af Zach Cox 2 år siden
Russia AOS2 - Consequences of the Revolution
The period leading up to and following the Russian Revolution was marked by significant events that shaped the course of Russian history. The timeline includes pivotal moments such as the onset of World War I, where Germany declared war on Russia, leading to major battles like Tannenburg and Masurian Lakes, resulting in heavy Russian losses.
Russia AOS2 - Consequences of the Revolution 1917 October Revolution (25th-26th October Bolshevik Central Committee meets to discuss whether to seize power from the Provisional Government (10 Oct, 1917) All Power to the Soviets (25th Sept, 1917) Kornilov Affair (19th - 30 August) July Days, (3-6 July) Kerensky June Offensive (18th June - 2nd July, 1917) April Thesis (3-4th April, 1917) Abdication of Tsar (2nd March 1917) Soviet Order No 1 (1st March, 1917) Provisional Committee assumes authority (27th Feb, 1917) Petrograd Soviet formed (27th Feb, 1917) Duma defies Tsar's order to disband (26th Feb, 1917) International Woman's Day marches (23rd Feb, 1917) Putilov Steelworks strike (18th January, 1917) 150,000 demonstrate in memory of Bloody Sunday (9th Jan, 1917) 1916 Rasputin murdered (16 Dec, 1916) Brusilove Offensive (4th June-20th Sept, 1916) 1915 Tsar dismisses fourth Duma after progressive Bloc calls for reform (2nd Sept, 1915) Tsar Nicholas II takes charge of the armed forces
(22nd Aug, 1915) 1914 Germany declares war on Russia
(1st Aug, 1914) Battle of Tannenburg (28-31st Aug, 1914) Russian army defeated at Masurian lakes (15th Sept, 1914) 1912 Fourth Duma opens (15th Nov, 1912) Lena minefield massacre (4th Nov, 1912) 1911 Stolypin assassinated 1907 Third Duma opens (7 Nov, 1907) Second Duma dissolved (3 June, 1907) Second Duma opens (20th Feb, 1907) 1906 Fundamental Laws passed
(23rd April, 1906) First Duma (27th April, 1906) First Duma dissolved (8th July, 1906) 1905 October Manifesto (17th Oct, 1905) St Petersburg paralysed by general strike
(14 Oct, 1905) Bloody Sunday massacre
(9th Jan, 1905) Major strikes in St Petersburg
(7-8 January, 1905) 1904 Japanese attack on Port Arthur in China sparks the Russo-Japanese War (8th Feb, 1904) 1896 Coronation of Tsar Nicholas II
(14th May, 1896)