Kategorier: Alle - calendar - verbs - pronouns - house

af trinity sullivan 8 år siden


Spanish 1 Review

This content serves as a review for beginner Spanish students, covering essential aspects of the language such as vocabulary and grammar. It includes parts of a house, providing terms like "

Spanish 1 Review

Spanish 1 Review

Present tense ir

Nosotros/Nosotras - imos


traje - suit
abrigo - coat
falda - skirt
cinturón - belt
sombrero - hat
Camisa - shirt


manzana - apple
arroz - rice
pan - bread
huevo - egg


lunes - monday
año - year
día - day
martes - tuesday

Subject Pronouns

Usted - you(form.)
Ustedes - you (plural)
Ellos - they (masc)
Ellas- they(fem)
Tú -you(inform.)
Él - He
Nosotros - We
Ella - she
Yo - I

Present tense er

Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes (plural subjects) - en
Nosotros/Nosotras - emos
Él/Ella/Usted (singular subject) - e
Tú - es

Present tense ar

Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes (plural subjects) - an
Nosotros/Nosotras - amos
Él/Ella/Usted (singular subject) - a
Tú - as
Yo - o


Manejar - to drive
Caminar - to walk
Nadar - to swim
Mirar - to look
Leer - to read
Estudiar - to study
Limpiar - to clean
Hablar - to talk
Abrazar - to hug
Besar - to kiss
Vivir - to live
Beber - to drink
Comer - to eat
Correr - to run

Parts of a house

almohada - pillow
sala de estar - living room
baño - bathroom
mesa - table


adulto - adult
persona - person
señorita - Miss
señor - Mr
niño - boy
nina - girl
muchacha - young womanl
muchacho - young man

Times of the Day

mañana - tomorrow/ morning
noche - night
tarde - afternoon
mediodía - noon/ midday