaller wave lengths. The energy transfer in this case would be nuclear energy to chemical energy. Electromagnetic radiation will give energy by breaking chemical bonds which in turn initiate a reaction and adds energy. A prime example of this is our eyes. Light causes a chemical reaction in the retina so we are able to see colours

Bullet Point 2- Where are the thermal energy losses primarily occurring?

As of now there is no thermal energy created, but recent studies show that thermal energy might in fact be present. ( Cornell University Library) .


"Nuclear Technology." Google Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2015. "NEI Nuclear Notes." : "Birth Control for Insects" Using Radiation. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2015. "World Nuclear Association." The Many Uses of Nuclear Technology. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2015. "Region of Peel." Be Pesticides Aware: How Pesticides Affect the Environment. N.p., 31 Mar. 2006. Web. 17 Dec. 2015. "Gamma Ray | Physics." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2015. 12. CHAPTER 3.3. STERILIZING INSECTS WITH IONIZING RADIATION (n.d.): n. pag. Web. "Electromagnetic Radiation Propagation and Efficiency." Physics Forums. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2015. "INSECTS." INSECTS. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2015. Answers. Answers Corporation, n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2015.

Bullet Point 8- What is the most responsible way to use this (or related) energy technology?

The Nuclear technology used to sterilize insects can be used for many other things, such as medical technology, medicine, and used to accurately kill of cancer cells. These are better uses of this technology because you are not killing of an entire species of insects.

Bullet Point 7- Identify one negative environmental impact.

If all insects were to be sterilized then the entire food chain would be shattered -Possibly killing off entire species of animals --frogs, bats, venus fly traps, birds

Bullet Point 6- Identify one negative societal impact.

Humans would have stronger immune systems with bugs -If we were to get bit our immune system builds up an immunity

Bullet Point 5- Identify one positive environmental impact.

One positive environmental impact of sterilizing insects is they other plants or species to flourish.

Bullet Point 4- Identify one positive societal impact. A societal impact is something that affects people’s quality of life.

One positive impact would be that there would be no insects to eat our crops which will result in us being more healthier. We also wont get sick from certain bugs that carry disease, such as mosquitoes. For example If we sterilized all mosquitoes then they would not spread around diseases like malaria.

Bullet Point 3- What is the estimated efficiency, or improvement in efficiency?

If we were in loss less medium, space, then there would be no energy loss because there is nothing to there to decrease the energy. This means it is 100% efficient in a perfect medium. However, on the Earth is not a perfect medium because there are many factors that interact with gamma rays and electromagnetic radiation. The estimated efficiency would be 7%. due to these factors.