Kategorier: Alle - access - payment - dashboard

af Gregorius Melwati Waturu 2 år siden



The document outlines the conditions and procedures for managing a specific feature within a system, referred to as EP. It details various states of the EP feature, such as being turned off or on, and how these states affect its visibility on the dashboard.



RPY-961: [Web] As an active user, I can have a straightforward calculation before making EP so that I can decide which loans I will make EP

RPY-956: As an active user, I can have a straightforward calculation before making EP so that I can decide which loans I will make EP

Form EP
Button Selanjutnya

Direct to Confimartin page

Show action card "Apa itu Pembayaran Lunas Awal?"

Show text "Apa manfaat nya Lunas Awal?"

Show text "Anda dapat melunasi semua sisa cicilan untuk pinjaman berjalan lebih awal dengan mengajukan pembayaran Lunas Awal."

Show title "Apa itu Lunas Awal?"

Show amount Total Tagihan (Subtotal Tagihan - Prepayment)
Show icon information

Show buttomsheet

Show detail "Contoh skema:"

Show content "Prepayment adalah kelebihan bayar dari cicilan sebelumnya atau pembayaran yang Anda lakukan sebelum jatuh tempo."

Show title "Apa itu Prepayment?"

Show text "Prepayment"
Show amount "Subtotal Tagihan"
Show text "Subtotal Tagihan"
Show title section "Detail Pembayaran"

Show all selected bill from Pilih Tagihan Section

Show list loan


Show navigation (chevron) icon

Direct to Detail Pinjaman page

Show amount Sisa Tagihan

Show text "Sisa Tagihan"

Show text "Loan Type + Ref Number"

Show checkbox

Enabled second loan

Selected second loan

Enabled next loan

Selected first loan in disabled mode

Show info box "Pastikan Anda pilih....."
Show sub-title "Pilih dari Pinjaman Aktif yang ingin Anda melunasi."
Show title "Pilih Tagihan"

RPY-957: As an active user, I can submit an EP request so that my upcoming payment can be processed as an EP

Confirmation Page
Button Bayar Tagihan

Payment Page

Cara Pembayaran Section

Button Chevron

Chevron up

Show step to step how to pay

Chevron down (Default)

Title : Cara Pembayaran

Nomor Rekening Section

Bank Account Name Format: a/n BANK AMAR INDON/Nixin Berlin

Bank Account Number

Text Nomor Rekening

Total Tagihan Section

Button Salin

Show link text "OK"

Close snackbar

Show snackbar "Total Tagihan tersalin"

Text Link Detail Tagihan

Show Text Prepayment

Title "Detail Tagihan"

Nominal Total Tagihan

Text "Total Tagihan"

Type of bank amar payment method : "Internet & Mobile Banking"

Bank Name : "Bank Amar"

Icon Bank Amar

Title Page "Pembayaran Lunas Awal"

Button back to dashboard page

Info Box in Yellow Colour

There are no unselected box

Hide info box

There are at least 1 unselected box

Content : "Jangan lupa bayar sisa tagihan bulanan Anda sebesar +"total unpaid of all unselected loans"+ sebelum tanggal +dueDate this month"

Title : "Selesaikan pembayaran dalam 24 jam kedepan."

Detail Pembayaran Section

Show amount of "Total Tagihan"

Show text "Total Tagihan"


Have No Prepayment

Hide Prepayment section

Have Prepayment

Show Amount of Prepayment

Show Icon Info Prepayment

Click Icon Info Prepayment

Show Bottom Sheet Prepayment

Show Text "Prepayment"

Show amount of Subtotal Tagihan

Show text Subtotal Tagihan

Show amount Sisa Tagihan (BE, object: earlyPaymentAmount)

Show text "Sisa Tagihan + Ref Number Loan"

Show text "Type loan + Ref Number Loan"

Title "Detail Pembayaran"

Title "Konfirmasi"
Button Back to EP Form

RPY-959: Feature Access Limitation

EP is set to turned off
Hide EP Card on Dashboard
EP is set to turned on
Show EP Card on Dashboard


Payment expired


Payment paid

Payment received

Payment is overpaid

Overpaid < 100K & Overpaid >=20K

Overpaid > 100K

Auto refund

Payment is underpaid

EP submitted is not expired

Show card waiting payment

Show "Bayar Sekarang" button

Counter expired time Format: HH:mm:ss

Show text "Batas Akhir Pembayaran"

Show amount jumlah

Total Tagihan - Prepayment

Show text "Jumlah yang harus dibayar"

Show title "Menunggu Pembayaran Lunas Awal"

EP submitted is expired

Loan unsuccessfully paidback

Loan successfully paidback

Payment in process (paidback delayed)

Show alert box paidback delayed

Show text "Harap tunggu maksimal 1x24 jam."

Show icon info

Show content "Kami telah menerima pembayaran Anda."

Show title "Pembayaran Lunas Awal sedang diproses"


Show alert box payment expired

Show text link "Ajukan Kembali"

Direct to EP form

Show content "Kami belum menerima pembayaran Lunas Awal Anda. Silakan ajukan lagi."

Show title "Batas akhir pembayaran kedaluwarsa"

Show icon close

Click icon close

Hide alert box

Click EP card


Show image


Due date < D-6 from today

Show intro page

Show list FAQ

Show text "Perlu kebutuhan lainnya?"

Show text "Kenapa pelunasan lebih awal?"

Show text Ajukan pada 6 hari sebelum jatuh tempo tagihan dan pastikan tidak ada tunggakan.

Show title "Layanan ini akan tersedia di jatuh tempo berikutnya"

Show hand holding money image

Show back button

Direct to Dashboard

Due date >= D-6 from today

Has not VA Amar Bank

Show bottomsheet

Show action card "Lunasi pinjaman lebih awal..."

Direct to..........

Show text "Silakan hubungi CS..."

Show info box

Show text "Anda dapat melunasi semua sisa cicilan...."

Show envelope icon

Box color is blue

Show Title "Pembayaran Lunas Awal"

Has VA Amar Bank

Waiting payment

Show popup message

Show text link "Bayar Sekarang"

Direct to payment page

Show text link "Ok"

Popup will be disappear

Show content "Layanan Lunas Awal akan tersedia....."

Show title "Perhatian"

Have not submitted EP

Direct to Form EP page

PDF Paidback has LMT Active
Autodebet BCA
PDF Active has LMT Offer
PDF Indebt
PDF Active

RPY-940: [Web] Add format validation for VA before requesting payment plan on E-commerce payment

Input VA with first 3 digits not "887" or "896"
Input VA with first 3 digits is "887" or "896"
Click Pilih Cicilan button

VA not valid

Show error message "Nomor virtual account salah/tidak ditemukan. Silakan periksa kembali"

VA is valid

Direct to Choose Limit page