Kategorier: Alle - enrichment - metadata - repositories - information

af Arnaud Bailly 13 år siden



The text outlines various functionalities and roles associated with handling and organizing information, particularly within a system designed to enhance document accessibility and manage data.



Organize Experts Communities

Request modification on a document

Notify errors found while searching

Find documents for an author

Find documents linked to some people's profile

Find documents for some named entity
Find experts for a theme

Identify users undertaking same search queries

Visualize experts with same profile than me

Lookup people according to a theme

Find documents according to author's attributes
Manage personal classfication

Annotate several documents "en masse"

Annotate a document

Get feedback from users on expertise classifications
Readership (link readers to themes)

Extract theme per reader from DB

Authorship (link employees to expertise themes)

Infer theme per author from documents

Extract theme per author from a DB

Make Information More Accessible

Deploy new enrichments
Normalize metadata

Apply arbitrary transformations on metadata

PES Fonctional Administrator
Modify security properties

Recrawl ACLs only

Enrich a document to apply ACL modifications

Fix enrichment errors

Fix several documents in bulk

Fix one document

Fix named entities

Blacklist some document

Define blacklisting rules to enrich documents

Apply blacklisting on 1 doc

Model enrichment rules

Query existing documents

Find users making same searches
Reduce search scope

Suggest more specific queries

Filter results per named entities

Filter results per enriched metadata

Identify similar documents
Find documents for a theme
Expand search scope

See also...

Extend query

Define classfication scheme

Define classification according to queries on content

Define classification schemes according to metadata

Tag documents according to some clustering on sample

Create links between documents

Select meta-data to denormalize

Idenitfy links between docs

Exploit existing repositories

Enrich document from an existing repository

Maintain repositories
Secure repositories
Create repositories

edit repositories content

manage access rights of repositories

Import/export existing repositories

Apply a classification scheme

Enrich documents according to classification scheme

Reduce Information Cost

Knowledge Manager
Delete unneeded data sources

measure access frequency

measure data aging

Identify duplicates