Kategorier: Alle - examination

af Rita Alyas 10 måneder siden


Refugee - Copy

A group of people faces a harrowing journey as they attempt to escape their homeland for a better future. Despite the dire conditions in their country, some are reluctant to leave, believing that the situation might not improve elsewhere.

Refugee - Copy

And the tanker leaves. As Señor Castillo recovers, Amara is the new captain. The passengers fall asleep, but are awaken as the boat shakes in the waves. Lito soon realizes that, "red sky at morning, sailors take warning", that a storm is coming soon.

The Bishara family are drowning. Mahmoud is trying to keep his mother and Hana above water, while his father is holding up Waleed. Mahmoud found a dinghy and tried to ask them to let him and his family on. They refuse, and they try to pry Mahmoud's fingers off. Eventually, he convinces them to take Hana. They take her, and now she, Waleed, and Youssef are gone.

Sitting in the cart labeled for Jews. Josef decided to leave and head to the German cart to buy a newspaper. He hides his armband with the Star of David and buys it, but when he takes out another coin to buy a piece of candy for Ruth, the armband slips out and he gets caught by a member of the Hitler Youth.

when Isabel started remembering her grandmother, who drowned from a large cyclone. Isabel thinks of her life like a symphony, reminiscing on her Lita.

Allowed to be let in, despite the fact that the St Louis had arrived before them. Then, Schiendick came and searched Josef's cabin, and threatened to put Aaron back in a camp.

And Mahmoud throws a tantrum. Upset, they go back to the mall to sleep, Two Turkish men say they can't sleep there unless they start paying rent. They refuse and try to sleep somewhere else, only to be yelled at by police. Mahmoud decides to go on the street and beg for a place to stay. They meet Samih Nasseer, who offers to take them. Youssef gets a text that the boat is there, Samih drives them to the spot, and this time, the boat arrived,

They take this opportunity to row to Miami's shore. Mami is giving birth during this time. The coast guard ship eventually notices them due to Mami's wails.

A missile had launched into their apartment, destroying the entire outside wall

Isabel heard glass breaking, and saw that Havana was breaking into chaos, with people shouting and protesting against Fidel Castro.

As they drive with them, the soldiers warn them of Daesh, Kurds, airstrikes, etc, before they start getting shot at. One of the soldiers gets shot and dies. The rest of the soldiers leave the car and shoot back. The Bisharas run, with just their phones, and left their car.

The people on the ship treat everyone there like people. Nobody is wearing their armbands because everyone is Jewish. While his parents stay in their cabins, Josef and Ruth meet sisters Renata and Evelyne, and play pranks with them around the ship.

Josef's father was arrested for practicing law when Jews weren't allowed to, and sent to a concentration camp

Mahmoud realizes that being visible and being invisible both have their risks. He needs to be visible right now. He walks past the Hungarian soldier guarding the door and leaves, deciding to walk to Austria. Waleed and the other children join him.

so they had a funeral at sea. Schiendick believed that they needed to follow German law and place the Nazi flag onto the body. Aaron got angry and spat on the ground Schiendick walked on.

The Landau's were assigned to France. They live in Le Mans. Josef and Ruth are in school again, and Rachel got a job doing laundry. Eight months later, Germany invades France, and they're on the run again.

The Nazis catch up to them and ask for their papers. When they found out they're Jewish, they say they'll be sent to concentration camps. Rachel tries to give the soldier money and diamond earrings for freedom. The soldier says she has enough for one of her kids to be freed and makes her choose.

And need a place to sleep. They go to a hotel and are denied, so they go to a park, where they met a Syrian boy willing to take them to a place to sleep for 10 American dollars. He tries to sell them life vests as well.

and they decide to swim for it. Everyone except Isabel, papi, and mami. Suddenly, Senor Castillo takes Isabel out of the boat. Everyone helps carry the boat to the shore. Mami gives birth and papi names him after Lito. The passengers finally reached Miami.

While the rest of the passengers are bailing water, Isabel decides to kick off the engine to get rid of some weight. Amara notices and helps her. After kicking it off, they hear a siren, and someone speaking through a megaphone, saying that they are an American Coast Guard ship and to prepare to be boarded.

Riots broke out in Syria, which led to a civil war. The ruler, Al-Assad, sent his soldiers, bombs, and tanks against his own people.

Ivan mentions naming the boat. They take turns, choosing names, before suddenly, a shark comes to their ship. Isabel escapes in time, while Ivan wasn't so lucky. In anger, Luis shoots at the ocean, which draws in more sharks, surrounding them.

Due to the Soviet Unions support leaving. Cuba is ruled by an abusive leader, Fidel Castro, who would kill his people if they tried to speak against him, or arrest them if they tried to leave, especially to the States.

Mahmoud and his family walk through the country and reach the train, before realizing it isn't there. A taxi stops them and tells them that he'll take them to Serbia. They agree, and once they reach, they're approached by another taxi that offers a trip to the Hungarian border. They agree, and the fall asleep in the taxi. When Mahmoud wakes up, the taxi driver is holding a gun to them.

Mahmoud, his brother, and another man are praying. While praying, Mahmoud realizes that when he and the other refugees are visible, they're noticed. He debates whether he should be visible in Europe or not. In Athens, Mahmoud and his family have to wait up to a week for official documents. Mahmoud's father says they can't wait up to a week, and tells them that they're going to sneak to the Macedonian border.

Afterwards, Renata and Evelyne were playing pranks and Josef decided to be responsible and tell the stewarts on them. As he went to see them, he overheard them saying that if they don't make it to Cuba before the other ships, then the passengers wouldn't be allowed to live in Cuba.

And they get out of the car. They walk the rest of the way to a bus stop and get to Horgoš to get to the Hungarian border. When they get there, they realize that they can't get in because the Hungarians were building a fence to close their border. The other refugees start surrounding the border, begging to be let in. The Hungarian soldiers fire tear gas into the crowd.

Although they are leaving the same day to meet with a smuggler to get into the EU. Youssef is looking for the rest of his family to get onto their ride.

The passengers were rioting, as they weren't allowed into Cuba. and because the ship had started moving. Captain Schroeder comes out and calls for calm, before explaining that the president wouldn't see them, and they had to leave Havana Harbor immediately and try their luck with the States. Josef has to leave his father in Cuba.

Where they get taken below-deck, where they realize that above-deck is a different world than below-deck, one where they were treated like people. Below-deck, it was the real world, where hate followed them everywhere.

Although Aaron has been traumatized in the concentration camp, which makes the Landau's, especially the children, very uneasy.

They take hostages and threaten Captain Schroeder if he takes them to Germany. Captain Schroeder calmly resolves the situation and promises to take them to England as long as they promise not to rebel again. Everyone agrees, but Josef is still unwilling to go back to Europe.

As they had reached Cuba. A doctor wants to do a medical examination on everyone, even after the captain swore oath that everyone was healthy, mentally and physically. Josef is scared that Aaron, his father, is too mentally unstable for the doctor, and that they would be rejected from Cuba, so he decides to slap Aaron and convince him that if he doesn't stay quiet, he will be sent back to Dachau.. Aaron follows the instructions, and everyone passes the medical check, but are still denied access to to Havana, they are rejected and just told "Mañana.", or tomorrow.

Isabel and the Castillo's are somber. Lito says they need to do something with the body, and everyone agrees to throw it overboard. Afterwards, Isabel searches for Ivan's industriales cap. As she takes it, Senor Castillo tells her his wish for the States, to open a restaurant with his sons. Isabel looks at the horizon, and notices Miami.

which is stressing the boats passengers. The Castillos and Papi start arguing amongst each other, before Amara resolves it. Papi suggested that two people at a time hop of the boat and cling onto it in the water to bring the weight down.

Which was actually a small dinghy. Many other Syrian refugees are on the ships with them. It's a very tight fit, but the Bisharas are happy nonetheless. Nature is merciless, it starts raining and the dinghy fills with water. Suddenly, someone shouts that they see rocks, and the dinghy hits them and the passengers and pushed into the ocean.

They're greeted with Austrians giving food, water, clean clothes, etc to the refugees. The Bisharas take a train to Vienna, then to Munich, Germany. The response is the same as from Austria, but bigger, with people giving fresh fruit and veggies and candies for the children. When asked if they were seeking refuge in Germany, Mahmoud's father replies, "Yes, a million times yes.".

Youssef Bishara came home to find his house had exploded. He takes his family to leave Syria, his plan is to drive to Turkey, sell the car, then head north to Germany. The rest of his family are hesitant, but they have no other choice.

they agreed on starting the engine and racing away. As they did, the waves swallowed the boat, and Señor Castillo fell overboard. Isabel remembers her grandmother, who died from drowning, and she swam after him.

The officers were on suicide watch, patrolling the deck. Officer Padron talked to the Landaus, comforting mom and playing games with Ruthie.

They were happily talking, imagining what the States will be like, and singing and dancing. As they were, suddenly, the motor on the boat had died.

But they aren't allowed to enter, if they touch Bahamian soil. they will be deported. Mami is sick and Lito wants her to get help in The Bahamas, but Mami refuses. The tourists hear what's going on, and they buy food and water for everyone from the cafe, and an old white lady gives Mami aspirin. Despite these kind acts, they're still sad, they're farther from Miami than ever before.

After she let Hana be taken away on the boat. As she cries, Mahmoud is trying to keep the both of them afloat. He eventually sees a dead man in a blue life jacket. He's scared it's his father, but is relieved to find out it was a stranger. He recites a funeral prayer and takes the life jacket from him. He puts in on his mother to keep her afloat.

Most of the adults are somber, except for Josef's mother. She dances alone in the dancehall, asking Josef to waltz with her. The two of them get called to the social hall, where they're told the boat is returning to Europe. Outraged, Ponzer goes to Josef to ask for help to reach the bridge to hold hostages and convince the captain to dock in America.

and comes to a realization. He wants a manana for Isabel, and everyone else on the boat. He jumps into the water and pretends to drown to distract the ship. Everyone, except Isabel, continue to row, knowing the Coast Guard ship will go for Lito first.

and a Cuban policeman jumped after him to save him. Aaron didn't want to be saved, he wants to die and escape the policeman. He had officially gone mad. Josef is worrying if they'd be let into Cuba now.

and Waleed and Youssef were in the ship as well. The ship drops them off at the island of Lesbos after saving other refugees. There were piles of lifejackets and dead bodies on the shore. There was a baby. Fatima runs to the baby and cries, thinking it's Hana, although it wasn't her. Youssef tells Mahmoud to look for any bodies with shoes in our size.

Which encourages Geraldo to leave. Isabel doesn't want him to leave, at least without her and her family. She tries to find ways to get a boat and gas for all of them to leave together.

He was barricading the door and talking to himself. Rachel decides to take Ruth to the pool and get a sleeping draught for Aaron. She lies to the doctor and says it's for herself. The doctor makes her take it in front of him and she falls sleep one she enters the cabin. Josef goes to find Ruth and bring her back, but when he returns, Aaron is gone. Josef searches for him, and finds out her jumped off the ship.

Until Luis and his girlfriend came with them, which caused the police, who were resting on the shore, to start shooting at them and coming after them. One of the bullets struck the boat, causing water to pour into it.

Him, his family, and the other refugees are sent to an immigrant detention center. They are told to be processed. When Mahmoud's father disobeys, he is beat by the soldiers. A policeman fills out a form for them. Mahmoud becomes invisible again, knowing that'll stop him from facing the soldiers wrath.

And how he believes they should've all stayed, and that even if nothing gets better in Cuba, nothing will be better in the States. He wants to stay in his homeland. Suddenly, a tanker is heading towards their boat


Chapter 53 - Mahmoud 2015

Ruth Rosenberg
Saul's wife, the host
Ruth Landau - Josef's little sister
Saul Rosenberg
Ruth's husband, the host
Old, wrinkled white skin, white hair
Living with a host family

Chapter 51 - Mahmoud 2015

After the walk to Austria
Agreed to seeking asylum in Germany
Arrived in Germany
Walked 12 hours to Austria

Chapter 48 - Mahmoud 2015

After being sent to the refugee camp
UN observers
Observing and noting the living conditions of the refugees
Looking alive for the first time since the war
Joining his brother
No longer making jokes
Searching for Hana
Sick of being invisible - left the camp to walk to Austria
Only member of his family who hasn't 'broke'
Sent to a refugee camp

Chapter 45 - Mahmoud 2015

Mahmoud is forced into a van
Getting beat by soldiers
Sent to an immigrant detention center
Forced into a van

Chapter 42 - Mahmoud 2015

Mahmoud's father gives the taxi driver the money
Slept through the whole thing
Guilty for giving away Hana
Crying, feeling powerless
At the Hungarian border
Comforting his family
Giving the taxi driver the money
Taxi driver
Mugging them, asking for 300 euros

Chapter 39 - Mahmoud 2015

After reaching Macedonia
Serbian taxi driver
Mugging the Bisharas
Olive-skinned, black haired
Carrying Waleed
Being carried
Fell asleep in the taxi - awoken to a gun aimed at him
Reached Serbia
Walking through the countryside to slip through the border

Chapter 36 - Mahmoud 2015

Wants to sneak across the Macedonian border
On the Athens ferry
Looking for Hana
Praying with his brother
Left the tent city on the Athens ferry

Chapter 33 - Mahmoud 2015

A Greek Coast Guard ship saved them
Under a thermal blanket
In the coast guard ship
Arrived at Lesbos
A Greek coast guard ship had saved them
Calling for the boat
Dazed, in and out of sleep

Chapter 30 - Mahmoud 2015

Fatima is crying
Man in blue life jacket
Died at sea, from drowning
Wailing, upset she let Hana be taken by a stranger
Afraid, trying not to drown
Comforting his mother

Chapter 27 - Mahmoud 2015

The boat had exploded, and the passengers are drowning.
Held by Youssef, his father
Holding Waleed
In Fatima's arms
Trying to save Hana from drowning
Trying to save his mother and Hana

Chapter 24 - Mahmoud 2015

The ship had finally came
After the dinghy is filled with rain, he wants to leave, to go back to Aleppo
Squeezed next to a big man, showing that the dinghy is extremely packed
Youssef Bashira
Hugging his family, excited to leave
Sitting on the boat
Stunned that the ship was actually a dinghy

Chapter 21 - Mahmoud 2015

The boat still isn't there
Samih Nasseer
Left in 1948, during the first Arab-Israeli war
Lived in Turkey for 67 years
Palestinian refugee
Didn't want Mahmoud to beg for a place to sleep
In the car
Found a man to drive them and give them a place to sleep
Kicked out of the mall
Upset at the boat not being there

Chapter 18 - Mahmoud 2015

The Bishara's are turned away from the boat
Syrian merchant boy
Sold life vests and a place to sleep to the Bishara's
Selling items to the families in the park
The smugglers
Keep telling the Bishara's that the boat will come tomorrow
Sleep in her mother's arm
Still catatonic
Staying in an abandoned yogurt shop until the boat comes
Bought the place to sleep
Upset his brother is gone
Trying to bring Waleed back from his 'emotionless' state

Chapter 15 - Mahmoud 2015

The Bisharas have made it into Turkey
Looking for Fatima, Waleed, and Hana
Was talking to a smuggler on Whatsapp who can get them into the EU
Likes the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Entered Turkey

Chapter 11 - Mahmoud 2015

Rebel soldiers join the Bisharas
Believes that everyone who doesn't believe in their beliefs deserve to die
Rebel soldiers
Being chased, one soldier died, the rest are fighting
Against Assad
All had short black beards and different colored headscarves
Some wore Adidas jerseys, leather jackets, and trackpants
Some wore camouflage shirts and pants
Wearing a black dress and a flowery hijab
Managed to save the phone
Catatonic still, unthinking
Scared, left everything behind in their car
Running from the bullets
Leaving Syria

Chapter 9 - Mahmoud 2015

The Bisharas are planning on leaving Syria
Youssef Bishara
Has a very strong sense of humor
Brought up the idea of leaving Syria
Engineer at a mobile phone company
Mahmoud's father
Ms. Sarraf
Mr. Sarraf's wife
Mr. Sarraf
Has twin daughters
Ms. Sarraf's husband
Mahmoud's neighbor
With her mother
Planning to leave Syria, but is hesitant
Managed to bring all possessions from the house
Catatonic, but uninjured
Planning to leave Syria
Injured from the explosion

Chapter 6 - Mahmoud 2015

The Bishara house had exploded
Hana Bishara
Mahmoud's little sister
Fatima Bishara
Was a nurse before his sister was born
Mahmoud's mother
Was praying and watching cartoons
His house got blown up
Was praying and doing homework

Chapter 3 - Mahmoud 2015

The Arab Spring came to Syria
Died in an airstrike
Bullied for being a Shia Muslim
Was Mahmoud's best friend
Waleed Bishara
Short black hair, thinner eyebrows, flatter nose
Mahmoud's younger brother
Is "emotionless"
10 years old
Mahmoud Bishara
Has a strong nose, thick, black eyebrows, and short black hair
Lives in Syria
Is "invisible"

Chapter 52 - Isabel 1994

After coming to Miami
Marrying Luis in the winter
Planning on becoming a police officer after getting her citizenship
Working in a dress shop
Marrying Amara in the winter
Working in a bodega
Looking for a loan for his resturant
Planning to go back to university to become an American lawyer
Saving up for their own car
Got a job driving taxis
Paid to watch kids/daycare worker
With the other kids babysat by Mami
Trying out for the orchestra
In 6th grade - in a classroom in Miami

Chapter 50 - Isabel 1994

The boat is almost at shore
Cheering them on from the Coast Guard ship
Born in Miami
Named after Lito
Isabel's little brother
Carrying Isabel to shore
Named his son after Lito
Refusing to leave mami
Worried - mami can't swim in her condition
Amara and Luis
Pushing the boat to shore
Swimming to shore
Reached Miami
Urging her family to leave her
Has given birth to Isabel's brother

Chapter 47 - Isabel 1994

Lito tells Isabel about the MS St Louis
The other passengers
Rowing for shore
Crying, not wanting to leave Lito
Jumped into the ocean to distract the Coast Guard ship
Remembering his time as a policeman

Chapter 44 - Isabel 1994

The American Coast Guard Ship goes after another raft
The ships passengers
Rowing, trying to get to Miami before the coast guard
Rowing with the other passengers
In labor, giving birth

Chapter 41 - Isabel 1994

The boat slowly starts to sink
Helping her kick it off
Knocking at the engine

Chapter 38 - Isabel 1994

After Ivan died
Suggesting to throw his body overboard
Singing a wake for Ivan
Comforting Isabel
Comforting Luis
Kicking at the engine, distraught
Comforting Senora Castillo
Doesn't want to throw his body into the sea
Crying over Ivan

Chapter 35 - Isabel 1994

While in the water
Bit by sharks, dead
In the water
In labor, experiencing contractions

Chapter 32 - Isabel 1994

The boat is sinking
Resolving the argument
Caring to mami
Arguing with his family
Feeling sad
Remembering something
Sad, hating the arguing
Trying to bail the water

Chapter 29 - Isabel 1994

The boat docks at The Bahamas
Tourists in the Bahamas
Giving them food and water, and aspirin for Mami.
Bahamian police force
Offered to let Teresa stay until she got better, then deport her to Cuba
Not allowing them to enter The Bahamas
Steering them North
Working with the engine
Wants Teresa to get help in The Bahamas
Helping Teresa
Refuses to get help in The Bahamas
Sick, with a fever
Speaking with Isabel about America
Speaking with Ivan about America

Chapter 26 - Isabel 1994

The passengers were bailing water from the boat
Isabel's Abuelita "Lita"
Died, drowned from a cyclone
Senor Castillo
White as a ghost
Senora Castillo
Controlling the motor
Thinking of his wife
Thinking of her grandmother

Chapter 23 - Isabel 1994

Isabel saves Señor Castillo from drowning
Taking over the role of captain while Señor Castillo recovered
Dumping water out of the boat
Pumping Señor Castillo stomach
Happy that his father is alive
Looking for his father
Señor Rudi Castillo
Saved by Isabel
Laying in her mother's arms
Saved him from drowning
Dove after Señor Castillo

Chapter 20 - Isabel 1994

A tanker was heading straight for them
Started the engine
Has white hair
Fell overboard
Wanted to run away from the tanker
Wants to light a match so the tanker could see them
Dived into the water after Señor Castillo

Chapter 17 - Isabel 1994

Lito is telling them about Cuba
Former president of Cuba
Guillermo Padron
Living in Miami
Mariano's brother
Pouring seawater onto the engine to cool it
Geraldo Pernandez
Trying to fix the engine
Believes that he, and everyone else, should've stayed in Cuba instead of trying to leave in the boat
Stayed in Cuba no matter what
Used to be a police officer before Fidel Castro became president
Scooping water out from the back of the boat

Chapter 14 - Isabel 1994

They are on the boat
Thinks she will be able to able to travel anywhere we want, anytime we want in the States
Clear olive skin, long black hair, full red lips
Luis' girlfriend
He thinks we will be able to choose who I vote for in the States
Thinks he will be able to play baseball for the New York Yankees and watch cartoons like the simpsons in the States
Wants to open her own law office in the states
Thinks the states will have shelves filled with food at the stores
Grumpy, tired
Considered to be the captain of the boat
Wants to be able to disagree with the government, have nobody telling him what to do, and to be free in the States
Joking, trying to make light of the situation
Told Lito that she sold her trumpet

Chapter 10 - Isabel 1994

Their families board the boat to leave Cuba
Luis' Girlfriend
Dating Luis
A policewoman on the same force as Luis
Is being chased down
Ran from the police force with his girlfriend
Señora Juaneta Castillo
Thinks that Geraldo shouldn't be complaining, as he didn't ask for them to come along
Arguing with Geraldo
Teresa Padron De Fernandez
Geraldo Fernandez
Thinks that Señor Castillo is putting everyone in danger
Scared of the police catching him
Arguing with Señor Castillo
Mariano Padron
Leaving Cuba
Worried about the water pouring into their boat
Almost got left behind
Leaving Cuba with her family

Chapter 8 - Isabel 1994

Fidel Castro is allowing people to leave cuba
Señor Castillo
Doesn't want Isabel's family to leave with them
Building a boat to leave Cuba
Juaneta Castillo
Works at a cooperative law office
Iván's mother
Doesn't want Geraldo to leave
Geraldo "Papi" Fernandez
Planning on leaving cuba
Doesn't get along with Mariano
Teresa "Mami" Padron De Fernandez
Nine months pregnant
Isabel's mother
Wanting her and the rest of her family to leave with her father
Sold her trumpet to buy gas

Chapter 5 - Isabel 1994

Havana is rioting
Luis Castillo
Stopped the policeman from attacking Isabel's father
A policeman
Iván's older brother
Mariano "Lito" Padron
Isabel calls him lito, short for abuelito
Found Isabel and her father
Isabel's father "Papi"
Needs to leave Cuba tonight
Was getting beat by a policeman
Isabel “Chabela” Fernandez
Chabela is a nickname given by her grandfather
Found her father being beat by an angry policeman
Was looking for her father and grandfather while Havana was rioting

Chapter 2 - Isabel 1994

Cuba is poor and lacking in food
Isabel's grandfather
Lining up for food in Havana with Isabel's father
Isabel's father
Lining up for food in Havana with Isabel's grandfather
Was arrested before
Iván's father
Building a boat with Iván to leave Cuba
Iván Castillo
Isabel's best friend
Isabel Fernandez
Plays trumpet for Pesos
Living in Cuba
11 years old

Chapter 49 - Josef 1939

The Landaus are hiding in a schoolhouse in Vornay.
Nazi soldier
Only allowing one child to be free
Trying to buy their way out with money and jewelry
Cornered by Nazis
Wanting to go to Switzerland for refuge
Hiding in Vornay

Chapter 46 - Josef 1939

France, Belgium, Holland, and Britain accepted the refugees.
Got a job doing people's laundry
Going to kindergarten for the first time
In a class for 1st graders to learn French
Living in Le Mans
Assigned to France

Chapter 43 - Josef 1939

Josef leads the mutineers to the bridge
Promising to bring them to Europe
Resolving the situation
The other mutineers
Threatening the sailors and helmsman
Taken as a hostage
The first officer of the ship
Taking over the ship
Taking a hostage
Helping Ponzer take over the ship

Chapter 40 - Josef 1939

When they dock in America
Asking for Josef's help to get hostages on the bridge
Enraged at the news
Head of Comittee
Delivering the news of their return to Europe
Talking about her older brother
Dancing alone in the dancehall
Looking for his mother

Chapter 37 - Josef 1939

After Renata and Evelyne left
Stuck in Cuba
Blames herself for his suicide attempt
Absent like Josef's father
Captain Schroeder
Explaining why the ship is moving
Dr. Aber
Lives in Cuba - taking his daughters with him
Renata and Evelyne's father
Leaving with her father
Confused, along with the other passengers, about why Renata and Evelyne got to leave and they didn't

Chapter 34 - Josef 1939

After Aaron's attempt
Talking with Padron
Sedated after his attempt
Worrying about her husband
Officer Padron
Playing games with Ruthie and Josef

Chapter 31 - Josef 1939

Aaron had jumped overboard
Cuban policeman
Saved Aaron
Jumped after Aaron
Would rather die than be with his family
Wants to die to escape the 'murderers'
Screaming incoherently
Jumped overboard
Can't swim
Wants to save his father

Chapter 28 - Josef 1939

Aaron had gone crazy
Swimming in the pool
Had to take it herself in front of the doctor
Left to get a sleeping draught for Aaron
Jumped off the ship
Barricading the cabin door, messing up the cabin again
Looking for her father
Picked up Ruth
Watching his dad, alone

Chapter 25 - Josef 1939

Many other ships anchored at Cuba
Otto Schiendick
Giving payback to Aaron
Searching the Landau's cabin with his Nazi friends
Crying after the cabin was searched
Upset that Josef lied, and how the Nazis came for him
His parents cabin needed to be searched

Chapter 22 - Josef 1939

The MS St.Louis threw a party
Cuban doctor
Doing a medical examination on all of the passengers
Comforting Aaron
Traumatized, convinced the doctor would send him back to Dachau if he draws attention to himself
Stayed in the cabin, believing it was another nazi trick
Stunned that Josef slapped Aaron
Running around the party
Convinced Aaron that the doctor was a nazi in disguise in order to make sure he says quiet and not act mentally unstable.
Worried that the doctor would think Aaron was too mentally disturbed for Cuba
Danced with his mother

Chapter 19 - Josef 1939

A man had died at sea
Captain Schroder
Disagrees with Schiendick
Long curly black hair, white dress
Professor Weiler's wife
Otto Schiendick,
Wants to put the Nazi flag on Professor Weiler's body
Nazi party leader
Professor Weiler
Old, sickly
Died at sea from cancer
Staying in the cabin
Spat on the ground next to Schiendick
Left the cabin for the first time in 11 days
At the funeral

Chapter 16 - Josef 1939

The kids, including Josef were taken on a tour of the ship
Horst Wessel Song
The anthem of the Nazi party
He, and the other crew members below-deck support Hitler and the Nazi beliefs
Was the same man that was angry that the Hitler portrait was taken down
Petty Officer Jockl
Toured the below-deck of the MS St.Louis
Captain Gustav Schroder
Toured the above-deck of the MS St.Louis
Lied to Josef
Unusually quiet on the tour due to the crew deckj
Realized that the hate follows them everywhere
On a tour of the MS St.Louis with the other kids

Chapter 13 - Josef 1939

Josef has had his Bar Mitzvah
Skipped Josef's Bar Mitzvah
Playing pranks in the women's restroom
Gustav Schroeder
The ships captain
Attending Josef's Bar Mitzvah
Refuses to attend Josef's Bar Mitzvah
Still very paranoid
Worried about where his family will go if Cuba rejects them
Trying to become more responsible, telling on Renata and Evelyne after their prank
Believes that having a Bar Mitzvah doesn't make him an adult, but being responsible does
Very excited about becoming an adult
Having his Bar Mitzvah

Chapter 10 - Josef 1939

The Landaus are on board the MS St.Louis
Evelyne Aber
Renata's sister
Renata Aber
Playful, prankster
About Ruth's age, 6 years old
Her mother chose to stay in Germany
Traveling alone to see her father in Cuba
Evelyne's sister
Playing pranks with Josef, Renata, and Evelyne
Stays by Aaron's side
Having his Bar Mitzvah on the next Shabbos
Enjoying his time on the MS St.Louis
Playing pranks with Ruth, Renata, and Evelyne
Hasn't left his room for 5 days

Chapter 1 - Josef 1938

Nazis invade their home
Ruth "Ruthie" Landau
6 years old
Ruthie is her nickname
Josef's little sister
Josef's mother
12 years old
Jewish, living in Germany
Josef's father

Chapter 4 - Josef 1938

The Landau's boarded the train
Hitler Youth
Teaches boys to mistreat Jewish people
A group that all German boys had to join, if they didn't they were shamed and mistreated
Member of the Hitler Youth
Used to be Josef's best friend
Got caught by a Hitler Youth
On the train car, leaving for Hamburg to go on a ship to Cuba
Just got out of the concentration camp, waiting in Hamburg to board the ship to Cuba

Chapter 7 - Josef 1939

The Landau's had left the train and got on the boat
Ruth Landau
Rachel Landau
On the MS.St Louis with his family
Aaron Landau
Scared, paranoid
Shabby, skinny, with all of his hair shaved
Josef Landau
Happy to be treated like people again
Afraid of his father
On the MS St.Louis with his family